DocketNumber: JM-422
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1986
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
The Attorney’ General of Texas Jmuary 15. 1986 JIM MATTOX Attorney General T4,.s (g ph~-o~ s~pwne CourtBuilding RoMrAble Tim Rod$; Opinion No. m-422 P. 0. BOX m4a Wise County Audito! *ustIn. TX. 78711- 254a P. 0. Box 899 Rc: nether the offices of constable SW4752K)l Decatur, TexAs ;‘6234 And city marshal, And the OffiCaS of TeIaX 91olB7Ll367 Talecopier 31214750266 justice of the peACA And QnmiCipal judge. ere incompatible; And related matters 714 h3cson. Suite 700 Da~m. T7.. 75202.4506 DeAr Hr. Rodgers: 214f742-8944 You Ask: 41J24Albwta Ave.. Suite 1W El P,so, TX. 799052793 1. Wether A person Appointed chief of police 91Y5334a in A city wIthIn the county con cllso serve simul- taneous!.y AS the elected ConstAbble of A precinct ,001 Texas, Suite 700 in which the city is located; “ovrton. TX. 77002-3111 7?3’222-5886 2. Vhether A person elected justice of the pAACe iI1 thr pTACitlCt CAn SAX-VA SiSNltAneOUSly AS 606 Broadway. Suite 312 parttiw appointed magistrate for the city; And L”~c+ck. TX. 79401.3479 lxw747.5238 3. Whether either situation would present A risk of increased liability on the past of the county. 4x39 N. Tentn. Suite B MCN.“. TX. 78501~lS85 SWSS2.4547 You advise t1a.t A eun llActed constable in 1982 WAS hired in 1984 by A gcnersl law city located within the precinct as its chief of police. The comti.ssioners court thereupon declared the office of 200 bin Plaza. Suite 400 constable VACAOt. Thereafter, the man YAS Again elected constable of San A”,O”lO. TX. 762052797 the precinct, but the commissioners court has refused to certify Xs 51212254191 most recent elcct!.on or to approve his bond. An Equal Opportunltyl A single ind:lviduAl may not simulr~neously hold two incompatibLe Affirmative Action Employer offices. “Incompat.ibility” is to be distinguishcd from A “conflict of intCreSt.” As saLd. in Attorney General Opinion JM-172 (198&l: Ordirra.rily , A mere ’conflict of interest’ !&, 21 conflict created by chr private pecuniary interest: of a public officer or employee) will not make a pcrson legally ineligible for a public office276 S.W. 305 (Tex. Civ. App. - EastlAnd 1925, a0 writ). On the other bend, ‘incompati- bility’ prevents. one person from holding tuo governmental posts if the positions are incom- patible. The conflict in an ‘incompatibility’ situation is not between an officer’s private interests and his public duty, but rather between two inconsistent public duties. See Themes v. Abernathy County Line Independent School District,290 S.W. 152(7%. Cosxa’n App. 1927); Attorney General Opiniom3 JM-97 (1983); MW-170 (1980); Attorney General ‘Letter Advisory Nos. 114 (1975); 86 (1974). In our opinion, the offices of constable of A precinct and of chief of police of A general law city located within the precinct are incompatible. A constable is required to exercise independent judgment respecting the pr’oper discharge of his duties, including his responsibility to preselvc! the peace. See Tex. Coast. art. V, 518; V.T.C.S. art. 6878, -- et saqy; Code Crib Proc. arts. 2.12. 2.13; Attorney GenArAl Opinions JM-140 (1984); J’M-57 (1983). See also Webcr v. City of SAchSe.591 S.W.2d 563(Tu. Civ. App. - DALLAS 1979, no writ). Cf. State LX rel. Eightover v. Smith,671 S.W.2d 32(Tex. 1984) ; JoncS v. state. lj;, S.W.2d 244 (Tex. Civ. App. - TSArkAnA 1937, no writ); Attorney General Opinion J’M-57 (1983). Re is elected by the citizens of the precinct to discharge his duties independently of the wishes -- even if wpressed by ordinance -- of the governing body of a city located vj.thin the precinct. On the other hand, the chief of police of s city is subject to the control of the city council, and is duty bound to enforce its ordinances. V.T.C.S. art. 998. The tuo officers arc subject to inconsistent duties, making the offices incompatible. Sw