THEAITORNEYGENE~L Q,FTEXAS Honorable Doug Crouch Crlmlnal District Attorney Tarrant County Fort Worth, Texas Opinion No. C- 10 Re: Docketing of cases in the Probate Court of Dear Mr. Crouch: Tarrant County. Your request for an opinion reads as follows: "!lW.soffice has been asked to re- quest an opinion from the Attorney General concerning the following question: "In view of the provisions of Art. 1970, Section 3, V.C.S. providing for the county clerk to alternate cases In the respective courts, is the county clerk obliged to allow clerks appointed by the respective courts to interview patients prior to receiving applications and assign- ing them alternately to either the Tarrant County Probate Court or the County Court, "In connection with the above question it appears that Art. 1970, Section 15, V.C.S. provides for a clerk to be appointed by the Judge of the County Probate Court. It ap- pears that no specific duties are assigned such clerk. No such duties having been as- signed such clerk the court has adopted a practice of requiring such clerk appointed by him to Interview alleged mentally ill persons prior to the processing of the ap- plication and the assigning of said cases alternately to the respective courts. -37- Hon. Doug Crouch, page 2 (C- 10 ) "It would seem that the plain pro- visions of Art. 1970 V.C.S. providing that all proceedings be filed with the county clerk and thathe~ alternate,such cases so filed to the respective courts that it is within the province of the county clerk alone to receive and file applications and assign them alternately. Further; the M.en- tal Health Code contemp,lates(Art. 5547-12, V.C.S.) that all applications, petitions, Certificates and all other papers permitted or provided to be filed in the county court by this Code shall be filed with the county clerk of the proper county who shall file the same and endorse on,each paper the date filed and,the,docket number and his offlaT ial signature. "Art. 1970, Section 3 and Art. 5547-12 ” having specifically assign,edthe ~duty of receiving, docketing, and ,alternatlngcases in the various courts, It would appear that ', such duties are to be carried out and exe- cuted exclusively by the county clerk-and deputies appointed by him. Any other pro- cedure would.make it Impossible for him to alternate casesfor the reason that~he could not know whether an application would ac- tually be received prior to receiving the results and attitude of the interviewing clerk so appointed by the court. Wile it is generally accepted ,that courts may estab- lish certain procedures inconnection with the processing of matters before ~themand,it Is true further that the filing of a case or docketing in either of these c,ourts1~sfor all purposes In full force and effect as though it were~filed In the, other, the statutes hav-, ing clearly ,prescribedthe procedure and it appears therefore that both the~county clerk and the respective courts ,are~obliged,tofol-, low the statutory mandates. "The county offlcials~concerngd are ~ awaiting your opinion fin: thi~matter so that they may act aacordlngly." ,' .:, Hon. Doug Crouch, page 3 (C- 10 ') The Probate Court of Tarrant County was created In 1957 by the-provisions of House,Bill 662, Acts of 'the55th,Legls- lature, Regular Session, 1957, cha ter 400, page 1204, codi- fied in Vernon's as Article 1970-3fl 5, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Section 3 of this Act required: ,A11 and pro- ceeding; ,$thln the jurisdiction of the Probate Court of Tarrant Count and the County Court of Tarrant Count filed on ff E4``P``a~5~r~r``o````````````;" irrespective of the Courts or Judge to which the matter or proceeding is address- ed, shall be filed by said Clerk alternate- ly in said respective Courts in the order in which the same are deposited with him for filing, beginning first with the County Court of Tarrant County. . . .' Section 3 was amended by the provisions oftSenate Bill 435, Acts of the 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959, chapter 334, page 739, by inserting therein the following provisions: " . . . No proceeding had in either of said courts, nor any order entered therein, shall be invalied because of any failure of said clerk to file new matters and proceed- ings alternately as above provided. . . .' In addition thereto, Section 15a was added to the Act creating the Probate Court of Tarrant County by the 1959 Act and provides: 'NO action taken, nor any order made or entered, nor any application, pleading, motion, bond, citation, 'return of citation filed, nor any other proceeding had in the County Court of Tarrant County or in the Probate Court of Tar- rant County, heretofore or hereafter, shall ever be held invalid because done,in either of said courts, or because of erronrous refer- ence therein to either of said courts by the name of the other of said courts, and as against any complaint or charge of such