DocketNumber: S-186
Judges: John Ben Shepperd
Filed Date: 7/2/1956
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
I&. J. M. Falkner opinionx00.s-136 BssxkingCon``ia~iaU~ DapartmentofBBankin~ yes Conetrrlction of Article 2481, Austin 14, Texas Vepnon~sOfvil Statutes,regard- ing the deo2aratfonand payment Dear XrIr. Falknert of div9dend6by credit YOU ham requested m opinfon of this oTfice conosming the aLtthor- ity of creditunions,organizedand rsgul.ated under Artioles2461-248413, yarn6n% Civil Statutas,to dcd.e~ettlvidnnde from their txcnm~ inoome accumulatedfrom prior years. Article 2481, V. C. S.p~ads as follows: "At the annual meeting a dividendmay be declaredfrom iaoomewhich has been a&zaUy collectedduring the fircal gear neat preoediq or during the modha which have elap6ed ainos the associationbegan businees,and which remainsafter the deductionof all expenfae6, and the amountz-equiradto be eet apart e.6a guarantyfund. Such dividendshall be paid on all fully paid shares oW56tWdfag at the oloas of the fiscal year, but sharesvhioh beoomtfully paid dnrlng t&s year shall be entitledonly to a proportionalpart of maid dividend,oal- oulatedfrom the first day of the month followingsuch payment in full. Dividend6due to a member shall be paid to him in Cash or creditedto the accountof pertly paid shares for whiah he ha6 aubsorlbed. Dividendsshall not exoeed six par cent (62) per annum.e (hkQha6iBadded.) !l!his office is of the opinionthat creditunionsmay only declare and pay dividendsfrom lnocmn,less expense6and ten peroent for the guarantyfund, actuallycollecteddurfngthe fiscal year next preceding. A oonstnaotlonshouldnot be adoptedwhich would make any of the worde in the srtatuts aaemllainglewo. 39 Tex. Jur. 208, Stat&w, Sec. X.2. To hold that the statutepermitscreditunions to declarea dividendfrom their past net profitsdisregardsthe statutorywords "from Incomewhich has been actuallyoolleotedduring the fiscal year next preoeding." -, . . Mr. J. W. Falkner, page two (Opinions-186) A6 an aid to the proper oonstructiouof this statute,wa may refer to other provision6of the Aot regulatingoredit union6. Article 2480, v. 0. s.,reaaBi "Immediatelybefore a meeting of the directors&,&& to recommendthe deolaratloaof a divider& the supervisory committeeshall make a thoroughaudit of the receipts,dls- burskments,income,assetsend liabilitiesof the assooia- tion for the fisoal year, and shall make a full report thert- on to the dlrnotors. Said report shall be read at the annual meeting and shall be filed and preservedwith the reoorisof the association.* (Fa~phasir added.) It is apparentthat the report referredto in Article 2480 ia esetn- tial to the proper determinationof the dividend. It is a fiscalyear report of a creditunion'sbusiness,end this faot reflect.6 that the direc- tors are relegatedto Ithefisoalyear when a6certainingthe amount of the dividendto be declared. Further,your departm6nt. has oonstruedthe etatute60 as to permit the declarationof the dividendonly from the incomecollectedduring the precedingfiaoal year. Thie departmentaloonst-ructionis persuasivein the constructionof this law. 39 Tex. Jur. 235, statutes,Sec. 126. The statutorylanguage*or during the month6 whioh have elppaedsince the assooiationbagan business"must refer to newly createdcreditunion6 who6e fiscalyear date is reachedbefore the completionof a calendaryear. Artiole2481, V. C. S.,permitsoredit unions to declareand pay dividend6from only the income, less expensesand ten percentfor the guaranty fund, oolleotedduring the fisloal year Dext pre- oeding the dividendpayment. APPROVED: Yours very truly, Mert Starnes JORRBENSREPF'RRD WALL- Id.&!4id Oil and Gas Division John Atchison Williamw. Guild Reviewer AssistantAttorneyGeneral WillD. Davis Reviewer Mr. J. W. Falkner,page three (OpinionS-186) Albert M. Morrow SpecialReviewer L. W. Gray SpecialReviewer IWi6 Grant First A6616tant Johu Ben Shepperd AttorneyGeneral