Deaombw 20, 1967 Ronorable Yayland 0. Holt Opinion No. ‘U-172 District Attorney Scurry CounW CiWthourr, Ma ~Whethera county commleslone~e Snydor, Tqrr oourt which desires to pur- ahro oquijmmnt for general USI by the county, requiring ,the expenditure df $2,000.00 br more to. be paid out of yurr rent funds, must advertise by neuepaper publicatioil ( or porting) notice of its lntcn- tlon to take aompetltlve bids under the pro,ylBionrr ‘of Sec- tion 2, Artlalo 2368a, Ver- aonir Civil. Sfatufcu, and Dee Mr. Bolt: related question.. ., In a r#amt lifter, tb thir 6ftlcr you: roquest’bd’ our ” 0 to the abovo ‘reieronced matterr. we quote “Tha mambirn ,o? tho Commi6rion~rr Court of Bouwf County have objected to tho rouuirement o? advertirlng fw bida in making puraharor of’ equipment for tho um oi tho ,County whore tho purch@ro priao of rruahoquipniont is euch thrt thi trlrlrrg of compotitlv0 bldr ,I8 neceerary. Thoy agroa that whom the price Is $2000.00 or mobo th8 takiag 0s campotitlvo ‘bids Is requlrod but thegr do not agree that whore the equifniont is purahared with ourrent tinds advertising by ‘publlmhing or ,poetin~, as required by Sec. 2 of Art. 2368a, Vornon”jnkuotated Texaa Statutes, 18 nmm5mary, an0 tn k It 18 exempt under tK ‘prooir%onr o? $00. 5 ‘of euch,Articlo 2368a; ;ho County Auditor h&r announced hle intention to rrfu80 to approve any claim agalnet tho,County fo rlqulmont puFaharod unleea all tho provieloni OS ml? Sec. 2 u’a ocmplied with. I gon. U``lan0 0. Bdlt, pa8 2 (W-172). "I will approalate your maw8H.n8 the folk lowlcrtngquortionsr "1. Where the purchase price of .oQuIpmont for $onoral u8e by tho County I8 )2,000.00 or mm, th8reby~ rrquirln2 the t&king oi com- petitWe bide, I8 it nece88sry to advertioe by, publllhln2 (or posting) giving notice of inten- tion of the taking of ouch bldr?' . "2. Whore thoro I8 a trade-in lnvol~8dr door the term, fpuraha80prlco,l.,man the fill prlae quotrd or bid io2i the equipment to br .purahrrd, or doss It mean such full priae lore ‘. 3, tha rrraMt ollowod for tho trbdo-la?” moei portlone or Irtiole 236&, Vornonlo Civil'Statutos, whlqh are applioablo to your first quortlon re!d U'followei ,' "8ec. IJo aountg, acti* 2. throu@ it8 Coaml8rionrr8~Court, . , .rhall horo&itOr emko uy qontrbot or.llln( for O* rogulring thr ox- q@ltwo ,OP wont ot Two Thourand Dollar 'pt,: 2iO00.00) or norr~out of any fund or finds gf MJ* . ,dqanty or 8ubdlvIrlon of mj muntjr arortln(~er impbring an obll2atIofi or lisbillty o f a nyna tur ,o e ohawotmr r up o nluoh county or, anj eubditiirlon of mmh aounty, '. . .wlthout rim mubmltting m&ohpropord~contr``~t to oom- petltlvo bide. Notloo of the tine and place whrn bnd rhrro muah oontrrotr ohall bo let ehrll bo publlrhod li euoh oounty (if oonoemlni a oorinty contract or oontrrotr tar ouoh rub- alvl8lor1 OS wch oauntg). . .onor e weak for two (2) oon8ooutlvo mekr prior to the tlmo 8ot ,forletting ou’oh oontrrat, thr date of the fi$rt publlcctlon to bo at’lrrrt fourtom (lb) Idryr, prior to tho dbtr mt for letting rrld oontraot; and uld oontrrot rhrll br lmt to the lowrrt reaponrlblo biddrr. .If thoao lr no nrwr- paprr publirhad In euih'oountg, the notlao of tho letting of euoh oontrrot by ruoh oountg ohall be glvrn by owrlng notlar therrof to bo, ported at the County Court Houw door To? four- torn (14) dry8 prior to tho time of letting ,' euoh oontraot, . . , ". . . Bon. Wayland Q. Holt, pago 3 (M-172) ,. "Any and all such contract8 or~agreements hereafter made by. any county,. . .ln this state, - without complying with tho terms of this Section, shall bir void and shall net be enforceable. In inny court of this state, and tho performme or samo and the paymo'$t of any money thereundar may ,be onJoined by any property taxpaying citizen of SUChCOulity. . . ,ic. . B ‘bee. 5. The noflc8 required in Seetion'i 2.. ,8hall not. be appllcable,to expendlture.8 payable out of durrentnfunds or bond funds, as above deaaribod, . . . Section 2 of Article 2368a provlde~ that in certain 8Ili8r~enOy~ 8itU&tiOll8 ,thc COWlli88iOn8l’8COUl’t does~ not have to ":. tioatply with tho provlsIonr of the rootion. “,, S&?t$On 2, Artlo~le 2368a, has bien am'ended8evel?al .timo6 ulnae Its orlglnal eriaatmant in 1931. m,oifeot of there aBend~ntS,in8Of& IS it iS.SOliVa& to thr:zq~eStiOn hero, 1nvolviJd is,,,$h@t, 48 ori@ally onaotod,,,tho section applied only to ~contradt~s ?or th& c,ottstructlon of public buildinga or .tho pro- becutlop apd, c?mpletlon of any public 'work requlrl~g ane?ipendl,ture ih lXOO#S‘bi 42,000.00. Wh8r0a8, tho provision8 of~the~soction now apply to; all lxpendlturos of county funds ,in an amount of $2,000,O0 Or m&o." 