DocketNumber: S-65
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1953
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Hon. Austin F. Anderson Criminal District Attorney Bexar County Courthouse San Antonio, Texas Opinion No. S-65 Re: Several questio.narespect- ing the management and supervision of the finan- cial accounts of a rural Dear Sir: high school district. You have requested the advice of this office in regard to several questions respecting the management and supervision of the financial accounts of a rural high school district. Answering each question specifically we advise you as follows: "1. Who is responsible for keeping finan- cial accounts in a Rural High School District?" Article 2922k, Vernon's Civil Statutes, places the immediate control of a rural high school district in its board of school trustees. The most important func- tion concerning control is that of spending the funds belonging to the district. Article 2922 1, Vernon's Civil Statutes, gives to the board of a rural high school district the power to levy and collect taxes on the pro- perty in the district for the maintenance of the Bchoo~ therein. Such tax when collected is to "be deposited in the county depository to the credit of such rural high school district." Article 29221, Vernon's Civil Statutes, authorizes a rural high school district board of trustees to select from among its members a president and secretary. All funds belonging to the district are to be paid out on warrants issued by the secretary and signed by the secretary and pP2Bident. The secretary must keep a com- plete itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Thus it can be seen that the responsibility for keeping the financial accounts rests in the board of trustees, and ministerially in its member-secretary. Hon. Austin F. Anderson,,page 2 (s-65) "2. May the County Superintendent legally require a Rural High School District to fur- nish invoices on all bills before approving warrants Eroperly dram by a Rural High School District? The case of Palmer Publishing Company v. Smith,130 Tex. 346
,109 S.W.2d 158
(1937). holds that the county superintendent has authority-to decide as to the legality of the form of vouchers dram against the school fund of his county, and even has authority to inquire into the legality of thenlnd?btedness represented by such voucher. However,.the county 'superintendent,mayonly determine if the bo,ardof trustees act,edwithin the scope of its authority in each debt it incurred and paid. If the special facts and circumstanoes of each a,ctsubmitted to him for his approval give.riae to no,valid reaso,nor ground in law for his refusal, then it is his official duty to approve the actssubmitted. Peevy v. Carlile,135 Tex. 132
, 139,S.v;2d 779 (1940); Att'y Cen. Op. 6-2454 (1940); Att'yGen., Op. V-43-(1947). "3. Is the Depository,Bank for county 6,choolfunds,required~t,o, furnish a deposi- tory report ea~chyear, o,nthe transa,ctio,nB of e,achRural High S,choo.l Distriot in the coipty, or may they make a combined report for all the district?" Article 2922 AX V.C.S., requires all taxe,swhen ,oollectedto be deposited in,the county depo.aitoryto the district. All'othr ,credit of such rural high ,achool, funds belonging to,the district must also be depos,ited in the county depository. Article 2922.j,Vernon',?Civil Statutes. Article 2830, Vernon's Civil Statutes. reouires the county treasurer (depository) to keep a 'sepa$ate‘ac- count wi,theach diBtriC,t. As an incident of the duty of the sec,retaryof a rural high sc,hooldistri,ctt,okeep a ,comple,teitemized aqcount of al,1receipts and disburee- menta he must obtain such infor,mationfrom the depo,sitory, since mos,tof the funds depo,sit,edto the di,strictlsac- count are deposited by the tax collector or county super- intendent,. It is the duty of the depository to furnish such information to the secretary of the rural high school district whenever the secretary re,quest~ait. Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 3 (S-65) "4. May the Scho,o,l B,oardof a Rural High School.District 'de,cide, on the form of warrant used, .s,o long a,sit conforms to standard banking p,ractices,and has a place for the Count% Superintendent to indicate his approval? The responsibility for keeping financial ac- counts 1s with the board of trustees. This responsibilit,y carries with it the right t,oprescribe the forms to be used by the s,ec~retary in is,suingwarrants as well as in recording all r,eceiptsand di,sburse,ments,, ,exceptwhere ,statutepres~c~ribes the form or plac,esthe responsibility of prescribing it on some oth,erofficial. The general respo,nsibilit,y of managing the financial business of a rural high ,school district, and everytkiing'in(!ident~l'~th:ereto, is ve,stedin its board of trustees, subject 'cothe approyal of the,co,unty,superintendent in regard to the validity of its,acts. Yours very truly, APPROVED: JOHN BEN SHEPPERD Att0rne.yGeneral J. C. ,Davis, Jr. County Affairs Division C. K. Richards: BY Reviewer Burnell Waldrep Executive Assistant John Ben Shepperd Att,orneyGeneral BEL:am