DocketNumber: V-808
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Apll 12, 1949. Hon. w!mlam A:~Hensley Oplnlon ro.~p-808. Criiaiinal bistrist Atty. Baar county -- Rsr T&i Ugallty OS UWxLng San Antonio 5, Texae warrants to purchase steel illrug squiplnent for the vaults of the . County Clepk. Dear xr. Rensl~t You have requested an opinion on the follow- "The CoimalssIons~S~' Coilrt of Bexar coun- ty, Texas, has requested that I submit to you certain questloas regarding the purchase ore steel filing squipment fbr'the vaults oi'the County Clerk by the issuance o? warrants. *It la the intent of the county comsls- t3lonsrs o? Bexar Caujity'to Issize warrants fdr the puvposs``oi purcflsslng‘612 all-steel roll- er sheIves and 216 all-steel dooumsfit flles~ which are' tobs amhomtV'b6oumlY to-ths~ Court- house Ftuur-:umction ana to be made a part themof sofas to make-these uufts 8tatlonarJ and unmovable and a part of the building, "The Couaty Commi~alonershave requested that I submit to pu the following questlonst Il* Is the proposed expenaitve for a ~. lpermansnt``lmprove~entl OS the type oontemplat- ea b7 the authorlsatlbn of warmnts tar the sole purposs of ~psrmsnent improvements to the courthouss?' _. -A" 2. Assuming the %ons+uotlon to be a pemansnt isqmveimat, aa eonslae*ing the proposed new law applicable to Bexar County whloh restrfbts the Count Commissionos from issuing warpants, (H.B.lO& Acts of the 51st Lag., R.S. 1949, etfeotlve Xaroh IL, 1949), . eon. ~111inm 8. bnsley, page 2 (~-806) hen the Co5uisaione~s legally issue previously autho~ised wamsnta for the puPpose of puv- chasing and erecting this pemsanent lmppove- merit?” (PaPenthssla ours.) .. Section 9 of-~ArtXole VIII of the Constltutlox of Texas provides ln part as fO11OWS8 (I .sitQ no oocmty, olty or town shall levy m&i than twenty-firs (25) oents for alty OP oounty proses, and not exoeedlng fifteen (15) cents fop roads ana bridges, and not.exoeedlng fifteen (15) oents to pay jap- OPS, on the onb huntied dollvs valu&tlon, ex- oept ioF the paynent of debts IncaPPed p~lor to the-‘adoption of the Amendment September 25, 1883: and for the ereotlijn of aub1Io bulld- lnga*i streets, sewers, watemo~ks and other s not to exceed twenty- one hundred dollsrs valuation, in any one year, and except as 18 In this Constitution othemlae provldsdt pro- vided, however, that the CixumlselonePs Court in any county may Pe-allooate the foPegolng oounty taxes by changing the Pates pPovlded for any of the ropegoing purposes by either lnopeaslng OP dsopeaalng the SW, but in no event shall the total Of raid foregoing cotm- ty tsxes excised eighty (SO) coats on,the’one hundrl)d dollars valuation, ln,any one ye&P; 0 0 0 The lnoneys scorning from taxes levied and eel- leoted SOP each of the enumeratedpurposes ale Constitu- tional fuuds. The lmme&iate puppose of the above quoted provi,slon of the Conat$tutlon la to limit the saounti;f taxes that may be raised fop the i~ve~al ~uPpoee8. IS also intended to requiae that any and all money8 ralseU by taxes ZOP a partioulsr purpose shall be applied to that purpose and to no AuIt ve El11 CO=~&102 Tex. 335
,116 S.W. 359
8 Cappoll v. Will1 -1 log TSX, 155, 202 S.Y. 504 It was helil iii ths case of Brown v. Graham;58 Tex. 254
(1883), i%a case lhvolvlng %lIWor apeala tax for pepairs and additions to a CouFthou%er "Should the ~omisleslonsrsD court come to the conoluslon ths~t a larger court house is Eon.~ Xllllam M..kensley, page 3 (V-808) needed to meet the demands of the public busl- neB8 bf th8lP county,'and they agree upon its plan end dlmenslons, and find that they can secure a building conforming to them in every respect, either by erecting a new structure, OP altering; repalplng and enlarging the old one, and that the 1atteP mode will be less-ex- pensive by half than-the former, la there any Peason In holding that they o&n levy the t&x for the more expensive mode of attaining their object, when they oould not for the other, though the structure whioh is the result Is ppeolsely the same in every particular? "The object of the fopsgoing pPovlslona of out constitution and statutes w&s to enable th8 blffeP8nt countlss to provide suitable public edifices, leaving it to the judgment of the proper authorities whether this should be done-~by bulldlng new houses OP by repalplng and adding to old ones, when they oould thus be rendeP8d suitable to the pUPpOSSB of the county. The wopd sepect,g contained in all the foregoing priWislons, was the most comprehen- sive term that could be used to embrace all such lmp~ov8menta. "To hold that a~couhty whose couPt house, with proper repairs and additions, could be rendered commodious and useful in every ma- pect, must pull it down and build an entirely new one, would be to ohargs out law-givers with an intent to encourage an unnecessary ex- penditure of the public money. Such a consid- eration would not, in Itself authorlse us to infer a power. when not expressly given or neo- essarlly Implied. Yet when the language-used la capable of Including authority to do an act not mentl6ned in terms, suah construction of it la ,gPeatly aided by considerations of pub- lic advantage which it would omtalnly pro- duge." In the case of Adams v. #oGl11, 146 S.W.2de’332 (Tea Clv. App- 1940, s~ror Pef.J~9 the court held that Article 2372d, V8rnonts``Clvll Statutes (expPes%ly authar- lslq the oonstruotlon and 1 Pavement of a livestock and horticulture exhibit building '7 implledly authorized the county to lseue time w&Prants payable over a period of Hon. Ullll&m A. Hensley, page 4 (V-808) years for ImpPovemmts on such bulldlng. We quote the following from the opinion of the oonrt: I) . h County Subject te the SxpPiiSS P8StPIc~ii;ns imPOS8d by the Constltutlon aad g6aeFal lnws, h&s th8 power to issue time warrants in payment fop lmpPovements it is expressly authorlsed to construct, pPevlded that the applicable Pegulatlons relating to the issuance of such warmnte b8 ObsePved.' Additional &UthOriti8S on the sasie oint: L&eater v. Louez,110 Tex. 179
217 S,U. 373 7 1919) and Foremsn v. oooch 184 Saw.26 461 (Tsx. Clv. App. 1944, emor ref. w.0.m:). Following the holding lm the bboie mentioned case this Off1a8 held in Attorney General Opinloh Ho. v-779, "where tim1ESiOn8Ps t COUP--la exp~8ssly aitthos- lxed to const``b a building, It has ~the ImpXled ~authm- lty to lasue luterest bearing tltie warrants to pay id', such oonstPuotlon." .. _ Article 2351 gPsntia the authority to eseh Com- miSaiOu8Ps' CoUPt f.B this Stat8 t0 pPoVf& and keep in repair coUPthoPs88 and jails. ThePefoPe,~.if the puPchase and lnstallatlon of the filing equipment 8mounts to b pWm&netit leovement of the opurthouse, than time w&r- Pants may legally be issued thepefor, Unless the same hss b8Com8 prohibited undeP"the tePms of House BllT KO. 106, Acts 51st LegislatuM, a point iihlch we will later dls- OUS8. If the purchbse and installation of auoh filing equipment does not- amonnt to a permanent improvement, then, of couPso, payment thePsfoP must be m&de from the county general fund, for that fund la bhurgeable with the payment of supplies and equipment as auah. The test applicable to SOUP first question is aaaounced in Hutbhlns v, Masterson,46 Tex. 551
(1887) wherein it 1% stated on page 534: " -anthertrue oPlterlon far determin- ing WheihiP'a chattel has become &n Immovable flxttule, consists in the UEit8d application ..of the folloliing teStSt "1st.~ E&a theP8 been a Peal or OOnStPUOt- iV8 anhexatlon of the &PtfOl8 in question to the realty? HOP; William I. mneley, page 5 (v-808) "24. Was there & fltaess or adnptatlon of suoh article to the uses or purposes of the realty with vhloh it Is connected? “3d. Whether or not it iI&s the intention of'the party making the annexation that the chattel should become a p8rm&nent accession to the freehold? - this lnteatloa~belng InTerable fl'Om th8--lJatU'e Of tb8.~aZ'tiOl8, the Z'elatiOn and Sltu&tlon of the parties interested, the policy of the,liziw in rsspeot thereto, the mode of aiinexatlon, and purpose or uae.for which the annexation Is made. "And bf tiese three tests, pre-emlnenoe IS to ba given to--the qU8stloii of intention to make the article n permanent socession to the ire&hold, whlle“the others sxe chiefly of val- ue as evidence as to this lntentlon.A Filing ogblnets tid shelves would ordlnsrlly be olaseifl8d ns equipment and payable out of the gen-'- era1 fund of the obunty. fan 'drtlole would not become a flXtur8 simply becaiise it 1%.