DocketNumber: V-719
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
November 188 1948 Hon9 J. G. Anderson County Attorney Freestcne County R0: Electfen of C*nrty At- Fafrffrlda Texam torney wh8 rbtafnsllhP8 Pfcrnsa to oractfcr law 2fteP the p&ary and bsforr the grnrral e184.?tf8& yw l8tter state8 that Mre Blm8P MoVsy was a candfdat,efor th8 offfca of County Attorney.fn the JdY PPQEISZQ~ eleetionu. At that time he waa not 2 lfcense~ att8rney. NO pr8trat a# to his elf Uilft w2S rais8d. !h n8V8Pth8188S rrceived th8 !I8UfMf %WX. iklbs8qU8tlt te the prima& md bbf8r8 the gm8Paa ePe&tfon in N8V8mb8r, h8 bseamc duly 1fCbll884, lT.,WOrP 8!.8&8d 2t the Novem- bOF C8il8l'%&8l8Ct:Qtb Article332 Va. C
. S, prOvfd8B that no p8rsen whe is~not a licensed attorn8y shall be rlfgible to the offfc8 of County Att0rn8yQ YOU r8qU88t an opfnlon aa to whether Ncvsy wad legally nomfnatsd and eketed in vf8w of that statute,-and Wheth8p he nay legally asawl th8 6ff'fa&,. S8atfOn 2i, Article v ‘Ofthe COnStftUtfOn r8adS, in part: “A county attorn8y, for counties fn which there is not a resfdent criminal afstrfot attor- n8y, shall b8 eleetrd by the qualfffed veters of each county, who shall be conrfssfon8d by th8 Governor, and hold hfs offfC8 f8F th8 tOPm el' two years, 4 Q 4n Arti,cls332, V. CD S. .pPoVfd8Sthat "n0 person who is not a duly lfCsnS8d att8rnsy at law shall b8 81f- gfble to the cfffde of district or county 2ttorn8yon hP9 McVey war'fnelfgfble at the the his name was placed on the prf8ary ballet. He thersafter b8Cam8 a &alp licensed attornsy at law, On Hovember 2, ma9 of- ter having bran lic8nsed+ he recefvsd lore votes ior coun- ty attorney in th8 general eleetfoa OB that date tkm wem Hon. J. G. And8Ps8m - ?age .2 (V-719) cast for any 8thcP p8PsOLLf0r that offfc8. V, MCDIPm8tt, 277 s. w. 218 (8P- In f%SlllfnghoB or refusrd), Cunningham d8feated McDlPmett in the prf- rye In the general election Cunningham received 75 votes and McDermett recefvsd 97 wPfte-fn votes, Twenty- five of McDePn8tt's votrrr had vqt8d in the priory. It was cortendbd &at bfi?D8rEhStt could net tak8 the b8nefif of raid 25 v8trrs.a The Court said: "Appellant clafmr that on account of the prcvfsfans of article 3166, R. So Mc- DIPmett would have b88n diSqWtlfff8d from having hi8 naw plac8d on the official bal- l8t as the candfdat8 of any party 0r as am iXIde)8tbd8& .I’ aeytiran candidat8, and with his poritLba a this matter we must agree (Westoman v- Mm, 111 Texh 29, 227 So W. 178); y8t wa think th8re is a mater- ial dfffePenc8 b8twren a p*raOana rfgkt to hv8 his %bm8 plac8d Qptm the offfofal bal- let and h&r rZght to an lfffc to 8 which, a majbrfty 8f the v8ters havr 88811fit te electnhfm by wrPtfng hPe man8 08 the ballot. 0 0 0 "0 0 o Th8r8fom'o WI H8t df88gP88 with ap- p8llart 8n his pr*)Mft%en that* because McD8mtt had theret8fore participat8d fn thr Democratic prfrary, and had ffl8d a con- t8st tifOP8 th8 Cal&y D8lOOtiatfCeXOf%ltfV8 CO8Bftt88,'h8 wae 18gally dfSqUafi8d t8 b8 818&8d t0 th8 8fffC8 Of Cemty and district Cl8Pko” In Opinion Ilo.O-2632-A by a former AttOPn8y General, it w&a held, in accoPdanee with the Supreme Court d8cisfOn in Allen v. FfshaP, 118 Texo 38, 9 S. W. (2d) 731, that whrre an fn8ligfbl8 candfdat8 recefvcrdths largest number of voter, the r8cond hfgh candidate was not the nom- fner e The latsst case to that affect fs Ramsey v. Dunlop (1947) 7 Tex. -, 205 s. w, (2a) 9790 In Vf8W O$ the fOr8gOfng we aPc Of tha Opinion that Mr. McVey, having obtained MS license as an,ittdrney at law bsfor8 the g8nrral efrctl8n,.ff he received more vot8b of the qualfff8d VbterS voting at the election than w8r.6 cast f8r any other per,sonfor county attorney',the -- . Hen. Ja C. Anderson -:Page 3 (v-719) question of fnelfgfbflfty at the date of the primary is unimportant and moot, Having been duly lfcensed, he is eligible to enter the offfce of County Attorney. Where ,a candfdate fop county attorney was a duly licensed attorney ;~tlaw when he ~eeefss& more votes for the office than WOPO east fop any other psrson at the ganarol election, the fact that SIXA eandfdata was net an attornoy when he was nomfnated fn the .~ p~faaxy sleetfen fs imaterial Having be- coma duly lfcsnscd, he is elPgfbla to assume the office. Yours very tmlyp ATTCIRNEYGENEZUL OFTEXAS WTWtwb