DocketNumber: H-403
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1974
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
__.~ - .‘ICIICYA& CL- 5// September 18, 1974 The Honorable John. C. White Opinion No. H- 403 Commi~eionor Texas Department of Agriculture Rc: Whether State agency may P.O. Box 12847 construct 8 building on leamad Aurtln, Texsr 78711 Lnd. Dear commi~rioner white: The Texh Dap&nent of Agriculture bar Iea*ed land for a period o ftwenty y e a r mwith l twenty y e w r enewa l0p M o na nd intea drto erect l lfvcrtock e x p o rlbtion t upon the rite. You ?IWO called to ow attention Attorney Goner4 Opinton C-Sll 0965) a ao ne wh iclphp a r a wouldntiy hold the expenditure for the improvement to be invalid. You have arked our opinion am to whether tbe Department may make and peg for improvements upon private bnd leaeed for itmuse. In Attorney General Opinion C-511 thimoffice held that under Sections 30, 51ld 52 of Article 3 end Section 6 of Article l6of the Texar Conrtitution. the grant of public money to improve loaeed land warnunconatitutionel because l private benefit might rerult if the lace wore terminated early. We believe that holdtag went too irr and rhould be ovortied. There are l number of conrtitutionel provimiwr prohibiting grate for the benefit of individuala and requiring the uao of public fundr for public purporer only. In Article 3 of the Toxaa Conatitutfon: Sec. -30. LdAN OR PLEqOE 0,F CREDIT OF STATE. The Legirlrturo lhall have no power to give or to lad, or to lathorko the giving or lendin& of the credit of the p. 1880 The Honorable JohnC. White psgs 2 (H-403) State in rid of, or to say perron, sroocistion or corporation. wluther munidpsl or other, or to pledge the credit of the.Stste in say naqnner wbst- lo eva rfor , tits p a yment d th elisb ilitiee, p r o r ent .or prospective, of sny individual, sssocistion ol . indivlduslr, municipal or other corporationwhst- lo o ver . Sec. 51. GRANTS OF tiBLIC.MONEY PRO- HIBITED: EXCEPTIGNS. Tho LsgWsturo ohaIl h8Ve no power to mske say grsnt or suthodse the making of any grant of pub& money8 to soy individual, srrocistlon nl Jndhddusls, municipl or other corporation8 whstwoevsr; provided, bow- ever, tho Lsgidsturo msy gnat aid to indigent snd dirsbled Confedorsto rddism sad rsilorr under much regulstlonosad limitstions so nmy b+ deemed by ths Legirlshus sm acpsdisnt, sad to th& .tidow in indigent drcumatsnces under lucb reguMioam srd liadtstlona 81 nuy bo deemed by the Lsgirlsture a# sspedient; providedthat tie provisions of this Section sbsll not be coastrued lo se to preiAnt the grsnt of rid in c&mea od pubIic cslsmity. Sac. 52. COUNTIES, CITIESOR OTHER FOIJTICAL CORPORATIONS OR.SUBDWISIONS; LENDING CREDIT; GRANTS. (8) Except sa othor- wise providod by tbis soction, tho Legislature aball have no power to authorise my county, dty, town or other political corporstion or subdivision of the Stab to lend its credit or to grsnt public money or thing of vsluo in rid of, or to any individual, asrocis- tion or corporstion whatsoever. or to become 8 stockboldqr in ruch corporstlon. sreocistlon or e~wny. p. 1881 The Hosorsblo’John C. White psge 3 m-403) In Article 8: Sec. 3 GENERAL LAWS: PUBLIC PURPOSES. Tsxor shsll be levied end co&&d by get&al . lswa end for public purposer only. In cssoa wda aa De&v. Cit, oi Lubbock, 326 S; W. 2d 699 (Tat. 1959); Stak v. citv of A(. 1960); sad Barrington v. Cokhoe,338 S.W.2d 133
(Tax. 1760) the vslidity of 8 grsnt turned on tho public purpoeo to be sorved, even thoagh a privsti benefit reeultsd. These cssos. respectively, upheld the exponditurq of+public fundr for ohm dssrsnco of lands to be dtieloped by private ow&rehip: for relocation of pkvste utilitler nocerrsry forMghwsyimprovem&ate~ sad for moving of 8 rsiliosd right-of-wsy to sliminste grade crosringd, 43 of which sctlonr realted in en inddentsl .benalit to the privste Nrty. : &I ouiopinionifsn ~chdihrrOfOrtho erection, repair or maink- . nsnce of en improvomsnt on lessod proporty is for a wooer nublic nurooee and if the conddorstion or bone5t k the public ir sdaausto, tho transection is not rendered invalid by the pordbility thst the privste psrty will resHse en unsxpeckd inddentsl benefit. Not every public purpore, however, im a proper public purpore qpon which to bsee a public expenditure. See a. g., Attorney General opinion H-357 (l974).. However, in Dmia v. City of Lubbock, luprs, the Supreme Court quoted thir psrrsgi from ik prior dki&.m i’n m& 4. City of Taylor, 67 S..W, 2d 1033 (Tsx. 1934). No exact definition csn be msdo [of public’purposes]. Suffieb it to ray that, unless 8 sourt csn say that the purposes for which public fundr are expended are clearly not public purpoeee, it would not bo justi5ed in holdinp invalid a legislative act or provkion in s city chsrtor provid_iingfunds for luch purposes (67 S. W. 2d et 1034) pollowing there end other suthoritior thir of5ce hss issued opinions suthorising, for exsmple, expondituror toward construction of a utility line p. 1882 The Honorsble John C. Wbitc mgu 4 (H-403) to service public psrks (Attorney General Opinion H-109 (1973)) end expenditures to construct recreation facilitioe 011property ow?mdby the federal government (Attorney Genorsl Gpinion H-257 (1974)). Accordingli. we snewor tbst the mero fsct that the livortock oxport rtation is to bo located on lesaod lsnd doea ngt render the expen- diture, ipso facto, violstivo of tho Coastitution. Tl+t quoetiun muet depend upon whether the oxpendituro 1~ for 8 proper public purpoeo endir in cxchsngp for adequate public bonefite, 8 dotermisWioa which 10 to be made by the Department in the @rot inhence. and, if ch8llenged. ultimste~ll by the court. SUMMARY Providod the expenditure ie for a proper public purporo end lo exchsngcd for sdoqnsto public benefitr, tho Dopsrtmsnt of Agriculture ey oxpond funds to erect a livortock export ltation on loseed property. Very truly yourh OHN 6iii At&toy Geaorsl of Teaur APPROVE?: P I ezatE ijxvID M. SCENDALL, Chsirmsn Opinion Committee p. 1683