THE ATJTORXEY‘GENERAI. OFTEXAS Board of Insur8nce Comml8sioner8 land Office Building Austin, Texas oplnlon lo. v-863 Re: Authority of a stock fire and casualty insurance com- p6ng and8 county mutual insurance comjmny to enter 'lntormtu8lreln8uranco agreerent, and related Dear Hr. Butler: quertlonr . By letter of April 18, 1949, you request an oplnlon concerning the legality of a proposed relnaur- ante sgreenent between ALsro Casxnlty Company, a capi- tal 8tock oorapenyIncorporated under the provl81ona of Chapters 2, 11, and 18 of Title 78, Vernonla Civil Statutea, and Berar County Hutual Insurance Colnpang, 8 county 8mtual insurance co8rpanyIncorporated and licensed under the provisions of Artlole 486Oa-20, as amended, Vernon's Olvll Ststutes. Your letter ral8ea these 8peolflc questlonsr .l. IS each conrpengauthorized to enter into the agreement? 2. If 80, vbst %haiwcter of risks" of the stock corpsny my themturlcompsng aa- sum3 to reinsure under the agreement? 3. Ylll t&e agree8ent. if authoriced, re- lieve the stock colnparyof the relnasuranoeor unearned pre8tiwnreserve requirement imposed by Sections 7, 8, and 9 of Article 4682, Ver- non's Civil Ststutes, a8 to the buslnes.880 reinsured? 4. If 80, will the assumption b7 the n~tual oompany to reinsure the risks of the stock company Unpose s statutory obligation on the former to mintsin 8uch e re8erve on the brrsiness80 relnnsuredby It'? * , Ron. George B. Butler, p8ge 2 (v-863) 5. I? luthorlsed, vi11 th el88u8ptlon by the mtual wmpeny to reinsure risks a? the stock CoBpay itpore on the latter 8 ststptory obligation to ulntaln a reserve in the amount of $1.00 per huudred of the tot81 exposure re- insured by the m&X81 carpuy a8 e contingent liablllty Of the stock Company 88 8 policy- holder of the mutual eo8pany by virtue of or in liOU Of th0 48808880nt lirbility Of POliCy- holder8 o?.the mutual plrderthe term8 of ertl- cle 4860s~20, Vernonsr Civil Statute87 %'h8conditional MturO of the vsrlour question8 is apparent, and their pertinence 18 indicated bv ths term of the e- greement and the vsrlous applicable statutes. !Pheagreement is esaenti8lly a predetermined pl8n designed to establl8h mutual obligations of the companle8 to each other as to individual risks or portions thereof selected by each as original or direct insurer and Shifted or 'ceded' to the other a8 rdmnarer, 88 evidence by 8 list, called a 'bordereau," prepared monthly end passed br the direct vrlting insurer to the other as relnsurer. &ch COml~llJOblig8tOS itself to accept such risk8 e8 4l'Oi8- posed upon It by the other In consideration of the mutual obligations undertaken and fn conslderetlon of the relln- qulshment or 'cession" of the premium charged by the direct vrlting company tar thst portion of each rlbk "ceded," mf- nu8 a stipulated "CDEWi88ioP." Be contract Is subject to cancelletlon upon rtfpulated notice by either party.. All 8t8tutoPy references vi11 be to yernon'a CIvilStatutes unless otherwise Indicated. We will Initially conslder~your first question from the Standpoint of the 8tock company. finexhibit from it8 l&St am-1 StrteHeIltindfC4StOStfratit VritOtl the kinds of Insurance clarbified es “fire and B18rlnemunder Article 4919, as vOl1 es e number Of W3Ualty liIiS8,including ailtO end ot&er liability and workmen08 oompensatlon~in8urance. 