DocketNumber: V-802
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THEATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS April 2, 1949 Ron. Willim B. Teague, Chairman Judiciary Distriots Committee of House 51st Legislature Austin, Texas Opinion Ro;V-SO2 Re: constitutionalityof B,B. 677 creeting a County Court to be called the Probate Court of Harris County. Dear Sir: House Bill Ro. 677, to which your letter of request rerers, contains the following title: "AR ACT to establish the Probate Catlrtaf Harris County; to define the jvr- isdiation therQQf and to conrorm to such ohange the juxisdiotiohof the County Court or Rarrls County; add providing ror,the transfer of proceedingsand matters from the Couut,yCourt of Harris County to said Probate Court of Harris County, declaring the validity in transferred cases of writs and processes extant at the time of such transfer.;providing for the practice and procedure in said Court, and for theterms of said Court, and the election, qualifi-~ cation and appointment Of a Judge thereof, rnd tho axeoutien of a bond and oath of of- rice,~the rilling of vaoancies on said ,' Court, the election or appointment of a Speolal iludgo;the providing of a Clerk and the duties or the Sheriff a8 to suoh Court, and establishingthe fees and corn- pensatiou to be paid the Judge thereof,and providing for-the pawent or such cornpen-. sation; ~aoniorriag,upea,seberJpdsss 113 said County power to sit and act as the Judge of said Court in certain c.ases;pro- viding ror eonrmt br ruoonstitutionality in said Act; and deolaringan emergenoy." Hon. THIllIamB. Teague - Page 2 ‘1 (V-802 Section 1 of the Act declares "there IS hereby created a County Court to be held in and for Harris County, to be called the,ProbateCourt of Harris County." Section 2 thus defines the jurisdiction or the Probate Court or Harris County: "Section 2. The Probate Court of Harris County shall have the general jur- isdiction of a Probate Court within the 1Imits of Harris County. It shall pro- bate'wills, appoint guardians of minors, idiots; lunatics, persons non compos mentis, and consnondrunkards,grantlet-' ters testamentaryand of administration, settle ackounts 0r executors, transaat all business appertainingto deceased. persons, minors, idiots, lunatics, per- sons'non compos mentis and common drunk- ards, Including the settlement,parti- tion and distributionof estates of de- ceased persons, lunacy proceedingsand the apprenticingof minors as provided by law; and on the first day of the InI- tial term of said Court, as herein pro- vided, all such proceedingsand matters then pending In the County Court of Har- ris County shall be transferredto the said Probate Court of Harris County, alid all civil writs and processes thereto- fore issued by or out of said County Court in such matters or proceedings shall be-returnableto the Probate Court of Harris County, as though originally issued therefrom." Seofion 3'deolares: "8eotIon 3. The County Court or Ferris County shall retain, as heretofore, the powers and jurisdictionof said Court existingat the time oP the passage of this Act, other than those matters provid- ed in Section 2 of this Act to be exer- cised by said Probate Court of Harris county. The County Judge of Harris County shall be the Judge of the,County Court of Hon. William B, Teague - Page 3 (V-802) Harris County, and all ex officio duties of the County Judge of Harris County, as they now exist, shall be exercised by the said Judge of the County Court or Har- ris County, except Insofar asthe same shall, by this Act, be committed to the Judge of the Probate Court or Harris Coun- sty. .Nothing In this Act contained shall be construed as'in anywise Impairing or arrsating the jmsaiotion or~the county Court atLaw of Harris'County,Texas, or ofthe County Court at Law No. 2 of Harris County, Texas." Se&ion 5 giveesthe Probate Court of Harris County jurisaictionto issue,certainwrits ana Section 6 p,resoribesthe terms of the Court. Seotion 13 of the bill provides that In the ease of the absence, dIsqualifIcationor incapacityof the Judge of the Probate Court of Harris County, either the Judge of the County Court at Law of Harris County or the Judge of the County Court at Law No. Two of Har- ris County may sit and act as Judge of said Court and may hear and determine, either in his own courtroom or la the courtroom of said Court, any non-contestedpro- oeeaing therein pending and enter any orders in the pro- ceeding as the~Judge ofsaid Court might enter in per- son if presiding therein, except orders approvingclaims of final accounts, or dischargingguardians, administra- tors, or executors. Section16 of Article V of the Texas Consti- ~tution declares "the County Court shall have the general jurisdictionof a Probate Court; they shall probatewIlls, ‘appoint guardians of minors, idiots, lunatics, persons non compos mentis and comnon drunkards, grant letters testamentaryand of administration,settle accounts of executors, transact all business appertainingto deceas- ed persons, minors, idiots s lunatics,persons non compos mentis, and common drunkards, including the settlement, partition, and distributionof estates of deceased per- sons) and to apprenticeminors, as provided by law; 0 em ' The bill does not attempt to abolish the Coun- ty Court ror Harris County, but it creates another County Court to be known asthe~Pr0bat.eCourt of Harris County, Hon. William B. Teague - Page 4 (V-802) The Legislature is as powerless to abolish the oonstitutionaljurisdiotionof a constitutional court as it is to abolish the court itself. It Is corollaryto this further to say that the Legislature, where there exists a constitutionalcourt with a oon- stitutional jurisdiction,is powerless to create anoth- er court of any name and give to it the exclusive jur- isdiotionof the constitutionalcourt. In Reasonover v. Reasonover,122 Tex. 512 50 S.W. 26
