DocketNumber: V-803
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
April 4, 1949 Hon. E. V. Spence, Chairman Board of Water Engineers Austiri, Texas Opinion Wo. V-003 c Fle: Authority of Board to entertain appropriation application of Upper Colorado River Authority Dear Sir: The question submitted for opinion is con- tained in your letter, which we copy in part as fol.- lows : ‘In Attorney Oeneral’a Opinion No. O-7338, approved August 9, 1946, it Is held that the Upper Colorado River Authority, a atate agency, cre- ated by act8 of the Regular Session of the 44th Legislature, Chapter 126, ia not required to secure a permit from the Board of Water Engineers to ap- proprlate waters within Its boundaries and that the Authority ia not subject to payment of feea preecribed by Articles 7497 and 7532, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas. “Notwithrtandlng thle opinion, the Upper Colorado River? Authority cannot get its proposed projeata finanoed with- out having flrrt seuured a permit from the Board of Water Engineers protecting ite source of water supply under the Doctrine of Approprlatlon. Therefore, the Authority filed its application and was granted permit by the Board covering lta Robert bee project on the Colorado Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 2 - V-803 River in Coke County, and is now pre- paring to file an application to ap- propriate and use the waters stored in the North Conch0 River Flood Control Project In Tom Green County for munlci- pal, Industrial and irrigation purposes. "Article 7501, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas, reade a8 fol- 1OWB: “‘Every such application shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided, add shall not be filed or considered until such fees are paid. t “In view of Artiole 7501, can the Board of Water Engineers file and con- elder the application of the Upper Colo- rado River Authority for permit to ap- propriate the waters in the North Con- cho River Flood Control reeervolr wlth- out It being accompanied by the feea prescribed by Articles 7532 and 75357” The question which you raise has been the subject of many prior opinions by thie office, which we briefly review ae follows: 1. Letter opinion dated June 30, 1925, by Assletant Attorney General C. L. Stone, addressed to the Game, Fish & Oyster Commlsslon, decided that the Commleelon need not pay the statutory feea in order to acquire a permit to appropriate water for the pur- poee of maintaining a game prerrerve and fish hatchery. The basis of the opinion Is that since game, fIeh, water, and permlt fees are all the property of the State, and slnoe the fee statutes do not expressly require the oomml~slon to pay the feen, none need be paid, 2. Letter opinton dated January 3, 1938, by Asslntsnt Attorney Qeneral Ruaaell Rentfro, ad- dressed to the Board of Water Engineers, Involves the liability of the Federal Farm Security Admlnia- tration for payment of Baid fees. The above oplnlon of June 30, 1925, was distinguished on the ground that the same community of interests between game. fish, water,ard fees ‘existing there did not ,..*A.<*, exist in the case of the Federal Earm Security AG- Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 3 - V-803 ministration. The opinion holds that since the fees are not taxes, 80 as to forgive payment thereof by the Federal Government, and Article 7532 being mandatory, your Board had no alternative but to collect the fees prescribed by said article-~ '3. Letter opinion dated March 8,‘1938, by Assistant Attorney General H.. L..,Wllliford, addressed to the Brazes River Conservation and Reclamation District, holds Baid DiBtI?i,Ct exempt from the fees in question. It was suggested in the letter. requesting the opinion that since the- fees~ are paid by your Board directly Into the Gen- eral Revenue Fund and since the net revenue of the Brazes Diatrlct is also paid. into said fund, payl. ment of the fees would be nothlng~ more than a bookkeeping transaction, and thesefore need not be pai.d. The opinion recognizes this argument but bases its holding upon utility considerations, stating that since “the entire enterpriee is an . undertaking,by the State to conserve its public waters and to utilize same for the benefit of the State in ita entirety ,~. . . the fees are not re-~ qulred. ” 4. Letter oplnlon dated May .4, 1938, by Assistant Attorney General H. L. Wllli~ford, ad- dressed to Upper Red River Flood Control and Irri- gation District holds such ,dlatrict not liable~ for the fees. Utility considerations were again em- ployed, it being pointed out that the Irrigation District is a state agency exercising powers .and privileges in furtherance of governmental pur- pose. Xn addltlon, It was stated that one deport- ment of government la not required to pay another department a license or prlV.llege tax sin,ce this would be merely paying the revenue ,of ,the State Into the revenue of the State. 5.‘. Letter oplnlo,n dated May 13, 1939, by Assistant Attorney General ?Ngene Tate, addressed to Board of Water Engineera, overrules the Wllllford opinion of May 4, 1938, and holds the Upper Red Ri- ver Flood Control & Irrigation District lfable for the fees. Earlier opinions were reviewed and the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission and Srazos District opinions approved. It is clear, however, that ?,he Brazes opinion was not approved upon the utility . Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 4 -V-803 baais upon-which it naa decided but upon the basis euggested for decision, namely, that the net revenuea of the Brazoe Dlatrlct ultimately find their way in- to the General Revenue a8 do the fees collected by your Board. Baa&use the Upper Red River District’s Act did not contain thle net revenue provlalon, It wae held liable for the fees. 6. Opinion Uo.O-78, dated January 13, 1939, addressed to the State Parka Board, holds such Board not liable for the fees. This opinion reviews all prior opinions and adopts a8 lte basis the above indicated fee theory. It 18 asserted that the Parke Board falls within that class of governmental agency which is not required to pay the fees since its re- venues go into and come out of a State fund. ‘7. Opinion So.O-4304, approved Pebruary 9, 1942, addressed to the Loner Colorado River Au- thority, holds the Authority not liable for the feea, The basla of this opinion Is the inability of the Authorlty to spend its fund0 for any but a btatutory purpose. It wan decided that the Author,ity acquires no right through such a permit, its right,to appropriate being oonferred by Its hot, in consequence of whioh payment of the fee in order to ueoure the permit would be use of Its fundr for a non-statutory purpose. The earlier oplnlonn on the subjeot were not disouased. Neither the Upper nor Lower Colorado hot8 aontain a provision whereby net revenuea go into the Qeneral Fund. 8.Opinion No.O-7330, approved Awuat 9, 1946, addreseed to the Upper Colorado River Authority, reaohes the same rerult and for the name rea.aon an that set forth in Opinion No.O-4304, Irupra. Artiole 7532, V.C.B., aeta up the various fee8 in question, -The opening rentenoe of said artlole provider that “The Board ahall oharge and oolleot for the benefit of the State the fees hereinafter pro- vided. , . .‘I The fee8 referred to under thlrr lan- uage are of three typer, vie., filing fees,p;mgdlng f ee8 and fees for maklng oertlfied copies. m ample - a filing fee la required for eaoh presentation, application for permit, petition for formation of a district, applioatlun for approval of bond IafJue, ap- plioatlon for adjustment or fixing of rates, and appli- cation for extension of time. A recording fee 18 re- Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 5 - v-803 quired for the filing of any .instrumeBt which is recorded In, the office of the Board: A ~fee is also provided for certification by the Board of any ‘in.- strument or map dealred to be certified. In addi- tion to the above fees, Article 753'2pr~ovides for a use fee, also to be collected for the,benefitof the State, such fees being required for the us,e of water for Irrigation, for hydraul.i,c power, for parks, pleasure.,, resorts and game preserves and th,e amoun.ts in which these fees are payable are based upon the volume of the proposed power or water consumption. In conclusion, Article 7532 provides that “the fees paid upon application for a permit other thanthe filing fee herein provided,,shall be held~ by the Board until said application is passed upon and If same is not granted, such fees shall be returned to the applicant therefor. . . .” Article 7533, V. C. S., provides that the fees Andy charges collected by the Board of Water EnglneerB,Bhall be’ immediately deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Pund. Article 7535, V. C. S., merely allows an installment method of payment when the fees exceed the Bum of $l,OOO.OO, and has ‘no real bearing on the subject involved herein. Where this office has held that a particu- lar State agency need not pay the fees, this Is necessarily also a holding that, In drawing the sta- tutory provisions dealing with feea, the Legislature intended In the first place to exempt such~ agencies. It conslatently follows therefore that the Legis- lature did not Intend for Article ~7501 to have a mandatory effect so as to requlre,ln these excep- tional cases the collection by ,you of the fe,Fo;f;+$ to your taking action on the application. words, Article 7501 is not mandatory as to those agencies which are not required to pay fees. Generally, thls,anBwepB your question. How- ever, in order to fully reply, It is necessary to solve certain problema raiBed by the above opinions of this offlce~. Excluding Opinion No. O-4304 dealing with LCRA and Opinion Ro.O-7338 dealing with UCRA, the ultimate conclusion of the above opinions Is that the Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 6 - V-803 fees are not payable In two Instances: (1) If the receipts of an agency go into some State fund and, because the feea go Into a State fund, the agency la exempt; (2) Where the subject matter under the control of the agency la State property, such as fish, the water required for the protec- tion thereof being also State property, no fee is required. Up to the time of Opiniona O-4304 and o-7338, the foregoing were the principal, if not only, two bares upon which exemption could be allowed, Although we have excepted these opinions, actually they form no basis upon which a prospec- tive exemption can be allowed. The holding of theae opinions is merely that the Districts require no permit, obtain no right under It, and, being able to spend thelr funds only in furtherance of the statutory purposes for which they were created, are legally unable ‘to pay the feea. It appears from the statement of facts contained In your letter that In order to finance its North Conoho River Flood Control Project, It la neoeaaary for UCRA to acquire the usual permit forming the basis of an approprlatlve water right. It la evident that UCRA requires for a ;;ryhrectl- oal reason a permit In thlr lnatanoe, Dlatrlota require a permit, it la no longer an ana- wer to the question of payment of fees to say that ;;oauae they do not require it they cannot pay for . An examlnatlon of the Acto of Upper and Lower Colorado River Authorities will show that thalr aota are nearly l4entloal. See LCRA, Aota 1934, 4 C.9. oh.71 UCRA, Aota 1935, o ;Edi and 8mendmentai [both Aota are oarrled in % followln Artiole 8197f). With one minor*e;oeptlon, Section Is of both Aota contains this Identical pro- vision (from UCRAla Aot)r "~Seo.8. The Board shall establish and oolleot rate8 an4 other ohargerr for the sale or uae of water, water oonneotlona, power, eleotrlo energy or other services sold, furnished, or supplied by the Dlatrlct, whioh fee8 and charges shall be reasonable and nondlaorlmlnatory and sufflolent to praduoe revenuea adequate, in addltlon to funds received from tax diversion; , Hon. 6. V. Spence - Page 7 -v-803 ‘l(a) to pay all expenses necessary to the operation and maintenance of the propert?es and faclllties of the District; “l(b) to pay the Interest on and principal of all bond? Issued under this Act when and aa the same shall become due and payable; “l(c) to pay all sinking fund and/or reserve fund payments agreed to be made In respect of any such bonds, and payable out of such revenuea, when and as the same shall become due and payable; and ’ 1(d) to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holders of such bonds and/or with any person in their behalf, "'Out of the revenues which may be received in excess of those required for the pur oBes specified In subparagraphs (a) (bP (c) and (d) above, the Board may’ln iis discretion establish a reason- able depreciation and emergency fund, or retire (by purchase and cancellation or redemption) bonds issued under this Act, or apply the same to any corporate purpose. “‘It la the Intention of this Act that the rates and charges of the District shall not be In excess of what may be necessary to fulfill the obligations im- posed upon It by this Act. , : .I” The same degree of slmllarlty existing be- tween the Colorado Acts does not exist between them and the Brazos River Reclamation and Conservation District ‘8 Act. For the~most part, these differences lie In language employed rather than in substance. Substantially, and eepeclally as regards district objectives and functione, the Acts are the same. With respect to revenues, the Brazos Act (Acts 1935, ch 368 sec.6 copied V.C.S. following ``~l%~‘&&+) p&Ides 4s follows: “lSec.6. It Is contemplated by this Act that the Brazos River Conservation and . Hon. E, V. gpence - Page 8 - v-803 Reclamation Dletrlct will apply for and receive the cooperation of the United States of America in alleviating the public calamity herein declared, and that beneficial usea may be found for the flood waters impounded, which are hereby deolared incidental to the purpose OS removing said public calamity, and that revenue0 will be derived from euch lncj- dental benefits; all of