DocketNumber: V-918
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Hon. J. E. McDonald Opinion No. v-918. Commissioner Department of Agriculture Re: Availabilityof Item Austin, Texas 56 of the current ap- propriations to the Department of Agricul- ture for the payment of expenses Incurred In the administration of the Pink Boll Worm Law. (R-B. NO. 322, Dear Sir: Acts 51st Leg.) Reference Is made to your request for an opln- Ion, which reads, In part, as follows: "We desire the opinion of your office as to whether or not this department can pay 'other expense&' in the administration of Chapter 3, and Title 4, R.C.S. 1925 and any amendment known as the Pink Boll Worm Law, from Item #56 of H.B. 322, passed by the 51st Legislature,which Item reads as follows: 'Seasonalsalaries, none to exceed $200 per month for administrationof Chap- ter 3, Title 4, R.C.SYl925 ....$5000.00?' "For your information,Item #56, refer- red to above is the companion appropriation to Item #68 of S.B. 391, passed by the 50th Legislaturewhich Item reads as follows: 'Seasonalsalaries (none to exceed $190 per month each) and other expenses in the admln- lstratlon of Chapter 3, and Title 4, R.C.S., 1925 and any amendment known as the Pink Bollworm Law.' "The State Comptrollerhas presently set up this Item#56 In the amount of $5000.- 00 as Seasonal Salaries only, effective Sept. 1, 1949. In this connection,if this appro- prlatlon Is allowed to stand, limited to Hon. J. E. McDonald pRge 2 '(V-918) - salaries only, with no part of the $5000.00 to pay general or contingent expenses for Pink Bollworm control work, then the pro- ject Is going to be critically handicapped not only from the State's viewpoint but It will become a problem of National scope as well. "It is our Interpretation,that the 51st Legislaturehad no Intention of deny- ing this department of the use of these funds, by limiting the amount to salaries only, when it has been a custom of the de- partment for many years in the past, and the several sessions of the Legislaturehas re-appropriatedthe money from one budget to another, leaving It to the discretion of the Commissioneras to how much should be expended for salaries, and to general ex- penses in the enforcementof the Pink Boll- worm Law. It Is our belief that the entire ,wordlngfor Item #56 should read exactly as quoted above from Item 68, and our further belief that the 51st Legislatureso lntend- ed; but the wording of,thls particular Item (Item #56) was erroneouslyphrased in the final draft of the Approprlatlon'blll,either clerically or stenographically,as all of this wording as It should have been appears on Page #lb, (but not in proper sequence) mimeographedcopy of H.B. #322 which was presented on the floor f$r final passage by the 51st Legislature. Item 68 of the appropriationsmade to the De- partment of Agriculture for the biennium ending August 31, 1949, appropriated$5000.00 for each year of the, biennium for the following purposes: "Seasonalsslarles and Other Expenses In Administrationof Chapter 3 and Title 4, R.C.S. 1925 and y Amendment known as the Pink Bollworm Law. S.B. 391, Acts 50th Leg. R.S. 1947, ch. 400, P. 803. Item 56 of the appropriationsmade to the De- partmentof Agriculture for the current biennium Is an appropriationof $5000.00 for each ear thereof for "Seasonalsalaries, none to exceed %200.00 per month for Hon. J. E. McDonald, page 3 (V-918) - administrationof Chapter 3, Title 4, R.C.S., 1925" H.B. 322, Acts slat Leg., R.S. 1949, ch. 615, p. 1208. We quote with approval from Opinion No. O-906, written during the administrationof Attorney General Oerald C. Mann: "It is, of course, elementary law that money appropriatedby the Leglsla- ture cannot be used for any other purpose than that specified in the appropriation bill without constitutinga mls~applica- tlon of public funds. "Conferenceopinion, Attorney Qener- al's Department, August 18, 1921, by Hon- orable E. F. Smith: "'It la the law of the State that no part of the money appropriatedby the Leg- , lslature can be used for any purpose other than the specific purpose named In the ap- propriationbill. An expenditure for a purpose other than the one for which the money was appropriatedwould be a mis- application ofpubllc funds. The Comp- troller would not be authorized to draw his warrant on any fund for any purpose except the purpose named ln the Act, and the ??reanurerwould be without authority to henor a warrant on any fund for any purpose excapt~thatnamed In the approprla- tion bfll.' "The above opinion quotes from 4 COr- pus Jurls 1460, as follows: "'An appropriationof funds is an authority from the Legislature,given at the proper time, and In legal form, to the proper officers, to apply sums of money, out of that which may be In the treasury In a given year, to specified objects or demands against the State; the act of the Legislature In setting apart or assigning to a particular use s certain sum of money to be used In the payment of debts or dues from the State to Its creditors; a setting apart from the public revenue of a certain Hon. J. E. McDonald, page 4 (V-918) sum of money for a specified object, ln such manner that the executive officers of the government are authorized to use that mdneg and no more for that object, and for no other: (Underscoringours)." It may be, as stated by you, that the Leglsla- ture had no i?tentlon of _ denying to your Department funds to pay traveling and other expenses necessary to enforce the provisions of a law so important to the cotton lndus- try of this State as the Pink Bollworm Law, and Its fai-l- ure to provide~for the payment of such expenses may have been due to an error or oversight. However, we cannot speculate as to what the Legislaturemay have intended or the reason why an appropriationfor the payment of such expenses was not made. We can, In this instance, consider only the plain, unambiguous language found in Item 56 to determine its meaning and the purpose for which the money aljproprlatedtherein Is to be expended, which is to pay "seasonalsalaries" Only. Therefore, It necessarilyfollows that It Is our oplnlon such appro- priations may not be lawfully expended for traveling or other expenses Incurred in enforcing the provisions of the Pink Bollworm Law. SUMMARY The money appropriatedto the Depart- ment of AgricultureIn Item 56 of the cur- rent ap~roprlatlonsfor tie purpose of paying 'seasonalsalaries may not be law- fully expended for traveling and other ex- penses incurred by the Department in the enfortenmnt of the Pink Boll~orm IZIW. H.B. MO. 322, Act6 516t Leg.; A.G. Opinion No. go6. Yours very truly, APPROVED ATTORNEY GEWWAL OF TEXAS &2X @?s&&q~p ZL 2L.u-d ATTORNEYGENBRAL BY Bruce W. Bryant BWB:azun:mw Assistant