nature, -39- Hon. Doug Crouch, Page 4 (C-10 ) all of the 881118 heretofore,done,are hereby validated for every purpose." In view of the 1959,amendments to Article 1970-345, Vernon's Civil Statutes, above referred to, you are advised that the County Clerk is directed to file all such matters and proceedings overwhich the County Court of Tarrant County and the Probate Court of Tarrant County have concurrent jurls- diction, alternately in ,therespective'courts,-abutthe~failure to SC,file will not lnval,ldateany order entered on such mat- ters. Turning to your question concerning the duties of the clerk employed by the Judge of the Probate Court, Section 15 of House Bill 662 Acts of the,55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1957, chapter 400, page 1204 at page 1206 provided: "The Commissioners Court of Tarrant County shall provide a secretary for the Judge of the Probate Court of Tarrant County, and such other and additional clerical assistants as may be re- quired to properly carry on the business of said Court, at salaries to be fixed by the Commissioners Court." Section 15 of this Act was amended by House Bill 626, Acts of the 57th Legislature, Regular Session, 1961, chapter 485, page 1083, so that it now provides: "The Commissioners Court of Tsrrant County shall provide the following employees for the Judge of the County Probate Court of Tarrant County: (a) a secretary to be paid not less than Four Thousand, One Hundred and Forty Dol- lars ($4,140) per annum, and (b) a chief clerk to be paid not less than Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) per annum, at salaries to be fixed by the Commissioners Court but not less than the figured indicated, which salaries shall be paid monthly out of the County Treasury by the Com- missioners Court from any funds available for this purpose, provided, however, that the Jud e of the County Probate Court of Tarrant-Tfzii+ 1s hereby authorized to employ, supervise, and terminate each and,ever one of said em loyees. Th Commissioners CourtYof Tarrant Counfy may alEo provide such,other and additional cle,rical Hon. Doug Crouch, page 5 (C-;lO.,) ~. : assistance as may be-required to properly carry on the business of said Court at sala- ries to be fixed by the Commissioners Court." (Emphasis added). It is noted by ,the underlined portion of Section 15 of Article 1070-345, Vernon's Civil Statutes, quoted above, that the clerk employed pursuant to its-provisions is under the supervision of the Judge of the Probate Court. Therefore, it is the duty of such clerk to perform such functions under all matters previously filed In the Probate Court as may be directed by the Judge of the Probate Court of Tarrant County. Section 13 of Article 1970-345, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides that the County Clerk shall be the clerk of the Pro- bate Court and his duties are prescribed by the provisions of Section 3 of Article 1970-345. Whenever an application or petition is deposited with the County Clerk for filing, it is the duty of the County Clerk to immediately file such ap- plication or petition in the proper court. We know of no provision which would authorize the County Clerk to delay the filing of an application or petition deposited with him for filing. You are therefore advised that the County Clerk is not authorized to delay filing of an application or petition which has been deposited with him for filing pending an interview of an alleged mentally ill person named in the pleading. In this connection, you are advised that the clerk employed by the Judge of the Probate Court pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 15 of Article 1970-345, Vernon's Civil Statutes, has no duty concerning matters not pending in the Probate Court of Tarrant County. SUMMARY The County Clerk of Tarrant County is di- rected by the provisions of Section 3 of Article 1970-345, Vernon's Civil Statutes, to file all matters filed with him over which the Probate Court of Tarrant County and the County Court of Tarrant County have concurrent jurisdiction, alternately in the respective courts In the order in :;hichthe same are deposited with him for filing, beginning with the County Court of Tarrant County. Failure to so file, however, !Irill Hon. Doug Crouch, page 6 (C- 10 ) not Invalidate any order entered by said courts on such matters, because of any failure of the County Clerk to file such matters alternately. The County Clerk Is not authorized to delay the filing of an application or petition deposited with him for filing until an alleged mentally ill person named In the pleading has been intervlew- ed. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General of Texas John Reeves JR:ms Assistant APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Norman Suarez H. Grady Chandler Ben Harrison Paul Phy APPROVED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Stanton Stone -42- c.