4rticle 4919, dealing vith companies Rltlng 'so-calledfire tid m8rlne lines, expressly authori8ea such e oomprny "to cause Itself to be so Insured again8t a&. loss 6r~r18kn+t may have Incurred in the course of its bUSine88. . D o To the Same efiect is Article 4932# authorizing fire 8nd merino companies to reinsure "in any other insurable company l?gal- ly atithori8edto do business in this state0 It Ii neces- sarily implied th8t 8Wh other companies are generally,au- thorieed to 80Cept 8UCh risks as a reinnrurer. Aa to ths other kin88 of insurance vrltten bg the stock company, there being no'SW&tUtory e;rpreSsfOnon the SUbjOet, the rUl0 i8 stated in 46 Corpus Jurls Secyndum, lWo Section 12218 Bon. George B. Butler, page 3 (V-863) "As a goner81 rule, under e geuelul par- er to make contracts of ipl)uranae,an lnsur- ance ca8pamy Is euthorl8ed to relmure Its rl8k8 or tkm risks Of other 808p&dOS.” He therefore canelude th8t the stock oampany ray enter Into 8 reciprocal relu8urauoe lg r eemntvlth another CO+ P-s* The subject of the county m&u81 aooeptlng qc oedlug reinsurence is expressly treeted In Section 2q of Prtlcle 48608-20, vhlch provider8 "County Rut901 Izuswenee Capan msy reinsure any or 411 of their risks lgelnst any or 411 hesards vhlah they ere p8rmitted to inrure agaainstvlth any other eorpsny or oo8panle8o "They shall iwve power awl euthorlty to m8ke and cuter into mutual oti reolprooal re- Insurance contreets vlth other Companle8 on the,mutual or oo-operative plan; provided that no Oouuty Mutual shall vrlte or assume the relnaurance on any other property than the property it is perrtltted to iMure, or on property situeted Outside of th8 &ate of %X88, and Vhen 8UCh a &tZ.Ut~&tUal rein- 8ures the ~praperty, of another C*nf, it sball~not by reason of rmch fact be, or be- care&-momberm? partner, of 8uch other Com- peq, but z&all mily become liable ?or,the losaea of suoh other hmpany es rpeaified in the iontract of lnterinsurence end not other- vise; and provided fbrther, that a COunty Mutual shall only h8ve euthorlty to reinsure the risk8 of another Compeny in comlderetlon of.the feet that stiohother comp8ny retiures it8 riSk8; &lidiOr the WPOSO -itU) pSy Or eOllO& additional 4880888088t8 end/Or prOmi- 'ama88 the CaSO my be." The first paregreph of Section 20 lp p eer s to authorlse the County Hut\lsl to procure relnsurance of Its risk8 with other ins~rence compani88 vlthout qusli- fleetion as to the type of such OthOi'iS8Uranae Uompa- ties. The second paregreph, dealing vlth +e``accept- anae of relnsurance 'obligationsby county mutuel conpa- c Eon. Qeorge B. Butler, page 4 (V-863) riles*or other ln8uzance oump8nier Is less elea~ in respect to the type of oapany vhose rlaks th8 sounty mutrvlwby reineuro. That peSSibl0 ubispity reises the 8uia question SUbrittOd by you. You here advised PI t&t you interpret the phrase %a the mtuel or aeeperatlve plu' to quall?y the vord %mpenie8* inediately preceding, ia 8UCh 8 ray es to make th@ first part of the second paregreph read8 "They shall hsve power end luthority to make and enter Into mutual or reciprocal re- inruranre contrects vlth other Compenler on the mutual or co-operative You further construe the phrase "Comp8nies on the mutual or cooperative plan" to mean county mutuals, end In rup- port of ouch oon8truetlon you refer ua to the definition of "Count Mutual Inwrancb Companies" in