Attorney General Opinion Jh-203 (1984). --- See also V.T.C.S. arts. 9!Kl, 999a; Alexander v. City of Lampasas,275 S.W. 614(Tsx. Civ. App. - Austin 1925, no writ); Attorney+General Opinion hU-394 (1981). Cf. --- Attorney General Opinions E-727 (1975); O-1263 (1939). When the constable e:;ectcd in 1982 became chief of police of the city in 1984, ipso factc, he automatically vacated the incompatible office of constable. Tfoms -- v. Abernathy County Line Zndependent p. 1924 School District.290 S.W. 1.52 (Tex. Cosss’a App. 1927 judSmt adopted). See Attorney General Opioloo JM-97 (1983). Cf. Prultt v. Glco Rose tndependeot School District No. 1.84 S.W.2d 1004?Tex. 1935). But he did not thereby become ioslinible to future election as coostable, lv8a though he -continued 1x1 s&vc as chief of police. See Centeno v. lnselmann, 519 S.U.Zd 889 ( T a x .Civ. App. - San Antxo 1975, no xrit).is occupancy of th e police post cannot justify a refusal on the part of the county cosmtissionern to certify his election or to approve his bood, bccauslc once he qualifies for the office of constable, ipso facto thl! position of chief of police is instantly vacated (for the reason d::ocussed above) and ha holds only the office of coostable. Ceoteoo v. -Ioselmaoo. B. See Stat= rel. Peden v. Valeotine,198 S.W. 1006(Tex. Civ. App. Tort Worth 1917, writ ref’d). We are alao of the oploiou that the doctrine of Incompatibility prevents a person clectei justice of the peace from serving simul- taneously as a parttime appointed magistrate for the city. Tvo opinions of this office -- one dated harch 16, 1913, and the other dated October 3, 1913 -- found in the 1912-1914 Report of the Attorney General at pages 722-724, advised that the offices of justice of the peace and of jud,str (recorder) of a corporatlou court vere Incompatible. The later opinion explained that although article XVI. section 40 of the Texas Constitution exempted justices of the peace frox its proscription against holding more tbao one civil office of emolument, it did oot exmpt them from the further 1limitation that additional offices held bsy thw must not be incompatible or in cooflict vith the office! of !uatice of the peace. The oniaion conclud.ed the offices were ioncompatible because, to the extent of offenses arising under the State law. the justice of the peace and the city recorder could take jurisdiction of the same offense, and, consequently, you vould have one man presiding over two courts of concurrent juris- dlctioo.Id. at 726.See People e:t rel. Goode11 v. Garrett,237 P. 829(Cal. 57. 1925), %?h’g deni& See also State ax rel. Crawford v. Andersoo. 136 g.W. 128 (10;s 1912). Cf. Thomas v. Sams,734 F.2d 165(5th Cir. 19841, reh’g denled, -- 741 F.5783 (5th Cir. i984). IO 1940, Attorney General Opinioo O-2055 overruled the 1913 opinions on grouods (1) thae the case of Luera v. State,63 S.W.2d 699(Tex. Grim. App. 1933), “cecessarlly” dcclded that the holding of the tvo offices by one person :is not inhibited by the rule of incompatl- bility, and alternative27 (2) that tvo judicial posts are not p. 1925 Honorable Tim Rodgers - Ps8r 4 (Jn-422) incompatible ocrely baause thq are vested vith concurrent jurirdictioo. We agree with neither of those assertions. The Luera case iovolv~rd a claim by a criminal defendaut that the search vaz involved should have beeo quashed because the justice of the peace vho swore thus affimts vas “oat s qualified and acting legal justice of the peace” in that he had qualified and was slso acting as the recorder of a corporation court at the time. The Commission of Appeals vrotc!: Article 16. $40, of the Coostitutloo. provides that ‘no person shall hold or exercise, at the Same time. mol’cl than one civil office of emolument, except that of justice of the peace, county comis~r:ioner, ootary public and postmaster.’ etc. It will therefore be seen that under the Cop3titution there Is nothing’ prohibiting the Lustice of the peace from holding or lxercisiog ‘sore than one civil office of emolumcot. (Eu$&sisadded). 63 S.W.2d at 701. From the foregoing pmsage it is apparent tbat the Commissioo of Appeals in its original opinion did oot consider the rule against holdiog incompatible offices, but considered ouly the article XVI, section 40 constitutiona:. prohibition against the holding of tvo offices of amolment. from vhich justices of the peace are excepted. The Court of Criminal Al~peals approved the opinion: a motion for rehearing vas overruled bmause the court remained convinced of “the correctness of the disposPtion made” aod it sav oo need for further vriting upon propositions that vere “correctly decided” in the origioal opioioo. The disposition of the case vas correct, of course, if the motion to quash the search varrant: was properly denied - no matter what vas the proper ground for its, denial. Cf. State v. Cook, 160 S.E.2d Il9 (N.C. 1968). The argument that arti= XVI, section 40 of the Texas Constitution required quashal was properly refuted by the court, but if the issue of locompatibility hsd been raised and the offices had been pronounced incompa ::lble, the outcome would oot have been different. Judges of corporatj 00 courts may also execute valid search varranfs. O’Quinn v. State, 462 S.V.2d 583 (Tu. Grim. App. 1971). Cf. Carnell V. State, 70 ?rW.2d 152 (Tex. Crlm. hpp. 1934). Because the first of the Incompatible offices would lwze been vacated by acceptance of the second me, the person taking the affidavits was an officer authorized to do :w, whichever of the offices was the one last p. 1926 Booorablo Tim Rodgers - Palie 5 (JM-422) lcctpttd. Stt Ctnrtoo v. fnetlmann. e; State v. Cook, m. Conrtqutotly vt, do oot bd?iltve eht Lutra tes t “ntcertorllp~ dtcidtd that cht holding of tht ol’ficcs of jui of tht QttCt and rtcordtr of tht corporaclot court b:r oot person ir aoc iohibirtd by tht rult of incompatibility. Nor do vt thiok rht alternative rttaoning of Attornty GtntrtlOpinion 0,~:!055 requirts rher cooclusion. Attornty Gtocral Op~loion O-2055 argued that tht eoocurrtnr jurisdiction txtrcittd by the juetict court and rht municipal court could ooC, in itself, rtndgcr the offices incompatible btcaust: Ntithcr office is accounCable to, under the dominion of, or subordinate 20 the other; ntithtr ha8 any righr or power to ioCcrftre vith the other in the performawe of any duty. An apptal from either court has no rtlation to rht othtr, but is indeptodtotly to other courts. We belitve rhc fortgoing 1:atslogue of conflicts ntithtr accurately states tht complett test ,:I incompatibility. nor accurately rtfltcts tht full relationship betieeo courts of concurrent jurisdiction. See Codt Grim. Proc. art. 4.14; Peoplt tx rel. Goodtll v. Garrttt. 6 Courts of coocurrtnt jurisdiction may waive their jurisdiction in favor of each other vitk. respect to particular eests. Flares v. Statt. 487 S.W.Zd 122 (Tu. Grim. AQQ. 1972). If one person acted as bothjustice of the peace and city judge at tht same time. it would be within his power to manipc,latc the Income of the courts over vhich ht presidtd to the advaotagt or disadvantagt of either rhe county or tht city -- to both of whict. ht would owe a duey of colltctloo. The reeeoo is. justices of tht ‘ptact are requlrtd to account to the county trtasurtr for the fiots colltcttd by his court, whereas fines colltcttd by city judges ,go into ciry coffers. Ste V.T.C.S. art. 1619; Codt Grim. Proc. art. 45.06. By waiving the jurisdiction of the court in favor of the other court, the “justice of ehe peace/city judgt” could enrich ont &wtrnmental cotiCy at the expense of the other, depending, ptrhaps, on which of them used such fees to comptn- sate the offictr colltctirlg rhem. -Cf. Attorney General Opinion C-718 (1966). It is not correct, t’xrefort. to say that ntither court has any right or power to interf s:ce vith the other. But