E ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Auwrnl 11.-rExAs June 1, 1949 Ronorable Jesse James Opinion No. V-038 State Treasurer Austin, Texas Re: Whether bonds to be issued mder Sets. 17 and 18, Ar- tic10 VII, Constitution of Taxi&s,are eligible as col- Dear 3*: lateral for State deposits. opinion of the Attorney Genepal 8s to wnetner the bonas to be Issued by The UniversSty of Texas and the Agricul- tural an& Mechanical College of Texas under the authority of Section 18, Article VII, Constitutionof Texas, come within the requirements of Article 2529, Vernon.'sCivil Statutea, so as to make such bond eligible as collateral for State deposits. You also ask whether the bonds to be Issued by the several colleges under the suthoritg of Sec- tion l? of said article are likewise eligible. Article 2529 designates the type of obligationsor securitieswhich are acceptableas such collateral, To be eligible, the bonds in question would have to come within the scope of the following language of the statute: nbonds of this State; bonds and other obll- gations lasued by the University of Texas" Section 18 ,ofArticle VII authorizes the Board of Regents of The University.& Texas to issue not exceeding $10,000,000.00of bor& or notes and the Board of Directors of the Agriculturaland Mechanical College of Texas to issue not exaeeding $5,000,000.00of bonds or notes for building purposes, and said boards are authorized to "pledge the whole or any part of the respective interests of the Agri- cultural and Mechanical College of Texas and of The Univer- sity of Texas in the Income from the Permanent University Funa, aa such interests are now apportionedby Chapter 42 a for the purpose of scouring the payment of the prln- ii&&l and interest of such bonds or notes." . . Honorable Jesse Jalgas - Page 2 (v-=83,8) : It is clear that the bohde to be issued by the Board of Regents of The Univemlty of Texas are eligi- ble securities e Furthermore, it Pa our opinion that the bonds to be issued by the Board of Directom of f;he A&- w.~t.~;nxsi~,~r$MeobsalccLl College are eligible as bonds or Altho h said college ia a branoh of,The Unlveralty’of Texas“f Tex, Conat, Art. VII, Seas, 10 and 13; AFL 2607, V&.S.), we do not believe that thle fcbot alme would make tbnsa bonds e&%@&Le,o ,. However, it ir oux c+plnloti thrt rraZd.college $8,. 8 pet of oux S$.c&egovernment, and that the State is sot- 1% la a gov~rnasntsl capacity In ocmduoti said college fer -4Uwatioloal IMpp(Mes snd fux+shi~, 0o.l 7 8 8 bugdp rep we in o``~rying~i3ut such pep ek, BIE9tb 170 S.W.Zd 652 9”Ter. Goam, Ap+po1943), t held th+t “the state“f~ ~condua,tlng through A. & H. College its ex rlmental ~statlims, was wt~ing in a govermWta1 oepao Pty es dletfaguiahed from 8 popr19tary, oepaolty.* The bonds me to bs mmred by.& pXmJg6t of t$m intereets of the aollege in the Wrmbaent mDiv9mlty Fuasil'. alnllax to the pledge to be lpade of the interests of The University of,Texas in the issuance of’ bonds by the Board of Regents B The Pernmnent Ualversitf Puad Is manifestly a stat9 f&B%. It is, therefexe, ok o inion that the bapdo to be issued by the BoWl of R ei The UniversfliJ’of Texm anil by ‘the Board of 0 of the Agrieultaural~ and IUeohmQal College of Texas under Seotlon 18 of'Ar- , tlole VII are ~ell&lble sea~W4.e~ a8 collateral fm State deposits undo~ 1Lzctlole 25213. It mey be argueb t&t the 6poifioIItipn of the “bonds ~ahd other obligatloas ibsued by the Univerelt of T9x&Ynanmunts to an fmpiied negative of the eliglb;t 3: tV ef bonds lsaued by other State institutions of higher leewllne: . However, It is our opinion that the point of this quoted language is mvely to lpeke “other obll&ionsv of the University of Te%as ell.@ble, fov “bonds of this State” would not include any evidence of indebtedness other than a bond. ‘Other obligations n ,kould concelv- ‘. ably Include obligations payable fxon the Fevenuee of .. self-liquidating properties I notes p et04 -- obligeti,ona .* other than bonds, Howevercp Artlcls 2529 spwka of’ bonds ,@ : ef+ this State, and Sections 17 anQ ‘18 of Article VII . , Honorable JeseJamee - Pago 3 (v-838) authorice the iseuanee of the bou¶a in question, Aa to the bonds to be issued by the several col- leges under Section 17 of' Article VII, provision la made f'or'the payment therefor by the levy of "a state ad val- orem tax on property of' Five (5#)Cents" upon 811 the taxable poperty of' the State. We believe that what we have said oboie with respeot tb the Agrlcultw?al and Meehanicsl College of Texa8 a8 8 p8rt of the State of' Texas applies equally to 811 lnrtltutions of higher leaning established 8nd m8ln- talned by the State, In other words, the State of Texas: 14 pesrformlng a governmental run&ion in the eatablish- ment, owatlon, and msintenanae of such colleges. Moxeover, these bonds ,are to be paid by 8 State t&x -- a tax levied on all the taxable property in the State of Tex88, crollected under State'law, and placed l.ri the State Treaeury, Such tax moneys will cotistitute State fund6, It follows that these bond8 will be State obllga- ts.onR. ft ia our opinion, tbeMk?re, that the bonds to be hsued under the povieioncr of Section 17 of Article VII wiLl be boti8s of the State of Tbx88, and 88 suoh will be eligible as oollaterrl for State deposits under Article 2529. Bonds to be irrued by the State education81 institutiona of hisher learning under the pro- visions of Seotions 17 and 18, Anticle VII, Con- stitution of Texab, will be eligible as .collater- al for State daporltl under APtkale 2529,Ver- non's Clvll Statutes. Very truly yours ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS IRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEYEtHERAL