DocketNumber: S-75
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1953
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
July 29, 19% Hon. Robert S. Calvert Comptroller of Fubllc Accounts Capitol Station Austin, Texas Opinion No. S-75 1 Re: Valldlty of a contract for prlntlng and stationery for the Legislature which ya6 not let on competitive bida and approved by the Qouernor, Secretary of State.,and Comptroller of Public Ac- counts prior to performance Dear Wcr Calvert: under said contract. You have requested an opinion on the following questions: "l.~Does the Legitilaturehave $he authority to provide for s~tatloneryand prlnt- lng, binding, equipment, and secure repalrs for the use of the Legislature without the '"'lettingof a contract upon competitive bids? "2,.IP contracts must be let for,prlnt- lng and binding, do they require appro.val of the Covernor, Secretary of State, and. Comptroller? “3. If the above listed Items must be obtained or performed under contract, doea Article 616 aleo apply? "4. After a regular aontract has been let to the lowest responsible bidder for all stationery,prlntlng and binding, and the repa,lrlngand the furnishingthe halla~and . . Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (S-75) rooms used for the meeting of the Leglsla- lx+ and Its committees,should the Leglsla- ., ture disregard the regtilar‘kontkatit and pur- chase any or all of the Items,listed above from a person other than the lowest bidder in the regular contract and at a price equal to or less than the price set out In the regular contract, would the Governor, .Secretaryof State, and Comptrollerbe author- ized to approve this last purchase by the Legislatureand would such approval author- ize the Issuance of warrants In payment of a claim for such purchases?" Section 21 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, ~provldeti: "All stationery and printing, except proelamatlonsand such printing as may be done at the Deaf,and Dumb Asylum, paper, and fuel used In t~heLegislatureand other de- partments of the government, except the Judicial Department,,shallbe furnished, and the printing and binding of the laws, journals *y,and department report,s,and all othe,rprlnt- lng and bfndlng and the repairing and fur- nishing the halls and,rooms used for the meetings of the Legislatureand lts~commlttees,, shall be performed under ,contrabt,to be' given to the lowest responslble,bidder,below such n+xlmum price, and under such regulations, as shall be preacrlbed by lay,. No member or offioer of any departmentof the gov.ernment shall be In any way InterestedIn such con- tract; and all such contracts shall be sub- ject to the approval of the Governor, Secre- tary of State and Comptroller." The provisions above quoted~are mandatory and the approval of the Governor, Secretary of State and Comptroller Is essential to the validity of any contract govkrned by Its provisions. Teer v. Mcknn,65 S.W.2d 362
(Tex.Clv.App.1933). In State v. Steck Co..,236 A-. Hon. Robert S. CBlveet, page, 3,(S-75) ,S.V.2d 866 (Tex.Clv,Apti. 19511 errorrei.) the 00wf held Invalid a contract for the manufacture of clgarette:,tq atampe which had note .been let on. a mmpetit~ive .-bid bsrrla and me not approved,’ thb:.Oo+rnW,, Secretary *of .Btat,e, and Comptroller. The Court s:tated: 11. , . There the CQurt~f~ur$d ~tl%eEtiw , .were “I*anufaotured’.; if 80, then the oqn- pact 3’or their nuihutW,Wre~Creae~reWlmd. .W be awerd,ed ‘in the manner provided in ~+iPt. ‘, 7047e-1,Set, 3, mpra.. If sprinted, .then ~,.suchcontmat ,wa# required. $0 be 8wmdql fn the’ manner, ~movlded: IWthat Artiale aq! ,*$a``,, Art, XVI.,,.sec. 23 ,of ,me conati$ution,. mwrh .: “A . . .,,,. !,. .,..I II. . . . In ~m&ng the $$mtrao*, baiozku&, ..~the ofricera, of ‘th&,Stat;e. .jmild exeralee only ‘: those pouem upnferred on thetu by the law .qi . the Statue, and the power t,o’make;the son- ,$rac,t., .aa it: war,,mde,. .ia., not ~$ravided !+ that ‘Im, fo&q~,whlqh”reaeon..a ~l@gal.``~lg8~ ,tlon ‘against the Stafe~ was not : oLyBe$sd‘%y the umiuthoalaed cont$met,., tilid,ap,pe&&W!,& $m:yaa not grovidod i?or by .,m?-exNting PO& North :CavaUr Club, a, ;SheM,:.;, 125 GOX. 339, 83 S.N..?d~66Ol..Au&ln ,N&lenal Bank v.’ Sheppard, 123 'Tex,, ~272`` 71,S42d ~ 2421 Nlcholr v. State, 11 TexXiv~iApp., 327, 32 &W.W.‘45% Er&M’.i State v~. .Psrl+ln. ’ Tqx.CIv.App~., 79 S.W.2d143,.Br.Dio. In ~vliw tir the foregciing qe, at&qW &ii Wu? tm0 (~0~ ~r0iww.: .* l., The Legislature doer no+ have authoritY t;o provide for stationery and printing,. binding, QQIPipauti`` and repairs Sclr the we ot the I@girl,atW?e Withput. ,%&O letting of a c.ontraot upon oom&iz,$abl,@. N+C@I&, hart, XVI, Seo.21; Teer. V, MC 1 &tiate v.~ S&a* co., aupra. 2. Such contrapts mua* b@ ~approyad ,by .&he Governor, Sewetary of estate and ComptrolJej?,. ?peSr Q ~.McOsnn, supra
. . .,’ ‘\ . f *: ._ - Bon. Robert S. Calver,t,page 4 (.S-75). ,~’ s 3,*-Article 616; Vernon’s ``.tii’l Statutee; ap- pl~les@ ,suohcontrac~ts for printing and atatlonery. How- ever, the CoinptrQ43er can only ,approve:suohacoounts.if the contract‘Wet+“th.e requiremeats of Se&&n 21’of :Article XVI of the Constitutionof Texas. ,- ‘. : ~4.’ Supplies,atidse,rvicesenumerated.inSection 21 ‘of Article XVI bf:the Constitutiono’f.Texas‘.oannot be purcha,sed,, from~anyone ,whodde~snot hold a ootiract there- for which has been let on competitivebids and which has been approved by the Governor, Secretary of .State,and ComptrolY.f3, even though’,the price’pa~idWnot In excess of the ‘regulardo,ntractprice then lriforce ,for similar supplies. and.zaez%Lces. If additional sup&ies or services not covered by th,eoriginal contrac.tare needed, 8,new contract must be entered into for such addltlonal suppl,les or services in.compliancewith Section 21 of,Article XVI of the Cotisti.tut$o$‘~ ‘State, %?.~’ ~S$eckCo.., ,suwa. . .sup@f&qy ~:. .: ~‘~ .,, :’ Section 21.of.Art+zle m, ‘of’ th&o&stl- tution ef Teixasrequires that statxiwqry.and’ prin,ting, ;bbitid,ing, and the’*ng, and.furnish- ing of ~thi? ~:hal,ls and rooms used,for meCinga. of the’Legi~slature ,be.‘furnishedby the l$&Wtig~of con.traM% o;zi bids ~jindthat Che con- Wacta ‘be, approved by.1th.e~Governor,Secretary :: of ~‘, ,‘.’ APPROVED: ~>>, .,.I~.,.y,, B. Duncan Davis County Affairs Division ‘; Mary E. Wall Reviewer ‘~ Robert S.,Trot&. , First Assistant John Ben,Shepperd AttorneysGjneral. JR:am .: