DocketNumber: V-1207
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Awmziu ail. Tmns PFuc:F: 1>.~NHEA. _\TTI,,<‘*:,- I:l,:T,.:W_% I. : Julg.19, 1951 Hon. Sam W. DaVis opinion Ro. v-1207 Criminal District Attorney Houston 2, Texas Rer Valldlty and applica- bility to Harris County of Sec. la, ,Art. 5139, V.C.S., allovipg addl- tional competiation for aervlce on tb. juvenile board by county.judgee of, counties v~$@I border oxi the Gulf df Hexlco and have i~population Dear Spt above 100,000. T@e ~&ueat'oS your off&6 atatee.that a Sor- mer County Jtidge'of Rarris~Cotity',has Piled a claim ' against the county,for unpaid salary In the sum bf $2,- 320.83 for acting a6 a member OS the JuVenlIe~ &&wd.oS. Harrls'Countg under the'provlalons"oS Ax$i'cle ,5;39;' V.C.S., which provide8 In part aa'follows:. "Seo. la:~ In any aounty having a latlon of one hundred thousand (100,000 over according to the preoedIng Federal Cen- .BW, and vhieh said couuties'border oxi the ffulf of Me~xlco, the members compoelng such Juvenile Board in such county, Including the County Judge a8 a member of said Board, shall each be allowed additional compensation In the amount of One ThoueanrLFlve Hundred ($l,- 500.00) Dollare per annum, which shall be paid In twelve (12) equal inetallmente out' of the General 'Fund OS such county upon the order of the fXinn~Ieslonere Court. Compensa- tion herein provided shall be Ins addition to the salary paid District Judges and'Oounty Judges of the State and county." : ,,You ask tvo~ quest1~m;vIz.f . : Does Rarrle County border upon the Gulf- of Mexico wIthin the meaning of Article 5139, v.c.s.4 ., Hon. Sam W. Davis, page 2 (V-1207) 1s Artlole 5139, V.C.S., unconstl- tutlonal under the provision8 of Article III, Section 56, Constitution of Texas? Harris County fronts on Galveston’Ray, which is in arm 0s the Gulf 0s Mexico. The emergency clause of the statute vhich added Section la. OS Article 5139 (Acts 51st Deg., R.S., 1949, ch. 366, p. 699) reads: “The fact that there are numerous juvenile problems involved in those coun- ties bordering on the Gulf of Mexico which require additional work and consideration on the part of the County Judges who are members of Juvenile Boards, because of the nature of juvenile problems arising in port cities and elsewbege along the coast, cre,atea an emergency . . . Although Harris County borders on Galveston Ray, which is a part of the inland ,watera, of the State (see Humble 011 & Reflnlng Co. v. Sun Oil Co., C .C .A. tti, 1951, yet t d] think the referen& to 2port cities* s’“E ~oa~tXeclearIy. indicates that the purpose of the Act was to include all coastal counties and that the term ‘Gulf of Mexico” was used ln a loose sense to Include its arma and inlets. The additional vork for which compeneatlon is granted arises from oondl- tions existing In port cities and ooastal areas. The ex- istence of these conditions does not depend on whether the coastal countlea touch on the Gulf of Mexico proper. Your first question is accordingly ansvered ln the affirmative. Section ,56 of Article III, Constitution of Texas, ’ provides ln partr “The Leglalature shall not, exoept as otherwise provided In this Constltu- tion, pas8 any local or special law, . . . *Regulating the affairs 0s counties, cItl.ei, towna, wards or school districts; . . . in Iamon __- _--- v. Fernuso+ __..``~ 213 s.W.2d 86 (Tex.Clv. App. 1948)) the court’ had bef ,ore it for conalderatlon a similar aht In which it held that the judges comprlslng the juvenile board vere performing a duty on behaIS of the State and therefore the act waB not unconstltutlonal . . Hon. Sa&W. Davis, page 3 (V-1207) as being a local or special law regulating the affairs of counties, This holding was reaSSlrnk?d inTravis County v. Matthetis,235 S.W.2d 691
(Tex,Clv.App. 1953, error ref. ~zYiciq7 You are therefore advised that Article 5139, v C.S., does not violate Section 56 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas. SUMMARY Se&ion la OS Article 5139, V.C.S. which creates juvenile boards la certain counties, is applicable to Harris County. This statute is not a lo& or apeoial law within the meaning of Section 56 of Article III of the Oonatltutlon of Texas. APPROVBD: J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affairs D&vision 'Jesse P. I&on, Jr. Reviewing Assistant Charles D. Matheve First Aeeletaat