Section 1 of Article 486OS-20 68, RC~panIe8 organized for the purpO88 of insurance on the mutuel or cooperetlve plan against loas or damage by $3~ lightning gas explosion, theft, vlndrto: and hi& ind for all or either of such purposes.' (~hasir supplied.) There Is no tidamental reason thy a mutual end 4 stock company may not mutually reillsureeach other. Each fs e corporate entity, entirely eapable, in the eyes oi the lav, of nklng 'contract8mutually b8nefltlal to each. The phrase, 'on the mutual or cooperatlv8 plen,” can 4180 be read to modl?y 'to make and enter into mutual or re- ciprocal relnsurance cmtract8.” These phreres are not necessarily redundant, slnae one may refer to the re- insurance contract vhile the other m8y refer to thedv;;- all plan uader vhlch the contrect 18 to be rade. finltlon in Section 1 is of doubtfil value since on its face It describes mutual comp8niea vhlch ere not nec88- serlly "County Mutu818." It does not attempt to set out vh8t er8 companles "on ths mutual or coopentlv8 plan,' but, conversely, merely states in 8ff8et tbt to be a county lutuel insurance company, th",coapaay must operete "on the mutual or cooperetlve plea, Hon..Qeorge B. Butler, page 5 (V-863) m rosining proViaiN8 Of the second pars- graph, upon eare?ul umlyslr, do not exclude the porei- blllty of reciprocal relnrormce vlth other tlmn l coun- ty mtnal. bcept as limited by the lndlvldrul oomp8ny oherter, 411 oeuaty mutual8 are limited to the same olmraokr of risk8 on the sue kind s? property. Yet the rt8tute tirefalls prohibits rein8wanae of lny prop- erty other than the property the oounty mutual Is per- mitted to ln8ure, inferring the poselblllty of reln- SUMNO dealings vlth companies having no nuch lirita- tiona * The c~picuow 4bSOnCO of qualifying dO8igMtiOM VhOrOVer the VOrd “my” is used tends to negetlve an Intention to lkit the reinsuranae pover to reclproca- tlon vlth only 'caupty mutual" or other "mutual" or "coop- 8MtiV8" CO8JlNiOS; Bin08 such 8 lirltation ceuld hV8 been easily expressed. In this connection,ve note that by ACta 1947, 50th Legislature, p* ngo ohapter 36`` Art. &86Oa-20 V&S ~aplenaed SQ that the vord "Qampany" is defined to “refer t0 Sad imolude Eblltype8 Of OFganiTi&tiOM, 4880Cistitill8, dOlQ%%&iOSOr gFOUp8 sUbj&%t t0 the pl’OVi8iOM Of thl8 Aot.” (~haS18 SUpplied). -8VbF, it 18 to be noted that the definition of the word “Company” does not ex- clude other types of organizations but laerelyincluirzizi Fhose subject to the provl81ona of "this acten The con- tOXt.iItUSt McO888rily be coMid8r8d in dOtOrI&iing th8 meaning of rGompanyA as used in various provisions of the lav. we0 therefore9 cOnClud8 that the rOaiproC81 re- insuFance contemplated by the statute 1s not limited ox- pressly or by necessary Smplicetlon to county mutual8 or other ia- or eoaperatlve plan companies9 end In the absence of such limitation v8 conclude that the stock end the mutual oempany ury e&oh enter into the agreement. The egrsement purport8 to oentemplate r8alprooetlon, co- operation,and mutuality In the exoh8nge of relnsurenoe obligetions su??iciently to meet the loose standards of the statute. Your second question appear8 to be ensvered by the OXpreSS forma of Section 20, heretofore quoted vhiah, taken together vlth Seation la of Article &Oa- 200 .Fefera to the various etatut prescribhg the has- ards