DocketNumber: JM-376
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1985
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
The Attorney General of Texas Novtmber 7. 1985 JIM MATTOX Attorney General ,,,wn&s&Buildln~ Mr. Vernon H. ArreL:L Opinion No. m-376 Commissioner Audi”. TX. 7071% 2548 Texas Rehabilitatim Coamlssion Re: Whether article 6252-llc, 5121475.2501 118 E. Riverside Dr:lve V.T.C.S., applies to psychologists T*lrx 0101874.1357 Austin. Texas 787134 who provide dlagnostlc and restora- talecopler 512J4750256 tion services directly to clients of the Texas Rehabilitation 714 Jackson. Sulle 700 Commlssloa Dallas. TX. 75202-4506 2w742as44 Dear Mr. Arrell: 4824 Alberta Ave.. SUitC (80 You state t’hat the Texas Rehabilitation Commission provides El Pnso, TX. 799052793 diagnostic and re``toration semices to clients as required by federal 915/533.34S4 law and regulation., Among the services to be provided are psycholo- -. gical services. I’he commission has arranged with licensed psycholo- ,I Texas, suite 700 gists to provide such services directly to the client at commi5sioa nouston, TX. 77002-3111 expense. See Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Psychological Evalua- 7lY223aSS tions 6 Counseling 7. Maximum Affordable Payment Schedule, (revised August 1, 1984) (fees for counseling performed directly by licensed psychologist). 806 Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479 8C6747.5238 You ask thl? following question about contracting licensed psychologists to provide diagnostic and restoration services for your clients: 4309 N. Tenth. Suits 6 McAll.n. TX. 78501-1685 512lS82.4547 Do the provision5 of article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S<. I, ‘Use of Private Consultants by State Agencies I)’ apply to psychological services that 200 M&I Plaza. Suite 4W are prov!;ded directly to clients of the commission San Antonlo, TX. 782052797 for diagnostic and restoration services? 51212254191 Article 625:.-,llc. V.T.C.S., governs the selection and use of An Equal OppOftUnitYl private consultants by state agencies. V.T.C.S. art. 6252-11~. 53. Alflrmativs Action Employer It requires the agency to publish notice in the Texas Register inviting offers for consulting services; after the agency contracts vith a private consultant it must publish information about the contract in the Texas Register.Id. 554. 6.
Reports and other materials developed by the cousultant must be filed vlth the Texas State Library and, if requested, vith the Legislative Budget Eoard and the Governor’s Bud:get and Planning Office.Id. - 55.
p. 1717 Mr. Vernon Il. Arrcll - pagi, 2 (JM-376) * Article 6252-11~. V.¶‘.C.S., vas enacted in 1977 and amended in 1979. Acts 1977, 65th Le&, ch. 454 at 1185; Acts 1979. 66th Leg., ch. 773, art. 98, at 1957. The 1979 amendmentm were enacted aa part of Eouae Bill No. 1673, th’c State Purchasing end General Services Act. Acta 1979, 66th Leg., ch. 773 et 1908. The caption of Rouse Bill No. 1673 reads aa follows: &I Act rclat$n:$ to creation of the State Purcheaing and Eeneral Services Commission and abolition of rho State Board of Control.Id. The caption
does not mention the ameudments to article 6252-11~. n.C.S.;. or the employwut of consultants by state agencies. The State Purchasing and Geneml Services Comisaion he8 no duties under article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S,;; the purchase of consulting services under that statute is express1.y excepted from the State Purchasing and General Services Act. V.Y.C.S. art. 601b, 53.01(b)(3). Article III. section 35 of the Texas ConatltutZou provides that [n]o bill, (except general epproprlatLon bills, which may eml race the various subjects and accounts, for md on accouot of which moueys are appropriated) 5'2511 contain more than one subject, which shall be expressed in its title. But if any subject shall he: embraced in aa act, vhich shall not be expressoil lo the title, such act shall be void only as to so much thereof, as shall not be so expressed. The purpose of this secttoo is to give notice to the legislature and the people of the subject matter of the proposed law, and thereby to prevent passage of a law upon one subject under guise of a title which expresses another. C. kaymen Construction Company v. American Indemnity Company, 471T%.2d 564 (Tex. 1971); Gulf Insurance Compaq v. James,185 S.W.2d 966
(,Tex. 1945). The cawion of Eome Bill No. 1673 does not nive notice of the provisions amending article 6252-llc, V.T.C.S. Se;, e.g., C. Hayman Constructioa Company Y. rkmericaa Indemnity Company, 7 Attorney General Opinion VW-225 (:?157). House Bill No. 1673 there ore violates article III. section 35 of the Texas Constitution. and it is void insofar as it attempts to amend article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S. Arnold v. Leonard,273 S.W. 799
