DocketNumber: V-1506
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1952
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
August II, I952 Hon. G. Frank W````PJES Plreme``s Pension Comleeloner 702 Trlbune``BulIdlng Austin, Texas Oplnlon Bo. v-1506 Re: Effeot of a m%mlage and subeequeut%mnal- luentthereof upon the pension ellglbllltyof Dear Mr. Wllllam~: a flremmcs vldov, Your request for an opinion reads in part a8 follovs: "The Pension Law speolfles that upon the death of a Fireman vho 1s drsvlng a pension, his widov shall reoelve her pro rata part of hle pension, . . . '60 long 8s she remain a wf%ow. . . .' "Ue have a vldow vho drev her pro rata part of her huaband'B pension for approxlmate- ly five months; she remarried and aboutseven months later secured a Decree of Annulment In the District Court of Tarrant County, Texaa. "The above mentioned widow has now made appllcatlon to her local Penalon Board to be reinstated aa the vldow of the deceased Flre- m%n and that her penelon payments be reswved inasmuch a8 she claims the Courts set aside the purportednuwriage a8 'held for naught.'" The decree of annulment mentioned in your letter provides: "It Is thereforeOrdered, Adjudged and Decreed by the court that the purported m%r- rlage entered into betveen the plaintiff and defendant on or about the 5th day of July, 1951, be, and the same hereby is, diaaolved, annulled, set aside and held for naught beaauae of the natural and Incurable impotenceof de- fendant at the time of the purported uriiage , Hon. 0. Frank Williams, page 2 (V-1506) and eny and all other grounds alleged in plaintifflspetition, and that said mar- risge is in nowlse binding upon the plaintiff." Your question is whether after the snnulment decree above mentioned the widow Is entitled to rein- statement of the psnslon. Article 4628, V.C.S., provt%es tbet: relation may be dissolved "The ~lmrrrfsge vhere the causes slleged therefor shall be pstuml or lnmmsble ,intpotency of body at the time of entering Into the marriage contract, or auy other lmpe6lmentthat renders such contract void, and the court m%y decree the marriage to be null and void. Section I.2of Article 6243e, V.C.S., provides: "If any member of any dep%rtas?nt,as herein defined, vho h%a been retired on %llow%noe be- came of length of service or dlsablllty,shall thereafter die from sny oause vhstsoever;,or If vhlle In service, my member shall die from sny oaase growing out of and/or in consequen&eof the performanceof his duty; or ehall die from any oatzsewhatsoeverafter he has becomeentitled to say allowaaoe or pension certificateand,ahell leave survlvltxga vldow, a child or obllW%n un- der the age of eighteen (18) yeams cm 8 dependent pment, said Bd%rd of Trusteesmshallorder~pald ;o~t~lays%;~c~s%follows: (a) to the vldow, tl&? e wldow and provi%ecdshe shall h%ve married such number prffior to his re- tirement, a mm equel to one-third of the aver- age monthly salary of the deceased at the tlnieof his retirement 0% allovanae or death; . . ." (Zmphaslsadded.) The Texas Courts have not considered the effeet of the annulment of a seoond msrrlage upon the stetus of the vldow from % previous marriage. An annulmeat is dis- tlaguished from a divorce In tb%t a "suit for ennulswmt presumes that there never was % valid marriage snd that therefore It should be deolared void, while %Lsuit for divorce presumes a valid m%rrlage, but asksnthaG$ y- letion be dissolved for postnuptialc%uses. i . Hon. Q. Frsnk Wllli%m~, page 3 (v-1506) G%role,232 S.W.2d 782
, 783 ~(Tex.Clv. App. 1950). A decree of annulment contemplatesthe existence at the time of making the marriege contract of an lmpedlment sufficientto render the marriage contract void. In other jurisdictionsIt 1s almost invsriably the law that once a marriage Is annulled, the decree of nullity relates back to the time the marriage was entered Into, and voids It from the beginning. See 55 C.J.S. 951, Marriage, Sec. 68. Pursuing this line of reasoning, courts have held, vlth respect to annulled marriages, that where, un- der a Btstute, marrlsge vi11 legltlmlaea prior born child, the child remains lllegltimateIf the .smrrlage Is snnulled. In re Moncrlef's Will, 235 iV.Y.390,'139 I3.E.550 (1923). A wife Is entitled to resumption of sllmony paymeuts from her first husband after % decree annullln her second mar- Slelahetiv. Slelcher, 251 H.Y. &, 167 B.E. 501 $!j$$j After-amulmeut ,of fier~second ntarriage,a v&n is resiored to her status as % wldov entitled to vor@an'B compBnaatlonpayments. Southern R. Co. v. Baskette,175 Tenn. 253
,133 S.W.2d 489
(1939)‘. In the Illlnols case of Peoole ex rel. Byrne8 v. RetirementBoard,272 Ill. App. 59
(1933)j it was held that 8 flremen~s widov Is entitled to resumption of her pension payments after annulment of her second m%rrl%ge on grounds of Impotencyunder a statute providing the pension should "cease If such widow again marries." The court quoted with approval the Solloving language from another c%se regarding an annulled m%rrlage: 11 . . . annulment, when decreed, puts an end to it from the beginning . . . (Cmlttlng cases cited.) It Is not dissolved as upon dlvor$e. It Is effaced as If It had never been. TM court quoted also from Tiffeny on Domestic Relations: "After a decree of nullity, hovever, In the lifetime of the parties, the marriage Is void ab inltlo, and not merely from the date of the decree. . . . In other words, It is just as though no nuwrlage had ever taken place." This case Is, of course, directly In point on your question. . ‘, Hon. 0. Frauk WllU.%ms, page 4 (V-1506) %vWthe16tBB, sme eO&S &?htslerseegaixed that atriot iu#weedestPMte to the t%ctrlw of Rreletlonbask" of nullltg~43%~produos lmjllBtPeanlts, particularlyupon peame not,prty.te the anzmluent~proecedlag. Therefore, the3oetmts v¶Xl in va3nylnst%ncesrefuse to apply tge rule ~wsCvL11``ke exeeptlatt~ ~4%It besed upon general equlta- bli prluoi~lts. See Amnotation,2 A.L.R. 26
637. In gen- 8``1, tfse``%ppllaaticm of the rule vi11 be vlthheld as to tm?msactlonsconcluded during the Csllov v. Thoxm, 322 &ES. 550, 78??i:1id6~:3?ij. There appears to be no equitable reason vhy the annulPant of the laarrisgebetveen the p%rtiee here lnvelved ,xhouldnot be given effect to nullify the xmrriege fa Its inception. It Is therefore our oglnlon that the wldov, un- der the decree, "remaineda widow %ad 16~ ,en,titled to reln- %tatemei&tto pension ellglbllltyas a flrem%n8s vldov. In pe Morten~B’Eetak, 224 B.Y.S. 75 (Sum. Ct. 1927); Soutsrrrt Ft.Co. w. Basketk, smra; PeoDle.ex rel. Byrne8 v. Retlre- isentBoard, BUUI’B. A flreman~s vldow vho remarries and whose marriage Is Bubsequeatlgannulled 1s entitled to be rastcred to pension eli- gibility under Artlale 62436, V.C.S. APPROVJZD: Yours very truly, lOedXcDanlel PRICE DABIEZ State Affairs Dl~i~lon Attorney General E. Jacobson Reviewing Assistant Charles S. Mathews Firat Asslst%nt RSL/LC/RT '