.. THEATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS Ronorable Robert 8. Culvert opinion Ro. (C- 347) Comptroller of PubJlc Accounts Capitol station Rer Whether income from Susan Au&n, Texas V. Clayton trust fund may be used to retire Treasury bills of the United States of America which are In bearer form and are tender- ed for redemption to the Federal Reserve Bank of p&&t by Texas ColPsPerCir3 rwar Nr. ce1vertt . You have rBque8fed the eplnlon of this office on the above captioned matter. .-_ late Mrs. ~layton~exercise``a The power of appointment by will over certam trust. income m favor of the United States of America upon the condition that eald incaae be used for the retirement of the Ilcrtlonal debt. You have advised ue that ti Treasury bill8 of the Wited States .of America, which are in bearer form, are tendered for redegtion to the Federal Beeerve Benk of Dallas by Texae cmmerclal banb, payment 16 arAe to erid banks aa owner8 of the oblleptiono dthout inquiry am to rhether the blank ni t be acting for ofhor partlea in lb mltk ia the gTreamry b el.. A jud ent use entered in J. Y. Johnson v. R. 8. Calvart, Ro. 600, dr in the 129th Judicirl +fl et ceuct Dl ,_____ __- _ Of -- Harris __----- cellntv. _._``. I Texas __-- on___ October .- .-_ -- 14.~I 1963. ``~--~ Boththe e’ #&ate - of Texas and the undted Stat@6 of Amrlca lnterpened In this cult. Under the tenor, of the judgment, it use decreSa thet the UnIted State0 of Awrlca owed an inheritance tax to the State of Texas by rea8on of t exercise of the power OS appointment by Sllun: Vi-C& the tax rhould be computed under the provilrlonr of Article 14.t .Taxatlon-Wneral, Vernon*r Civil,8ktuter. The tax 80 computQd -tBd to $g7,351.71. uo and the tax hu been patd to %sG of Art&ala x4.03 read, %n part, (yo Pollorrrr Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page ,2 Opinion No. (C-347) “If paeelng to or for the we ~of the United Statea, to be ueed in this State, the tax shall be one per cent of any Flue in exe688 of Twenty- five Thousand Dotlare, and,not exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars;, two per c$nt on any value in exdgse of Fifty Thousand Dollars an< not exceed- ing One Hundred Thoueand Domlarej. . .” Thereafter the Article provides $or inoreaee in rate& In stated value brackets with a maxlmuin 61~ per cent rate on any value in exceea of One~Nillion Dollare. Prior to theIsnddition of thle judgment, the Secretary of the Treasury of the United State8 of America, the Honorable D$ug;lf Dillon, executed a Commitment which it? here copied . “WHEREAS,Susan Va an Olayton late of the State of Texas, by a cod“ircil to her iaet will dated August 3, 1957, directed, that one-half of th6 Income of a truet theretofore created by her surviving h.ueband, William L, Cla ton, by an indenture made February 19, 1931, and &l own 00 the ‘Susan Vaughan Clayton Truet No, ?t, br pIid to the United States of America;. “NOW,THEREFORE,the United States of America, by It8 undereigned Secrrter OP the Treasury, by virtue of the authority vreted 3:n him bnolud$n$ the authority contained in the Act of 8Yunr24, 1961, Public Law 58, 87th Congress, and for the purpose of securing the benefit afforded lsy’&%kcl$ .J&,O6 kif3%tle: l22A,:~VB~llanfis Annotate,d Texas StattiLer,, to bequests to the United States which are irrevoaaibly committed for use ex- cluaively within th8 8trte of Texan, herrby declarei%, directs and agrees: "(1) That thr~txNcWm of the Susan Vaughan Clayton TrwO No, 2 @hall be and they hereby are directed to pay all income of said truet to which the United State6 may now be, or hereafter broomr ‘cmtitled to the Federal Res@Me Rank oi Do&, am the fiacbl agent of’ the United klt&~OaJ.and . . - Honorable Robert 8. Calvert, Page 3 cpinion Ro. (C-347) “(2) That all moneys to which the United States is, or may become, entitled from said trust shall, upon receipt by eaid Bank, be deemed deposited in a subsidiary account of the special account established on the books of the Treasury of the United States by Section 4 of said Act of June 27, 19613 and ’ 3) That all moneys paid over and de- posite 6 as aforesaid shall be specifically identified on the books of the Treasury as available, and shall be disbursed, solely .~. ‘.. for the retirement in Texas of national debt obligations of the United States owned by citizens or residents of the State of Texas, and the payment of any taxes authorized to be paid by Section 3 of said Act of June 27, 1961; and “(4) That said Bank shall. be and hereby is directed to use all moneys received and deposited as aforesaid, which remain after authorized payments of taxes, to redeem public debt obligations of the United States owned by citieens or residents of the State of Texas which may from time to time be presented to it in Texas for redemption3 and “(5) Thatthe foregoing directions to the Trustees of the Susan Vaughan Clayton Trust 100. 