DocketNumber: V-693
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
485 Au-. - PILCICEDANIEL PADAN DICXBON -- o-us -- SeptAber 29, 1948 Bon. V. C. Marshall Opinion Ho. V-693 Executive Director Soil ConservationBoard Re: The authority of a Com- 2nd Floor, Denman Bldg. missioners1Court to Temple, Texas transfer funds and equipmentof a wind erosion district to a soil conservationdis- trict. Dear Sir: Reference is bade to your recent request which reads, in part, as follows: %ouse Bill '30.978, as enacted during the regular session of the 44th Legislaturefor the State of Texas, and filed for record Bay 21st, 1935, provides for the organleationof Wind Erosion Districts. House~Blll444, Acts of the 47th Legislature,regular session,pro- vides for the establishmentof soil conserva- tion districts. .~. 'When a-wind Erosion District, as provided for in House Bill Bo. 978, and a Boll Con- servationDistrict, as provided for l.nBouse Bill 444, embrace the same territory,and certain funds and equipment have accrued to the Wind Erosion District, may such funds or equipment,ar both, be transferredby the Commissioners'Court, as the governing body of the wind .ErosionDistrict,-tothe supervisorsof the soil conservationdis- trict?" House Bill No.'g78, supra (Art. 165a-2, V. C. S.) is a law authorizingthe creation and incorporation of Wind Erosion ConservationDistricts coextensivewith the area of any county In the State, by a vote of the people of the county in an election called by the Corn; missioners Court, prescribing that the Commissioners' Court shall constitutethe Governing Board of such dis- Hon. V. C. Marshall,page 2 (V-693) ,. : tricts; providingthat the GoverningBo&d shall make an estimate of the costs of the impr.ovement to be made and to make assessmentsagainst the propdrty to be benefited by such improvements;providing that the function of a Wind Erosion ConservationDistrict Is to conserve the soil by the preventionof unnecessaryerosion caused by winds. R. B. 444, Acts of the 47th Legislature,1941, (Art. 165a, V. C. S.) known as the State Soil Conserva- tion Act, provides for a State Sol1 ConservationBoard, for five State Districts,for District Supervisorsand for a Soil ConservationCommitteeof four members In each county within each.districtto be appointedby the Coun- ty Judges of the respective counties. Upon a petition of fifty landownerswithin the distriat the supervisors of any district may call an election for approval of an ordinanoeregulatingand conservingthe soil within the district. Section 7 of said AQt authorizes the State Soil ConservationBoard to acquire property,real or personal, by purchase,lease, gift, or otherwise. Therefore,there la no doubt as to the authority of said Board to receive property from any source. However8 it is a well settled principle of law that the Commissi~nerslCourt does not have any authority except that ?hich Zs expressly or im- pliedly conferredu on It by law. Edwards county v. Jennings,33 S.W. 3
85; 15~0. Jti457, Sec. 103; 15 C. S. 537, Sec. 221; G. H. & S. A..Ry. Co. v. Uvalde County, 167 S.W.(2d) 305, error refused. H. 8. j78 does not.authorlzesuch paver nor are we able to find any Qther statute authorizingsame. On the contrary,.Section.5~ of Section I.4of Ii.B. 444 pro- vides, in part, that: .. "'Phi&Act&all not in anywise affect, ggQgyE&y :I:, ``t``ig~:;:~ s"',,- sion of the Forty-iourt.hLegislature,under which Wind Erosion ConservatloaDistricts have been created or ma$ hereafter be creat- ed, but the same is expresslypreserve: in accordanaewith the terms thereof. . . In view of.the foregoing it IS our opinion that the Commissioners as the Governing Board 1 ~Ccmrt. of a Wind Erosion District,createdundes H. B. 978, 44th Hon. V. C. Marshall,page 3 (V-693) 487 Legislature,1935, may not transfer funds or equipment of such district to the Supervisors of the Soil Con- servationDistrict created under H. B. 444, Acts of the 47th Legislature;1941, even though such districts are comprised of the same territory. The Commissioners'Court may not trans- fer funds or equipmentof a wind Erosion Dis- trict to the Supervisorsof a Soil Conserva- tion District, even though the districts are comprisedof the same territory. ;:. Yours very truly, AlTORNlEGRNERALOFTEXAS BA:mu BY Assistant APPROVED: