Honorable Robert R. Barton District Attorney Second Judicial District Kerrville, Texas 78028 Opinion No. M-440 RE: Whether a conditional sale contract consti- tutes a "security in- terest in writing" under 4 V.T.C.A., Bus. Dear Mr. Barton: & C., Sec. 25.02. Your opinion request to this office asks "whether a conditional sale contract or a retail installment con- tract, under the terms of which the seller retains title to personal property, constitutes a 'security interest in writing' so that, should the purchaser of the property remove or fraudulently dispose of same, there is a vio- lation of Section 25.02, Business and Commerce Code." Since your question refers to the Business and Commerce Code, we will assume for the purpose of this opinion that the conditional sale contract or retail installment con- tract to which you referred was executed after the effec- tive date of the Code and is otherwise in compliance with the provisions thereof. Section 25.02, Business and Commerce Code, which became effective on September 1, 1967, provides that "(a) A person who has given a security interest in writing on personal property or a growing crop of farm produce may not, with intent to defraud the se- cured party, (1) remove the property or crop from the county in which the property or crop was located when the security interest at- tached: (2) sell the property or crop; or (3) otherwise dispose of - 2185 - Honorable Robert R. Barton, page 2, (M-440 ) of the property or crop.” The Business and Commerce Code superseded existing legislation dealing with such security devices as chattel mortgages, conditional sales, trust receipts, and factor's liens. Gone are the definitional difficulties and trans- actional fictions of the chattel mortgage, the conditional sale, the trust receipt. In their stead is a general set of rules for the creation of a security interest in the se- cured party. Therefore, to answer your question, the pro- visions of the Code that are pertinent to your question must be examined. Texas Business and Commerce Code, Sec. 1.201 (37), states that: "'Security interest' means an in- terest in personal property or fixtures which secures payment or performance of an obligation. The retention or reservation of title by a seller of goods not- withstanding shipment or de- livery to the buyer (Section 2.401) is limited in effect to a reser- vation of a 'security interest.'" Texas Business and Commerce Code, Section 9.202 states: "Each provision of this chapter with regard to rights, obliga- tions and remedies applies whether title to collateral is in the se- cured party or in the debtor." Therefore, it is the opinion of this office that a conditional sale contract or retail installment contract, under the terms of which the seller retains title to per- sonal property, constitites a "security interest in writing", so that, should the purchaser of the property remove or fraudulently dispose of same, there is a violation of Section 25.02, Business and Commerce Code. - 2186 - , I Honorable Robert R. Barton, page 3, (M-440 ) SUMMARY A conditional sale contract or a re- tail installment contract, under the terms of which the seller retains title to personal property, constitutes a 'se- curity interest in writing' so that, should the purchaser of the property re- move or fraudulently dispose of same, there is a violation of Section 25.02, Business and Commerce Code. Verfiruly yours, Prepared by Dunklin Sullivan Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE: Kerns Taylor, Chairman George M. Kelton, Vice-Chairman Roy W. Mouer Ed Esguival Malcolm Quick Harold Kennedy W. V. GEPPERT Staff Legal Assistant HAWTHORNE PHILLIPS Executive Assistant - 2187 -