DocketNumber: V-1115
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
E QRNEY GENERAL FTEXAS Auc?vrIN 11.-l?Exas PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL October 31, 1950 Hon.,Perry L. Jones Oplnlon No. v-1115 County Attorney Travis County Ret May Travis County Austin, Texas Issue bonds for the purpose of wldenlng and lmprovblg con- Dear Sirs Your request for an opinion presents the fol- lowing questionr %ay the Consnlssioners' Court of Travis County, Texas, legally issue bonds for the purpose of widening and lmprovlng the Con- gress Avenue bridge, if the Issuance there- of is approved at an appropriate election?" Your factual recitation reveals that the Con- gress Avenue bridge which spans t e Colorado River wlth- Sn the corporate limits of the city of'Austin, Texas~, was coni&ructedby Travis Count+ during IgO8-rg0g from the proceeds of a county bond issue. Subsequentlyand by virtue of the Bond Assumption Act of 1932, the State of Texas assumed and paid approximately$60,000.00 of the outstandingbonded indebtedness. The Camnlssloners* Court of Travis County does not contemplateany improve- ment of the bridge withaut'the consent of the governing body of'the City of Austin. The Congress Avenue brldge is a part of,,?State.deslgna$edNghway. ,. ..a. ,. ,, ,, 'Article 6673, V.C.S., provides In part% "The (Highway)Coaunisslon is authorized to take over and maintain the various State Highways ln Texas, and the counties through which said highways pass shall be free from any cost, expense or supervlslonof such hfghvays. . D a*. In 1923 the State took over all highways con- stltutlng a part of the Highway System and oblllgatedIt- self'to bear the expense Incident to the maintenance and 0" P Hon. Perry L. Jones, page 2 (V-1115) constructionof all highways that were then, OP might fn the future, be designatedas State Highways. “Prior to 1924 the titles to all high- ways in this State w-e taken ln the names of the various aouatles fn which the roada were 82tuated* Such titles were held by the counties for the use and benefit of the State. Weverthelessthe countfes’wepe aharged by law with the duty of construct- lng and nalntalnlng the roads. In the constFuotlonof these roads the counties and rotiddistricts were authorized to, an9 did, Incur heavy bonded obligations. Th&s method was adopted by the State for the pi- pose of enabling It to use the cou&ies as its agents to construct public roads for the use and beneilt of the State. Aransas COUP- ty ve Coleman-ton Pasture Company,108 Tex. 216
, 191 S-W, 553. In 1923 the Legis- lature adopted an Act by which the State took over Pram the countiee all Mghwaya constltutiing a part of the State highway This par% of the Act became efTeo- !%%ma~ 1 1924 Acts 1923, sth Leg. Ch. 75, pe 155; Seco*20. Since that t%me, by va~loua other Acts the ImgislatWe has taken other addltlcnd hlgbrays. The rlgbt of the State to take over r6ads aonstruoted by counties was contested In the case of Bobbiae vs Linmtoae County,114 Tex. 345
, 268 S.Y. gl'ja 918. This CouPt in su~ta.Q3ing ;zdlght of the State to take OVBF such roads ngPublic mda are state property oveF which the state has full control and author- ity. * e * "*TIEAestablishment of public highways being pfpaplly a fvaetion of government be- longing to the &f&o the tight to establ5ah them resides flltlm Legislature, and, in the aFbewe oltconstitutionalre- strlctione, the Legislaturemay exePcfse Hon. Perry L. Jones, page 3 (V-1115) that right direct or delegate It to a poll- tical subdivisionof the state, or to such other agency or instrumentality,general or local ln its scope, as it may determine. The exercise of this right by a political subdi- vision of the state, or by local officers, Is founded upon statutory authority therefor. The Legislaturemay exercise possession of public roads and control over them, by and tb.rou@ such agencies as it may designate. . . 