Hon. Darwin L. Wilder Opinion No, S-49 County Attorney Denton County Re: Le allty under Article Denton, Texas 68 V.P.C I of the giving of a valuable prize by means of a drawing for which anyone is eligible to register in the donor’s store at nc cost, partici- pants not being required Dear Mr. Vilder: to be present at drawing. You have requested our opinion as to the legality under Article 654 of Vernon ‘6 Penal Code of a plan described I by you as fol3ows : “Facts: The local Safeway Stores advertise that they would give away, free, at a drawing, a ‘Nelly-Belle’ jeep. This was ‘a promotion scheme to increase the sale of Post cereals. Snfeway sells Post Cereals and as, a result of the advertising of the give away drawing, their sales were increased thereby. To be eligible for the drawing, patrons of the store was re- quested to enter building and register. There was nothing to buy - anyone could register. The winner did not have to be present at drawing to win.” This office considered a similar plan not to be In violation of such Article In Opinion No. v-167, dated April 28, 1947, a copy of which Is attached hereto. That opinion was approved on page 4 of Opinion No. v-1564, dated December 23, 1952, a copy of which also Is attach’ed hereto. The Court of Criminal Appeals has recently held that another similar pUa does not violate such artiole. In Brice v. State, 242 S.W.26 433, 435 (Tex. Grim. 1951), the Court; said : Hon. Darwin L. Wilder, page 2 (S-49) "Under the authorities mentioned, we must conclude that in the absence of any charaoter of favoritism shown to customers, the lottery statute, Art, 654, P~c., is not violated under a plan whereby a merchant awards a prlse or prizes by chance to a registrant, wfth@ut re- quiring any registrant to be a customer or to purchase merchandise or to do other than regls- ter without charge at the store, though the donor may receive a benefit from the drawing in the way of advertising." It is the opinion of this office that the plan sub- mitted by you, as outlined above, does not violate Article 654 V.P.C* SUMMARY The giving of a valuable prise by means of a drawing for which anyone Is eligible to register in the donor86 store at no cost, no favoritism being shown, and partloipants not being required to be present at the draw- ing, does not constitute a lottery la vlola- tloa of Article 654 V.P.C. APPROVED: Yours very truly, V. F. Taylor JOHNBEN SEEPPERD State Affairs Dlvlslon Attorney ffsneral Wlllis E, Gresham Reviewer Burnell walarep Reviewer Robert S. Trotti First Assistant John Ben sheppera Attorney General JA/rt Encls.