there is another reason why Attorney Central Opinion O-2055 reached an improper result. The test it formulated Is too narrow. Courts -- Texas courts among them -- look to the publx: policy which the rule against incompati- bility seeks to Implement, and not mtrely to recitals of conflicrinR relationships cond&ned :.ri the past. see 63 Am. Jur. 2d Fubli; Officers and Employees 578, at 726; Stexo State lx rel. Knox v. Hadley, 7 Wise. 700 (1860:; People ex rel. Goode11 v. Garrett, supra. p. 1927 Roaoreblt TIB godgtrr - PeI,e 6 (RI-4221 Cf. ehlingtr v. Clerk, 8 Z;.W.2d 666 (Tu. 1928); gaskiot v. Stete lx x. Earringtoo.516 P.2d 1.171 (Wyo. 1973); Attorney Gtotrel Lttter Advisory No. 114 (1975). Thlt offict concludtd In Attornty Ctotrel Opinion WU-1359 that oot ptrson could not hold 8~ the teme dme both tht offict of justice of tht ptace, plect oat, end justice of tht QUCC. Qhce two. 10 8 single precinct. The opinion dlrcusttd article V, srcrlon 18 of the Turns Constltutioo, but tht! rtel bttit for dtcition setme to hevt been public policy refltcttd by tht incompatibility doctriot: [W]hIle P Justice of the Peace may hold somt other offlct oat 1ocom)atlblt with the office of Justict of the Petct, lw may not hold tht offlcts of Justice of tht Peace, Prtclnct 1. Piece 1, and Justice of the I'sace, Precinct 1, Place 2 et the semt time. Cf. Attorney Central Opinions V-1192 (1951); V-828 (1949). Wt btlieve Attorney Gtntral Opinion SW-1359 ceo be viewed no overruling Attornty Gtntral Opinion O-2055. sub tilentio. -- Rttsooiog slmiler tf) that ustd by Attorney General Opinion WV-1359 ves used IO the wet of Sate ex rel. Knox v. Etdlte, s\tprrr, nod Ptoplt tx rtl. Goodel:,v.Garrttt. supra. to hold that we person could not at the eeme time eerve et 8 justice of eht ptect end e city judge with ovtrleppiog concurrent jurisdiction. Set rlso Statt ex rel. Crawford v. Andtrtoo, suprl; In rt Corum. 62 P.661 (Kens. 1900). Cf. Eeocock v. Sape 225 lio.2d 411 (Fla. 1969); Stete v. Cook, aupra. Wcbtlltve the cour;t of T8cxes would dtclart rhtt the statutory pro- visions for a “judge” of l:lre munlcIpa1 court (V.T.C.S. art. 1196) end for “ont justice of tht ptrtrct” In tech precinct. (V.T.C.S. err. 2373) coottmplete that each offIct will bt fllltd by a different ptrson. end thet the officts ere incoprpatlhlt. Cf. Iitrris County v. Stevert.41 S.W. 650(Ttx. 1897); -- Ex Earta WIlbarF,55 S.W. 968(Tex. CrIm. App. 1900). Inasmuch es we contludt that the doctrine of incompatibility prevents a juscicc of the peace from simultaneously holding the office of city magistrate, and p'cevents a constable from holding at the same time the office of chief of police for a city within the precinct, we do not reach your final qutstion. Attorney General Opinion O-2055 (1940) is overruled. SUMMARY The dcccrim of incompatibility prevents a constable from s,imultantously holding the office of chief of police for a city located vithin the p. 1928 Emoreblr Tim Rodgtrr - PegI, 7 (34422) prtcinct. nod prrreots e juatict of tht ptact from holding at tht sme timt the office of parrc+be maglsrrett for the city. JIM MATIOX Attoroey Generel of funs JACK HIGETOWER First Assistsnt Attorney Gtwral XARYKELLER Executive Assistant Atrornq Gcntral ROBERTGRAY sQtciel.keiStaot Attorney Gc!ntral RICK GILPIN Chairman. OpIoioo Coumittee Prepared by Bruce Younghlootl Assistant Attorney Gtntral p. 1929
State Ex Rel. Peden v. Valentine , 1917 Tex. App. LEXIS 1012 ( 1917 )
Pruitt v. Glen Rose Independent School District Number One , 126 Tex. 45 ( 1935 )
Harris County v. Stewart , 91 Tex. 133 ( 1897 )
Meyers v. Walker , 1925 Tex. App. LEXIS 808 ( 1925 )
Alexander v. City of Lampasas , 1925 Tex. App. LEXIS 764 ( 1925 )
Bragg v. State , 155 Tenn. 20 ( 1927 )
Weber v. City of Sachse , 1979 Tex. App. LEXIS 4399 ( 1979 )
State Ex Rel. Hightower v. Smith , 27 Tex. Sup. Ct. J. 372 ( 1984 )
People Ex Rel. Goodell v. Garrett , 72 Cal. App. 452 ( 1925 )