'rhat portion of Section 5 of Artlclo 2368a,``uoted above, has not beon amended,in 8ny important respect since its driginal snactm8nt'in 1931 and was in fiat ra-enactad along w1t.h certain amendmanta to Soctlon 5 and Section 6 of Art$clo 2368a, which are not pertinent to tho instant quostlon by Senate Bill, lp5, Ads 52nd Leglrlature,``Regular Serrl~n,~ 1951, Ch. 164, SEC. 1. Sectlbn 3 Pi shbt8 Bill ios,rObd~8 &S rOllOWB: %o* 3. Them faot that the Attorney CMneral of Texas har held that Ssbtlonr 3 and 6 ot 8ald Chapter 163 we~o impll8dly ropralod br Chaptn 173, pagO 238, hot8 of thr 30th,kglSlature, 1947, Atid q\uStiOnS hbV0 aX'l8en a8 to tho Validity Of contraeta and.warrantr oi aountl48 and oItle8 thereunder, oreaten an emargonoy and an lmporatlve pubtia nro~88ity that the Constitutional Rule reqUi;rlng bill8 t0 bo read .on (rhrO0 SWeral dqV8 in l & ROUSo t0 bo 8U8``68d; Sn& S&&d Rule 18 hqrbbp SUspMdedr and thI8 Act Shall becomo Of? foot.IvelmmodIately from and aftor Its pa88ag0, and it 18 so lna o ta d.” -826- eon. Wayland (I. Halt, page 4(M’-172) ” Chapter 17 , pegs,238 (aotuslly page 283), Acts of the 50th Legle- lature, 193 7, referred to In the,above quotation from Senate Bill 105, was the first amend,ment’ to Section’ 2. of’ Article 2368a. Those portlone of Seotion 2, which aFe relevant to this’queetion, and which have been”prevlouely quoted herein, have not been materlally altered sin&e the passage of Senate,Bill 105, referred to above. Section 3 of Senate Blll,l05.expreeses the clear legislative ln- tect that Section 5 of Article 2366a should be operative subsequent to the enactment of Senatd Bill ‘105, even though ,aectlon ‘5’, Article 2368a, was lmplledly repealed by the 1947 amendmentto Section 2, Article 2368a. It le thus clear that the provlalone of Section 2 of Article 236h which require the giving of notice of Intention to take competitive bide by newspaper ~dvertlsement (or,postlng) are not applicable to county expenditures for the purchase of e’qulpment for general we by the county payable out of current funds, .even if the expenditure Is $2,000.00 or more. In anrwir to your second question, it 1s our opinion that when a county denirea to make a contract under the.competltlve biddlng requlremente of Section 2 of Article 2368a the’blds must ‘. be atat*d in temar of the grourr ,price of the equipment to be pur- chaeed W$thout conrlderiag any “trade-in”. This Is no,t to say that a coreniarlonerr oour.t in the exercise of, Its. qund, .dlscretlon ‘.c&at require In the ,bid speciflcatlon~, t’hat ti``detis’muet. submit, as a ,paPt off tk)elr, bid ,the eum’OS money .whlch, ithey will, al&or the bounty for a deri&nated ‘tzade-in” as credit on, the “bid amount0, We do not believe that it can be eald aa a matter ‘of. law that a oanmls6~oners coiart, bar abused lte discretion if It Includes such a ~peclfloatlon in a bid proporal,’ and took the response of the ‘bidders to thir, rpeo$fioatlon Into irccount in,determlning which bidder W&I the “lomrt oeeponsible bidder V SUMMARY The provisions of Seotion 2 oi Article 23680, which require the giving of notice of intention to take oompetitive ,bide by newe- paper advertlrement (or porting), are not ap- plionble to county lx p endltu ior.r rthe r ‘pur- chase of equlpment~for general me by the county whlchlue payable out oi current fundr, even if the l pendlture 11 $2,000.00 or more. When a county desires t,o make a contractr under the competltlve bidding requirements of Siotion 2 of Article 2368a, the bid8 mu& be -827- . : Ron. Vayland 0. Walt, p8ge 5 (M-172) . in term lt8ted of the, grore price ol the .equip- ment to be purohrud rlth6ut oonaldertng any “tr8de -In”. Beuever, in the exerciw of It8 8cnmd diecretlim, a ooaiuimieners court may i lgmoify In itr bid p~oporrl thbt bidder8 ehll include In their bid the cum of money which thav will allow for a “trnde-in” na c+edle on the bid amount, Gd a conr8li~lOn4ril Court may ognrlder the rerrponae of bidder8 to this mphfficntlon in determlnlng un l@iah bidder is the ‘love& reeponelble sdder . Y&Se very truly, Prepared by Leuir ,B. mmy, !fr . Asslotant Attorney Generrl APPROVED: O?rnon cm=. ,. I. .