(Tsex. 1925). Legislative history enables us to determine vhy the caption of House Bill No. 1673 is deiective. The bill as introduced had the same caption aa the enacted bill. It did not include the amendments to article 6252-11~. V.T.C,.S., when introduced or vhen approved by the p. 1718 Mr. Vernon H. Arrell - Page 3 (a-376) Eouse. A Senate floor amendment iocluded the amendments to article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S., in Eoua`` Bill No. 1673. Bill File for 8.1). No. 1673, 66th Leg. 1979, Legirilatlve Reference Library. The title of Rouse Bill No. 1673 wes not rewritten to encompess the edditioael material. The House adopted the Senate amendments snd Eouae Bill No. 1673 __._ carrled ---```` the .``~ same `` tith when finally enacted aa when it vas introduced. See generally Gulf Insurance Cbmpany V. James.185 S.W.2d 966
(Tex. 1945): Attorney G18 S.W.2d 585 (Tex. 1929); In re Johnson, 554xW.2d 775 (TEL, Clv. App. - Corpus Christ1 1977),x ref’d n.r,e., per curlam. Sli!l S.W.2d 88 (Tex. 1978); Attorney Genx Opinion hW-156 (1980). Article 6252-llc, V.T.C.S., governs the use of consultants and consulting services by state agencies. ha enacted In 1977, the statute Included the following definitions: Section 1. In this Act: (1) ‘Consultiu8 service’ maana the practice of studying an or a proposed operation or project of an agency and advising the agency with regard to the ope::ation or project. co ‘Private c~oasultant’ mrans an entity that performs coosulti:1S services. Acts 1977. 65th Leg., ch. 454 at 1185. Attorney General Opinion R-1173 (1978) considered v!wther an outside audit of local entities receiving federal grant funds van. subject to article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S., eod in addreaaloS the question, discussed the scope of the above definitions. After reviewing legislative history, the opinion coocluded that the definition of “coosulting services” referred to management or program corwlting, that is, studies of an agency designed to evaluate its programs aod procedures and to recommend more efficient methods of perfc’rming its duties. A “private consultant” within article 6252-llc, V .T.C.S., did oot include a persoo retained by the agency to help car:?, out its usual duties. Attorney General Opinioa H-1173. The oplnic~n concluded that the statute did not apply to a private accountaot hired by the Department of Commuaity Affairs to audit federal grants made to local entities. On the basis of Attorney General Opinion R-1173 and the language of article 6252-11~ as ori:ginally enacted, we conclude it does aot apply to the contracts in t,uestion. Psychologists under contract with p. 1719 Hr. Vera00 PI. Arm11 - Page 4 W-376) the Texas Rehabilitation Conmdaaion to provide service6 directly to COs,,,,i66iOt, Client6 a=6 Dot “Wl.WLS~6~ent COUEUltaDtE.” The9 do not rtudy an uirting or a proposed Operation or project Of an agency and (advicle] the 6geocy vith regard to the operation or project. Act6 1977. 65th Leg., ch. 454 at 1185. Th69 instead 6upply the dlaguoetic and reetoration tervices which the coemi66ion ha6 a legal duty to provldc it6 CliEntI,. The Rehabilitation Commlasioa 16 not subject to article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S., when It contract6 vith p6ychOlogfEtE t0 provide diagnostic and rEstOratiOn SetviCe t0 it6 CliEUt6. The title of ‘Rouse Bill No. 1673 of the Sixty-sixth Legi6:tature doe6 not give notice of the bill’6 provlel~ws amndlng article 6252-11`` V.T.C.S. The title fail6 to meet the requirements of article III, 6cction 35, of the Texa6 Constitu- tion and House Bill No. 1673 is void insofar as it atteupte to amend article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S. Article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S., as originally enacted by the Sixty-fifth Legislature in 1977. remains in effect. The 1977 version of article 6252-11~. V.T.C.S.. doe6 nc’t apply to the Texas Rehabilf- tation CO,‘6biSSiC’uo.’ 6 contract6 with licensed psychologists to provide services directly to the Cd6SiOl3’6 CliClitS. J Very truly your A JIM UATTOX Attorney General of Texas MARYKELLER Executive AssiEtaut Attorney General ROBBRTCRAP Special Assistant Attorney G,eneral RICR GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Covmlttec! p. 1720 , Mr. Vernon tl. Arr611 - Page !i (m-376) Prepared by Suean L. Garrison Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITl'RE Rick Gilpin. Chairman Colin Carl Susan GardEon Tony Guillory Jim Woelllnger Jennifer Riggs Nancy Sutton Sarah Woelk p. 1721