DocketNumber: JM-365
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1985
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
t The Attorney General of Texas JIM MATTOX October 22, 1985 Attorney General Supreme Court BulldIng Honorable S. Dorbandi: Carroll Opinion No. JM-365 P. 0. Box 1254S Anderson County Attorney *ustIn. TX. 7571% 2540 P. 0. Box 707 ue: Clarification of statute6 512l4752501 Palestine. Taxas 75801 relating to approval of sub- Taisx 9101874-1367 Teleco~ler 512/475028S division plats Dear Hr. Carroll: 714 JAckson. Suite 700 Dallas. TX. 75202.4506 You have requested clarification of the current statutes relating 214l742-SS44 to the power and dul:y of the comrmissiouers court of Anderson County and the power and duty of the city of Palestine to approve maps and 4S24 Alberta Ave., Suite 160 plats of subdlvisiom that are located outside the corporate limits of El Paso, TX. 789052793 the city of Palestine. It is our opinion that within the city of 915l5333S4 Palestine's one-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction, as determined by article 970a. V.T.C.!;.. a subdivision plat shall not be filed without ,r ems. Suite 700 the authorization of lboth the city of Palestine and Anderson County. HG-van, TX. 770023111 Both the city and th'z county are authorized to independently regulate 713l2235SS5 subdivisions within the area of the one-mile extraterritorial juris- diction, except that. whenever the regulations of the city and the county are in conflkt, the more stringent provisions prevail. In SO6 Broadway. Suite 312 Lubbock, TX. 794013679 untncorporated areas outside the city's one-mile extraterritorial SOW’47-5238 jurisdiction, the county Is authorized to approve or disapprove subdivision plats and the city has no authority to regulate sub- divisions or approve the filing of plats, except as provided by the 4309 N. Tsnlh. Suite 6 Interlocal Cooperatim Act. McAllen. TX. 78501-1685 512mS2.4547 In March of 198Z1, this office issued an oplnlon on the authority of the city of Pales,c:ine at that time to approve subdivision maps and 2w Maln PIUS. suite 400 plats for land locat'ed outside the city limits. Attorney General San Antonlo. TX. 782052797 Opinion JM-20 (1983). traced the enactment of and amendmants to 512Q25.4191 articles 97Qa. 974a. 6626, and 6626a. V.T.C.S.. as well as interpreta- tions of the acts b), the courts and this office, and concluded that An Equal OpportunItyI the city of Palestine had the authority and duty to approve or dia- Altlrmallve Actlon Employer approve ~11 maps and plats of subdivisions of land located within five miles of its corporiate boundaries. Since the iasuanca of that opinion, three sessic~ns of the legislature have enacted, reenacted and amended those and other statutes relating to the approval of sub- division plats. Acts 1983. 68tt, Leg., ch. 327. at 1717. both amended article 6626a. V.T.C.S., an3 enacted article 6626aa, V.T.C.S.. as a new p. 1672 . , Eouorable S. Dorbandt Carroll - Page.2 (``-365) / statute. As amended by &apter 327. article 6626a applied to all counties with an exception that is not applicable to Anderson County and authorized a ccmmissionc!rs court to refuse approval of a plat of a subdivision for any tract ‘of land situated without the corporate limits of any city if the plat does not meet the requirements authorized by that act. V.T.C.S. art. 6626a. Ill, 3, 4. As enacted by chapter 327. article 662t~a.aprovides in part. that [i]n areas under B city’s extraterritorial juris- diction as defineed by [article 970a], no plat shall be flied with the county clerk without the authorization of both the citv and the county. Inside said extratsrritorial jurisdiction the city shall have indeplendent authority to regulate subdivisions under [article 970a], and [974a], and other statutes applicable to cities; and the county shall have independent authority to regulate subdivisil>ns under [article 6626a], and other statutes applicable to counties. Inside said extraterritorial jurisdiction whenever such city regulations t&flict with such county regula- tiohs , -the more stringent provisions of such regulations shall govern; and in unincorporated areas outside said extraterritorial jurisdiction s city shall har%o authority to regulate sub- divisions or to authorize the filing of plats, except as provided by The Interlocal Cooperation Act [article 4413 (32c)]. (Emphasis added). Acts 1983. 68th Leg., ch. 3:!i’. $2, at 1720-21. Attorney General 0pin:Lon JM-121. issued in December 1983, concluded that, notwithstand%ng that articles 974a and 6626, V.T.C.S., provided for city approval elf subdivision plats within five miles of the corporate limits of ,r city, the amendment and enactment of articles 6626a and 6626aa, respectively. by chapter 327 impliedly repealed the five-mile rsnge and provided instead that a city may not exercise plat approval authority outside the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction as that area :Ls determined by article 970a. It is our opinion that “said extraterritorial jurisdiction” within the meaning of article 6626aa is a city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction as datermined by article 970a. Article 6626aa expressly states that in areas under a city’s ext:aterrltorlal jurisdiction as defined by article 970a. a plat may uot be filed without the authorization of both the city and the courty. Article 970a establishes extraterri- torlal jurisdiction of one nile for s city with Palestine’s popula- Mon. V.T.C.S. art. 970a. 03(A)(2). Article 6626aa expressly provides that inside.