~anohored d6wn'to the bulld- lhg. For example, a chnlr, a desk, or ail adding m&chine m&y be neoessstry in oounty offloes, but auohorlng on8 of them to the building for convenience would not mske it a fiXtIll'8. The seoond and third tests would not be met. Yet, ii bulldliig @ouId b8 oonstruoted withPill- lhg space 8nd Oabin8tS be a p&~t thereof. Slloh bulldlngs have-been built; The walls of th8 bulldlng~ are the walls of the flllmg oabliiet, eta. In such n situation thbre o&a be no doubt that the filing cabinets &re a persaenent part of the building. We a0 not h&v0 eufflole~t facts to answer your ijuestlon odtegorlcally, for such &n &nswe~ woMd~lnvolv8 a determlnatibn o? faotd ,Pel&tive ~to'the installation whloh la yet to t&k8 place. We can snswer yoUr question only by Sayl~.lf the filing equipment is Lnstalled ln suoh a mannoF whloh would sbtlsfy the tests laid the 6ouPt Iii the Rut&la% case and thereupon beoomes a perm&nent part of the oourthouae structure, the same could be paid out of the county permanent lmprovemi$nt fund, and time w~iant.8 could be issued therefor, asaum- lag, of course, that they are issued in accordsme with law. Eon. William 1. Bensley, psge 6 (V-606) The 51et Legislature h&s llmltdd the power of the fhImissionera~ Court in certain inetsnaes to iSSU8 time w&r.rants by the provisions of House Bill lo. 106, Ch. 36, which provides, in p&H, ns follows; 'Section 1, In all oountles having a ptipulatlon In excess of @~i#e hundred thou- sdnd (300,000) inhabitants acoordldg to the last preceding OP any TutWe Federal l%nsus, the Commlesloners Court shalI hisve no anthop- Ity or power to lssue~tlms warpants until Snd unless the same have been authorlsed by a majopitjl i?ots of the quallfled eleotoi% who ovll taxable property-in the obuhty and have duly Wind8psd the s&m8 for taxation voting at an eleotlon theMfor, such elbc- tloil to be held under the authority of Wd in accordance with the provlslo~ of Chapter 1 of Titlo 22 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas~ oi 1925,`` Provided, that in case of public Cal&silty o&used by itie, flood, sotrm, or to protect tbs-'public health, OF in cash of unforeaeea d&mage to public property, ma- chinery; or equipment, the ComMlsalonere Court %iay Issue such time wamants la the aggregnte``amount of not exoeedlng Fifty-~Thou- sand DOllSrs ($50,000) during any on6 calen- d&r year as &Fe neoess&ry to provide for the fSSIWdicit8repair, preservation OP protection of public property, and the lives and health of th8 oltisens of the county without the sew oesslty of such electlen. . Aa “sec. 2. Thla Aizt shall not be construed to apply-Y0 time warrants of such.oountlee ls- sued or authorized to be Issued prior to the efreotlve date of this A0t 0" IEmphasis oqs.) - In answer tij oiir request SoF addltlonbl lnfor- matloa,'your office has savieed us that in J&nuary of this yeap, the warrants PefePred to in your request were a.uthorized to be i88t88de-~ As Rouse Bill Ro. 106 did not bei5ome effective until March 11, 1949, then under the plain prov~s``ndmrs of Section 2 tM:~Abt wrll not apply to the tlr wlirrantaiiudtir consideration, saWming, of oourBe, that the wsrrants were issued in acoordano~ with law and the 6xpenditures prop8Ny come within the,authd- lred purpose thereof. Ron. tilllfsm 11. Rensley, page 7 (v-m) The purchase and installation of oertaln flllng equipment in'-thd a?urthWse can be ao- oompllShed ln such a~m@ria+r that the same be- oom8s e fixture and’s &irt of the courthoue8 building. If ths itame bgtomes a fixture, then payment therefor may be &&de by Bexar Countj by the lssuanoe of tlms warrants payable,out of the couiity permansiit laprovem8at fund, said warrants having been authorlsed prior to the effective date i3f~Roue8 Bill go. 106, Acts of the 51et Lsglslat~e. Very truly yours, ATTObEY @HERAL OF TEXAS JRzbh -,. Assistant FIRST ASSISTART ATTORIiEY OELWUL