2 and to the Federal Reserve Bank OS Dallas meqnot and shall not be revoked9 rescinded, or amended, and said subsidiary account may not and shall not be closed, discontinued OT terminated until all . moneys to which the United States is or may be- come entitled from said trust have been received and paid out in accordance with the foregoing t. authorizations and directions. “United States of America ‘,. (Signed) Douglas Dillon ‘Secretary of the Trearmry June 27, 1962” -1650- - . Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 4 Opinion Ro. (C-347) At the date of the death of Mrs. Clayton Article 14.06 V.C.S. provided,in part,as followsr "IS passing to or for the use of the United States . . . the tax shall be: "5s on any value in excess of $5dO and not exceeding $10,000 "6$ on an value in excess of $10,000 and not exceeding $ 25,000 1,. . . . It Thereafter the percentage of the tax increase8 In stated value bracket8 until it reaches's maximum rate of 20$ on any value in excess of $1,000,000. Article 14.06 also contained the following provision: "Provided, however, that this Article shall not apply on property passing to or for the use of the United States, . . . when such bequest, devise or gift is to be used tithin this State. The exemption from tax under the preceding pro- vieion of this Article shall, without limiting its application under other appropriate circum- stances, apply to all or 80 much of any bequest, devise, gift to or for the use of the United States, . . . which is, in wrdting and prior to the, payment of the tax, Irrevocably committed for use exclusively within the State of Texas. . ,I. . . . ,t '. Although the commitment recites that it wa8 executed for the purpose of gaining exemption under the provielons of Article 14.06, V.C.S., the trial court in the Johnson case, determined, as previously stated, that a tax was due under the provision8 of Article 14.03. In this connection, we point out that Article 14.03 require8 "use within this State" 88, a prerequisite to gaining the more favorable exemption and lower tax rates than are accorded by 14.06 in the absence of obtain- ing exemption thereunder. Prior to the adjudication of tax liability, the court made, among othera, the following express finding: -1651- . - Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page, 5 Opinion No. (C-347) “The United States of Americaj acting by and through the Secretary of the Treasury, executed and delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and to the Trustees of the ‘. Susan V. Clayton Trust No. 2, a document com- mitting the income to be received by The United States of America to be use within the State of Texas, within the meaning of Chapter 14 of Title 122A of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended. ” The commitment is declared to be irrevocable and may not be “revoked, rescinded or amended.” It requires the money received from the &rust fund-to be used to redeem public debt obligations of the United States owned by citizens or Te8ident8 of the State of Texas. Therefore, the express term8 of the commitment prohibit retirement of Treasury bills of the United State8 of America which are in bearer form and are tendered for redemption to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas by Texas commercial banks. This is so because payment8 are made to the commercial bank8 a8 owners of the obligations without inquiry as to whether the bank8 might be acting for parties who are not residents of this State. SUMMARY ------- Income from Susan V. Clayton trust furid may not be used to retire Treaeury bill8 of the United States of America which are in bearer form and are tendered for redemption to the Federal Reserve Rank of Della8 by Texas commercial banks. Said income has been irrevocably committed by the Secretary of the Treasury OS the United States of America to the retirement of Rational debt obligations which are owned by resident8 of the State of, Texas. This requirement ie not satiefied where redemption of Treasury bills is accomplished by payment to Texas -x652- -, . Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 6 Opinion No. (C-347) commercial banks a8 owners without inquiry a8 to the-residence of the parties for whom such banks are acting. Yours very truly, WAGGORER CARR General of Texas Attorney By: MHcGPrsjl APPROVED: OPINIOR COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Brady Coleman George Black Charles Swarmer Paul Phy ~;PROVEDFORTHEATTORRRY 0-L : Roger Tyler -1653~