“sald extraterritorial jurisdiction” (one mile in the case of Palestine). the city and the county nay Independently p. 1673 Bonorable S. Dorbandt Carroll - Page' 3 (JM-365) / regulate subdivisions. Th*! city may exercise its authority under articles 97Oa and 974s and other applicable statutes to extend by ordinance the city's rUlC,S and regulations governing plats and subdivisions of land and to 'apbrove or disapprove maps and plats of subdivisions not conforming to the city's standards. The county may exercise its authority to r'egulate subdivisions under article 6626a (now article 6702-1, 92.401) and other applicable statutes. Either the city or the county may enforce its regulations. However, article 6626aa expressly provides that when the city's and the county's regulations conflict "inside said extraterritorfal jurisdiction" (one mile In the case of Palestk~e), the more stringent regulations shall govern. -See Attorney Generlll Opinion JM-121 (1983). Prior to the enactment of chapter 327. the Regular Session of the Sixty-eighth Legislature enrwted the Property Code as a recodification of existing law without c.ny substantive change in the law. The recodification of former article 6626 as section 12.002 of the Property Code provided that the commissioners court of a county must authorize the map or plat of a subdivision if the property is located five miles or more outside !:he corporate limits of a city and that the governing body or planning commission of the city must authorize a subdivision plat if the prc,perty is located vithln five miles of the corporate limits of the city. The enactment of chapter 327 lmpliedly repealed the provisions of section 12.002 of the Property Code to the extent that they conflicted with chapter 327. Also prior to the enactment of chapter 327. the Regular Session of the Sixty-eighth Legislature placed the former version of article 6626a In the County Road anS Bridge Act without amendment. Acts 1983, 68th Leg.. ch. 288. 12.W2, at 1459 (codified as art. 6702-1, V.T.C.S.). In addition to the fact that chapter 327 was a later enactment by the same sess:lon. subsequently in July 1984, the County Road and Bridge Act was rcrised and reenacted to incorporate in that act the same provisions which had been enacted as article 6626a by chapter 327 and to expressly repeal article 6626a. See V.T.C.S. art. 6702-l. $2.401, as amended by Acts 1984, 68th Leg.. 2d.S.. ch. 8. at 44. See also Attorney General Opinion JM-121 at 510. In Attorney General Cpinion .JM-121. this office concluded that the five-mile range for city approval of subdivision plats contained in both article 6626 and article 974a were impliedly repealed in 1983 by the enactment of articld! 6626aa in chapter 327. Subsequently, the Sixty-ninth Legislature anended section 1 of article 974a for the limited purpose of authorizing use of a corner of the survey or tract to be subdivided as a reference point for the plat. in addition to the use of the original corner of the original survey. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 346. at 2601. III so doing, the legislature reenacted the original language in section 1 of article 974a which states that the owner of a tract of land situated vithin the corporate limits, or p. 1674 Eonorable S. Dorbandt Carroll - Page-4 (JM-365) within five miles of the corporate limits, of a city shall cause a plat to be made which describes the subdivision by metes and bounds and locates it with respecl: to a corner of the survey. We do not believe that the act of the Sixty-ninth Legislature reinstated the five-mile range for city approval of subdivision plats. The orlglnal act relal:ing to the platting of subdivisions was passed in 1927. giving authority over the filing of plats of subdivisions within five miles of the city limits. IO 1944, the Texas Supreme Court held that an amendment to article 6626 in 1931, giving counties man and olat annrowal authority. reuealed the article 974a “extraterritorial” * plat-approval jurisdictfon of the cities. See Travalter v. Schaefer,179 S.W.2d 765
(Tex. 1944); Attorney Gene= opinion JM-20 (1983). A 1949 act of the legislature amended section 1 of article 974a by making the requirements more detailed for maps or plats of land lying within jncorporated cities or within five miles of a city. In 1951, a Texas court of civil appeals held that the 1949 act amending section 1 of s.rticle 974a did not restore to the cities the plat authodty which had been vested in the cities prior to the 1931 amendment csf article 6626. The court stated that If the legislature desired to reinvest the cities with authority over maps and plats of subdivtded laud outside the city limits, the legislature must use language Indicating a clear intention to modify the provisions of the 1931 amendment to article 6626. See City of Corpus Christi v. Gouger, 2Iit S.W.2d 870 (Tex. Civ. App. -% Antonio 1951, writ ref’d). It IS our opinion that a court also vould deter- mine that the 1985 amendment of section 1 of article 974a, which relate8 only to survey in?ormation required for subdivision plats, does not impliedly repeal the provisions of article 6626aa and article 6702-l. section 2.401, just as the court of civil appeals determined that the 1949 amendment of section 1 of article 974a. which related to detailed requirements of srlbdlvlsion plats, did not implledly repeal the provisions of article 5626 which earlier had deprived cities of the authority to disapprove subdivision plats outside the city limlts. Eence, we conclude that the basic statutory provisions that determine the power and duty of Palestine and Anderson County to approve maps and plats of subdivtsions located outside the city are section 2.401 of the County Road and Bridge Act, article 6702-1, V.T.C.S., and section 1 oE article 6626aa. V.T.C.S. Additionally. articles 970a and 974a. V.T.C.S., determine the area of the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction and the city’s regulatory authority in that area. SUMMARY Amap or plat of a subdivislon located within the city of Palestine’s one-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction shall not be filed with the county p. 1675 , Honorable S. Dorbandt CarrolL - Page 5 (JM-365) clerk without the authorization of both the city of Palestine and ,4nderson County. Both the city and the county my independently regulate sub- divisions vithin the area of the one-mile extra- territorial jurlsd!lction except that, when the regulations of the city and the county are in conflict, the mom stringent provisions prevail. Only the county 1s authorized to approve or disapprove plats of subdivisions located in unincorporated arms outside the city's one-mile extraterritorial jucisdiction. -JIM MATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOMGRF+EN First Assistant Attorney General DAVID R. RICBARDS Executive Assistant Attorney General ROBERTGRAY Special Assistant Attorney General RICX GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by, Nancy Sutton Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINIONCOMMITTEE Rick Gilpin, Chairman Colin Carl Susan Garrison Tony Gulllory Jim Noellinger Jennifer Riggs Nancy Sutton Sarah Woelk p. 1676