against vhlch fire and vlndstom insurance compa- nies b#eat in Texas may insure and refers to Section 1 of Artiele 86Oa-20 in determining the klnda of prop- erty vhich pay be so ln8ured. It vould uuduly lengthen , ,L &,’ ,., Eon. George B. Butler, page 6 (V&3) this O'~biniOR t0 qUOt0 Or di@St SuOh St8tatOS 8nd ve Vi11 assume that your board my 8atl8?eatorlly determine the propriety of speoiilc Item8 by such referewe es indl- Q&ted. Yoar third quOSt%QP et the time it v88-88ked v88 governed by 3eotlea~ 7, 8 ead 9 of Artiole 4682, prowrib- iag the duties Of the Beard Of InNMSiOO COUiSSiOaOrS, v&oh provide: *7. 3hll csloulate reserve on fire In- 8uraace0- For every ao8pmy. dolag fix-elnaur- NC0 bUSiM88 ir this 3trte, h8 ShEi CSlOU- late the rein8uranoe reserve for unexpired fire risks by t8klng ?Uty per sent of the premium received on 811 unexpired rlsk8 that have less th8n One yur to ruu, end 4 pro r8t8 of all premium8 received en risk8 tht luve more tbanone year to rvn. When th8 re- lnsurenc8 reserve, 8818ul8ted es above, Is less t&in forty per cent of 411 the premlumn received during the year, the relasurence re- serve in this ease ah811 be the vhole of the pMdUM reuelved On 4ll of it8 IlllOXptiOd risks. For every oomprry transecting 8x1~ kind Of iMtlrsnC0 bUSiM88 in th.i.8 3t8t0, for vhloh no bIt@iS 18 preserlbed by lav, h8 S&11 celaulate the relasurenoe reserve upon the 88me b88i8 prescribed in this 4rtiole as t0 c0apan188 transaetlng fire lnsurence busl- ness. "8. 3hQl ohsrge premium8. - In M8rlne and inland in8ur8noe, he ah811 oh8rge 011 the prenium8 reoeived on uuexpbed risks es 4 re- lnmrance reserve. '9. When comp8ny18~c8pital is wired.- Revlng ohargedageinste a~ other then life, the reizmurance reserve, es~pre8orlbed by the lam of this State, and eddlng thereto al1 other debts~8nd alelm lg8in8t the aomp8- nj, h. Shs& in -80 h0 ?indrthS 08pit81 stock 0r th0 ocmpnny hpalred to the extent of twenty per cent give notloe to the oomp8ny to m&e good its vhole oapitel stook vlthin Sixty,drg8, Nd, if this 18 not done, h8 Sbs11'requlre the company to ceese to do bus- iness VltJxLnthis State, and ah811 theaeupon, . tin; George Bi Butler, page 7 (V-863) in the Case the corpuy Is org4nlsed ander 4th thorlty o? the State, lnedl8tely inrtitute leg81 proceedln8a to determine vhet farther ah811 be dose in the case.” m ebete stetutes uke the rintenance of the required re- serves a oondltlon of rolveaoy, IIIour eplaloa the re- serves 8ust be Prlnhlned by the reinsurer or th8 relasur- ed or in the lg@egate betveen the& third question v&r caked, hovever, prier te fcotar the enactment of 3ePrte Bill 192, 51st bglrletare, 3ec- tlon 16 of vhlch reads, in part, es ?ollowr: "County Mutu81 Insur8nce Companies ah811 8~lntein et all times unearned premium reserves for 811 tmerpired risks by reserving 502 of the unearned portion of premiUm8 collected l$- ter the effective &to of thlr Aot oa bu83qte88 In forae or vrltten thereefter having tvo yurs or less to runI and by reserrimg 4 pro .mfi8of 411 premiUm8 00118oted on risks that hve more tivm tvo yeers to run. o o o u8 BSSWPO tbst the 8b88nCO Of r88Orve rOqUirOmeIlt8 under the old law on county mutu81 comp8nies prompted your third question, but the hbove enaotrent has now placed cer- tain reserve requlrements upon such companies, We heve been referred by th8 proponent8 