which, to ether with the funda hereby donated and 7 or granted shall be used during the, time and for the purposes herein specified, to the end that such publlo calamity may be averted, Until all obligatione herein au- thorized have been fully discharged, the tax money hereby donated and/or granted to the District, together with the net reve- nues as herein defined accruing to the District from any other oourceB whateoever shall be used exclualvely for the purpoae of diachargrng aaid obligations and for the proper operation and maintenanoe of the l.mprovemente proposed. to be oonetruct- cd; but after all of such obligations have been paid in full, then the revenuee ac- cruing to the District rrom all aourcea whatsoever, shall be ured by the Dietrlct; %irst, to pay the rearonable oost ot ool- leoting suoh revenuesi second, for the coat of the operation, maintenanoe, depre- oietlon, replaoement and betterment of the propertler aoquired and oontrolled by the Dsstrioti third, for the oompletlon of the neoesoary unit0 of the coordinated oonneoted aystem by water oonservation that will prevent the pub110 oalamity de- clared to exlsti and the balanoe of such revenues ahall be paid annually, not later than Wlroh 18t of eaoh year, to the Treas- urer of the State of Texas and by him plaoed in a Oeneral Revenue Fund. “The term ‘net revenue’ as ueed in this Act shall be construed to mean the revenuea of the Dlstrlot, from whatsoever aouroe derived remaining after the pay- ment 0r all oosts 0r oolleotion, all coat0 of operation and maintenance, depreoiatlon, Ron. E. V. Spence - Page 9 - v-803 replacement and betterment of the prop- erties owned and/or acquired and/or controlled by the Dlatrlct, and the es- tablishment and the maintenance of an adequate depreciation~and emergency fund sufficient to construct, replace and/or repair works, and/or properties when and If necessary.” Instead of llmltlng net revenue to opera- tional coat and providing that net revenue over and above these costs may be devoted in furtherance of statutory purpose, as was done in the Colorado Acts, the Legislature has made provlalon in the Brazos Act for turning net revenue to the Qeneral Fund. This difference In method of diaposlng of net reve- nue should create no dfatinctlon, elnce all three Districts are conservation and reclamation districts created pursuant to Section 59, Article XVI of the Constitution; and under no circumstances would they be authorized to produce a profit over and above conetitutlonal and statutory coats. As a practical matter, of course, year to year revenues might not exactly equal such costs and as to any net revenues 80 produced some provision wa8 necessary. In pro- viding on the one hand that theae net revenues be put back to corporate purpose and, on the other, that they be put In the Qeneral Fund should not create a distinction which can ‘have any material bearing on the fee question here involved. The Colbrado and Brazos District8 were cre- ated pursuant to the ooneervation amendment to the Constitution, Sec. 59, Art. XVI. A casual reading of the Acts reveals that the Districts were intended to acoompllsh the same pub110 purpose. This elmllarltg has been recognized by our Supreme Court. See Brazos River Conservation dc Reclamation District v. Mccraw,126 Tex. 506
,91 S.W.2d 665
, 672; and Lower Colorado River Authority v. Mocraw,125 Tex. 268
,83 S.W.2d 629
. In v5ew of this slmllarlty and because of the absence of any subntantlal difference of result in the handling of net revenuea, ab that difference re- lates to the fee question, we are of the opinion that the came exemption accorded the Brazos District should be accorded the Colorado Districts. Believing this to be sufficient reason for exem tlon, we withdraw Opinion O-4304 and Opinion O-733 8 and substitute ln- - . ,.. Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 10 - V-803 stead this oplnlon. A copy of this opinion has been furnished the Upper and Lower Colorado River Authorl- ties to apprise them of this action. As Indicated earlier, Article 7501 1s not mandatory as to those governmental agencies found to be exempt from the payment of fees. Such Article Is not mandatory as to the Upper Colorado River Au- thority and you may rile and consider Its appllca- tlon although not accompanied by the fees provided by Article 7532. The Board of Water Engineers may file and consider an approprla- tion application filed by Upper Colo- rado River Authority even though such application 1s no,t accompanied by the feea prescribed b$z rtlole 7532,V.C.S. Opinion8 O-4304 an’8 O-7338 by prevlous administration wlthdrpwn. Yours very truly ATTORNEYOENERU OF TEXAS I BY H. D. Prueti,.Jr. .:, Asslstant HDP:bt .:. .