THEATTORNEY GENERAL. OFTEXAS Honorable Fred Holub Opinion No. C-636 County Attorney Matagorda County Re: Whether the County Attorney Bay City, Texas of Matagorda County, Texas, has the duty to act under the new Uniform Reciprocal Dear Mr. Holub: Enforcement of Support Act. You have requested an opinion of this office concerning the capt loned matter. The new Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, Acts 1965, 59th Legislature, Chapter 679, page 1561, codified as Article 2328b-4, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, delegates certain enumerated duties to the “ProseoutIng attorney” who 1s defined In Section 2 (0) a8 follows: ‘Prosecuting attorney’ meana the distrl&‘attorney or, in those counties in which the county attorney fulfills the func- tions of the district attorney, the county attorney .” Section 21 of Article fj of the Texas Constitution provides, in part, as follows: “The County Attorneys shall represent the State in all cases in the District and inferior courts in their reapectlva counties: but if any county shall be included in a dla- trlct in which there shall be a Dletrlct Attorney, the respective duties of District Attorneys and County Attorney8 ahall in such counties be regulated by the Legislature.” The County Attorney of Matagorda County does not ful- fill the functions of the District Attorney, aa suoh county has a District Attorney. In Section 2(o) of Article 2328b-4, aupra, the Legls- lature haa, with clear and unambiguous language, defined the term “Prosecuting Attorney”, as used in the Act, Section 12 -3086- Honorable Fred Holub, page 2 (C-636) thereof, when Texas is the initiating state, provides: "The prosecuting attorney, upon the request of the court or the State Department of Public Welfare, shall represent the plaintiff in any proceeding under this Act." Sections 18 and 19 of the Act contain comparable provisions when Texas is the responding state. As the Legislature has specifically made it the duty of the District Attorney to be the "Prosecuting Attorney" in such cases, in all instances, except In those counties in which the County Attorney fulfills the functions of the Dis- trict Attorney, it is our opinion that the County Attorney of Matagorda County does not have the duty to act as "prose- cuting attorney" under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act. See Garcia v. Laughlin, 285 S.w.2d 191, 195 (Tex.Sup. 1955). SUMMARY The County Attorney of Matagorda County does not have the duty to act as "prosecuting attor- ney" under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act. Very truly yours, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General of Texas By : ~-‘sz Ly‘I ‘\.‘~ 'LARRY J.' CRADDOLiK Assistant Attorney General LJC:cm APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE: W; V. Geppert, Chairman Lonny F. Zwiener Robert Owen Ralph Rash Dean Arrlngton -3087- - i Honorable Fred Holub, page 3 (c-636) APPROVED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENBRAL BY: T. B. WRIGHT -3088-