of this agreement to the prectlce of yopr Board in llloving e reserve reduction vhere reinsurenae is ceded, bat you edvise tbt such preetice bs been epplied only to the extent th8t the reln8urlng comp8ny 18 subject to stetutory re5erv8 requirements end thps the ml1 statutory reserve is &a feet, nint8ined by the oom- pmles vhlch are parties to the relnrUr8nce transection, either by one or th8 other or in the eggreg8te betveen them. It now seem8 tint your cited preetlce of ellewing 8 reserve reduction oELeccoUnt of reln8urance is eppllcable to th8 extent tht reserve8 ere reqrriredof these cemp8nler by lav. Tow prectlee vi11 nov epply to those companies to th8t ex- tent to vhich they ere requeed by rktUte to m8lntrln re- serves, lpearing in alnd that the full required r888rve as to each comp8ny mU8t be m8fntalned by one or th8 other or In the 8gBregate betveen them under your prectice. Our conclusion regarding the third qUO8tiOn diSpOS- es of the fourth, since the latter question is predicated on a negetlve an8ver to the third, RN. -orgo B. Butler, page 8 W-863) -,SOlUti- Of th0 fifth - fiul qUO8tiOn depend8 upon vhether Artlole 486&-20 eakrpl4tOS'een- Idgent llablllty On the pert Of the rOia8m'0dStOCk cad cm vhetbr r~oh~rein8eed a- beoemer 4 hzor pollqholder of the m-1 by vlrtae of the SktUtO. m St4tUtO 008krpbtOS Oapu OVBOFS:O? inStir- eble property 88 8aberr of the mtul. Only 'pollcy- holder8' are '&xprOSSlysubjo& t0 a oeatiBge8t.liability In Sectlonr 6 uad a(r),. The lien remrlag such lirbll- lty etteohe8 only to rwl and perrwel property lnsur8d, ReiamFeda hare been held rot to be "polioyholder8* vlthla the 8eealag of ether regulatory 8trtute8. Cvn- v. Bembllc In8. Co., 127 hr. 499, 94 3.m 6, Per a m J 1 Section 20 eontemplates e r~oi roul oon:eat iy &~e of vhlch th, eamtty ml- not be 8 me8bor or pertaor of the reoipro- c4Btlngecmpeny. It appear8 to eontapletetbat Oaoh am- peny shall bOar the charges ega$xut it, looklng to ltr ovn resoUrcea-endaemborrhip for rPBdr to meet them. We, thereforo, oanolude tht the 8tOCk Co8pCn~ in lto t8pscity es 4 rOiMUMd i8 aOt required by St4tUtO t0 maintain 4 rosorvo to meet oomtingent liabiliti88 lm- posed by th8 rtatuto on polloyholder8 es 8emberr. ft ny, of oourss, voluntarily oontreot to do 80. A stook fire ead carrririty bSur&IWO cob paayeadecwatymtual ioSPrmo0 Qempeay are not prohibitedby rtetuto fro3 entorlng Into.8mutualrotasureaee egroement. A ts. 4919. 4932. 4060s~20. v.C.3.:46 cJ.35~. A oouuty mttul i.llS&~CO OorpuJ 84s roh8uro 8Wh risk8 Of &~Stook fir0 8nd ml- Ualty inrllrenoo company es the eormty autual la8~00 acRpra) 18 luthorl8od by StStUtO to iaiurees 8.direot lnsaror. Art. 486Ob20, VS. . Va der th e lSt&bliShO~ pl'Wti80 Of the Board Of hNMN0 CariSSiOlAWS, th0 pI1- earned premlUm r68orros roqulrod by 8tetuto aunt k ralatelaod by the reiaourlag co8peay Ron. Goorge B. Butler,,page 9 (V-863) or by the reinsured company or in the aggregate b8tVOen them. A stock fire and oasoqlty bumrance oom- pany IS not required by St8tUtO t0 maintain 4 retserve equal to 4 mpollcyholders' contingent &ssesement llablllty 4.8 a mOmb8r Of a OOtInty mutual Insurance company by reason of being r8insur8dby the county mutual insuranc8 Cam- Yours very truly, ATTORREY ffEREFUiL OF 'PEJCAS R#:bh:gw I?ed&&niOl Assistant /cfiikdBk I)avldB. Irons AdmInistrative ABBiSkrnt APF'EOVED