817 th S C t hefd that the Leg& lature cannot ~akeeaw$r%?m i”h’B District Court juris- diction given It by the Constitutionover divoroe oases. The analogy Is perfeot and is controllingof the present ,inqulry.We quote from the ‘R asonover case anticipatingthe possible auggestlon+ILiirs pro- vision of Section 1 of Article V of the Constitutionla an answer. THat Se&ion reads: “The Legislature,may establish such other Courts as it may deem neaessary and prescribe the jurisdiotfonand organiza- tion thereof, apa may conform the juris- diction of the District and other inferior Courts thereto.m ..-, .~. ,. Speaking to the very point, Mr. Justice Pler- .son said that this provision “was not intended to auth- orize the Legislature to deprive the regular District Cour~tsof any of the jurisdictionexpressly conferred on them by the Constitution;nor that the jurisdictionof the District Court should be conformed to that of the statutory courts by destroying the constitutionaljuris- diction of the District Courts, or by transferringa part or all of it exclusivelyto a statutory court, but rather that such jurisdictionas fixed in the Constitu- tion may be made concurrentwith suoh other Courts cre- ated by statute. . I . “If ‘conform’means *to deprive,’ the LegislatureZs empowered to take away from a regular District Court all the,jurisdic- ,’ tion given it by the Constitution,and con- fer it upon the statutory courts; This would not be loonforming’but ‘destroying’ the jurisdictionof the District Court to the extent the Legislaturemight eleot. It is difficult to believe the people so in- tended, or that they intended to give to . Hon. William B. Teague - Page 5’ (V-602) the word loonform*a meaning other than Its ordinary meaning.” Whatever one may think of the soundness of the definition of uoonformw as applied by Justice ‘Pierson, it is the established law of this State and as such we must conform to it unless and until the Supreme Court itselr construesSeotion 1 differently. But we are not left to analogies in the pres- ent’inquiry~.In State v, Gillette’sEstate, 10 S,W, 26 924, the precise question was involve8 and decided, Judge Critz, member of the Coauaissionof Appeals to the Supreae Court, writing the opinion, said: “If the act conferringprobate juris- diction on the SO-Oalledcounty oourt at law~of Eastland county can be sustained at all, it must be done under that part of seo- tion 1 or artfole 5 or our state Constitu- tion above referred to. 0 0 ., “However, this provision of article 5 rust be read and construed so as to give ef- foot and meaning to sectlen 22 of the same article, as no constructionshould be indulg- ed in that will render any part of article 5 reaningless. There is no escape from the ~onolusion that it was the intent and express purpose of section 16 of article 5 of the Con- stitution to confer exclusive bate jurisdictionon the county courts. Any other constructionof the several provisions of article 5 wbuld render section 22 of said article absolutelymeaninglessand voida Se+ tion 22 of’article 5 expressly provides that theLegislature has power to increase, dimin- ish; or change the civil and criminal juris- diction or oounty courts and conform the jur- isdiatlonof the district and other inferior oourts to such change. 0 e D “We therefore conclude that section 22 of article 5 of the Constitutionof this state, in so far as the probate jurisdictionof the county court is concerned,speaks exclusively as to the right of the Legislature to in- ,erease,change, or diminish the jurisdiction Hon.William B. Teague - Page 6 (V-802) of such courts as prescribed aud defined underseotim l6 of the same article, and thatsaidsectionP: speaksexclusivelyas to the right or power of the Legislature to ooqform the jurisdictionof the district or other inferior courts to such change. . . . “It follows, therefore, that the part of the aot which attempts to create the ‘County Court at Law for Xastland Couuty, Texas,t and give It probate jur- isdiction,and also that part of the act which attempts to deprive the constitu- tional county court of Eastland county of the exclusive probate jurisdiotion~oon- ferred thereon by the Constitution,is un- constitutionaland void, and all pretend- ed probate orders, judgments,and decrees entered by said county court at law with reference to the estate of F. G. Gillette, deceased, were and are utterly without force and void.” H. B. 677, 51st Legislature,which proposes to divest the County Court of pro- bate juriadiction,andto create a separate “Probate Court” which would be given such jurisdiction,is unoonstitutional. Article V, Section 16 of the Texas Constitutionoon- fers that jurisdictionon the County Court, and it my~not be divested except by con- stitutionalamendment. Reasonover v. Rea- aimover, 122~Tex. 512, 58 S W 2d 817 (1933); State. Gillette’s Estate,‘16 S.W. 26 984 (Tex. Comm. App. 1928). Yours very truly, APPROVED: ATTOREEY GEWERAL OF TEXAS %2;$ ATTORWFX GENERAL BY ii!&i3e* 0S:wb Assistant