0 In Iverson v. Dallas County. I.10S.U.2d 255, 256 (Tex.Civ.App.1937) the C ourt said; "The Acts of the 35th Legislature (Acts 1917, co 190) and the amendments thereto at- tempt to set up a complete uniform system of state Nghways In the State. Article 66’73 of the Rev. Civo Stats 1925, to ether with sub- sequent enactments [article 6E73a) affecting state highways (Vernon'sAnn. Civ. St. arts. 6673, 6673a), authorlee the State Highway COm- missioners to take over state highways; and we think, stripped the oountles of this State of any authority to let contracts for the aon- structlon or maintenance of any public road comprisinga portion of the State RLghuay Sgs- tern,either in their own name or as agents for the State of Texas, except In the speclflc ln- stances and strictly in keeping with the pro- visions OP such acts." Article 6674q-4, V.C.S., provides In @Wtfi "All further Improvement of said State Highway System shall be made under the ex- clusive and direct control,ofthe State Hlgh- I’ way Department an8 with approprlatlonsmade by the Legislature out:, of the State Highway Fund.~ Surveys, plans and sgecif'ioatlonsand estimates for all further constructionand Improvement of said system shall be made, prepared,andpaid for by the State Highway Department. No further improvementof said system shall be made with the aid of or with any moneys furnished by the counties except the acquisition of right-of-wayswhich may be furnished by the counties, thel;uT$;l- sions or %ePlned road districts. * . Bon. Perry L. Jones, ‘page ,4 (V-1115) shall in nowlse affeot the aarrying out of aay.blndlng contracts now existing between the State Hi hwag Dspartment and the Cmmis-, e&onersCour& of any county, ior such coun- ty,‘m iOr any defined road district. . . e* Article 6674rp9, V.C.S.,provides In parti “If suoceeding Iiegfrlat~er shall aon- tlnue to carry out the polloy’hereln defined by authorlalng a similar a comlatlon of funds fran time to time, (aPp then whenever the eligible obligation shall hare been fully paidae herein provided, a6 to er for any aounty or defined road &i&riot acaording to the povlaions~ of this Act, then, and 19 that eveat the title and possession of all roBdo, road ieds, b&lges, and culverts In saah aounty or defined road district, which ape included In the system of Designated State Highways, shall automatioallr vest ia fee lmle In %he State oi Texas: . e .” (EmL $umls added.) From the foregolag It will be noted that Con- gress ,Avenw bridge, is a part of a State d~slgnated high- way. A bridge 1s o~QM&~lly but the part of a mad OP hlghwuy that traverms a stream., Aransas Co maa-Fulton Pasture Co, 100 Tex. EountZes no longer have any Inter highways other than the acqulsltlon of right of ways, the same being within the exclusive jurlsdiotlon of the State HIghway CcsPmriselone It Is true that alties an4 towns have ,juri66iotlon over Stat0 hlghwaye 8ltuatod witMa such oltlr8 axid towns by virtue of uppropz%ate provfs$ons gfv- the cities exclusive jmlrQlotlon over Ughwags of 2L. (fabbert .ve City ab ~Brownwood,176 S.W.2d 344
(Tex.Oiv&p.1943 ofi) However, State highways a8 raoh~ do not ~lo~eeii%,‘idkiilty ,even though withen the jalrdlctlon of a city, and Artlole 66749-4 1~ an all-lnaluslvr ‘prohibition against the fumlshl~ng of man- eya by a oounty fo the Improvement of the S&BBB save ana exoept tke 8oquisltion of tme, it ‘neorsur?il~ ‘r0xi0wf.ithat talo&me~ -8 aurt x?f TxUvla County would 80% be author%sed to lssw ,boa&r toe the pu~pora of wldembg a&l lmp~ov~ng Con- ~‘~gress.Arenue brfdge In the City of Aust%nn, Hon. Perry L. Joam, psse 5 (V-1115) !che positive pablbztloa e@%a#t rurther lm- provemeat of a Stata desigwttad highway e aounty, as 7 contained in Artlale 6674q-4 leaves a0 a terxmtlve other than to hold that Trewi,s Oouuty ha8 no authority to improve the bridge In quwtitxt 80 loag aa``rrem&m a part of’ a State dealgnclted Mghway~ Lag would raise tb questian vhether the 7 909 bon&t - oould have been legally asttm ths St&r, the aa- cmptioa hwi been based upatt 9s t bddge belng part of a state de8 7 gnated highway. The 0alml801owrs' Oowt o? Travis County, Tams, is not attthosired to ltt- SUB bonus ior the pwp0se os ridwag ana improvlag 0 ret!6 Avenue b&dge, an ia- 3 the State %ghway System, sf%&~” APPROVWB YotPa very truly, Ja 0. Davis, Jr. PltRrorMlmL county Afrairs mmi0a Attorney beaeral Everett Xutahiaeoa Exeautive Assistant Charles D Mathevs First A&tat Assistant Bwtmv