DocketNumber: V-511
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
PRICE DANIEL *TTOHNEYGESERAL Februsry 26, 1948 Ron. L. A. Uoods Qpinioa Ho. v-5l.a State Superintendent ... Department of Educati.oa Re: Se&w1 questionsrel- Au&la, Texas atlve to the taxation of vheat while stored Attn: Hon. T. M. Trimble in an elevator First Assistant Dear Sir: You request the.opinion of this office upon the questions~oontainedin the letterof Mr. George M. Waddill, Business Manager of the Amarillo Public Schools addressed to you under date of February 5, 1948. His letter reads in p&t as ~follovs: kho Is responsibleto pay the taxes on wheat stored in an elevator? “(a) Is the elevator obligated to give ‘,the tax assessor informationas to the.~mnery of the stored wheat, the same as applies ~to wa.rehous es1 “(b) Is the farmer whose farm Is in the Amsrillo Independent School District but whose wheat Is stored in an elevator in the School District responsible for the tax on the stored wheat? s(c) If the farmer lives In another county and has wheat stored in an elevator In the Amsrillo Independent School District, is the fermer who owns the wheat supposed to pay z;zr$xes In the Distriot where the wheat Is , or in the District in which he lives? “(d) Would wheat stored in the.elevator still belonglng to the farmer be exempt under Section 19, Artlole 81” Prellmlnsry to answerlog the foregoing questions contained i,nMr. Waddill’s letter, ue quote Article 7243 ‘“1 . : . . "'Ron . L . A . Woods - Page 2 (V-511) V.C.S.'sndArticle 1060a, V.C.S. and Seotlon 19 of Artlole VIII of the Constitution of Texas. Artlcle.7243,V.C.S., provides, in part, as fol- lous: 'Any person, co-partnership,assocla- tlon or corporationdoing business in this State as a warehousemenor operating pr con- trollinga warehouse or place of storage, shall, upon demand of the tax assessor of the county, In which said business Is operat- ed or in which property is so stored, on Jan- uery 1st of each year, furnish to the ssld assessor,a list of the property so stored In such warehouse or plaoe of storage, together vith a list of the owners of such property . 'andtheir resldenoe. . . ." \ Article 1060a V.C.S; provides as follows: : "That all of the provisions of Title 122, 'of the Revised Clvll Statutes of Texas'of 19'25, be, and the same are made available In so far as same may be applicableand necessary to all school districtsand q unioipal corporations organized under any general or special law of . this State and which have power and authority to levy and colleot thelr own taxes, and that each of such oorporationsshall heve the bene- Sit of all liens and remedies for the security and colleotionof taxes due them as is provided in said Title In the case of taxes due the -' 1935, 44th Leg., p. 666, State and Counts. '``Aots ch. 281, 111." Section 19 of Article VIII of the Constitutionof Texas, provides as Sollovs: "Farm products in the hands of the produc- er, and family supplies for home and farm use, are exempt from all taxation until otherwise directed by a two-thirdsvote of all the membsrs _ elect to both houses of the Legislature." It Is apparent from the provisions of Article 106Oa,V.O.S., supra
, that the provisions of Article 7243, V.C.3. are avallable to the Amarillo Independent School District for the reason that said article is com- ‘,’ 1 z~ _ ‘! . - Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 3, ,(V-511) .~,." prehended under the provisions of Title 122 of the Revised Civil Statutes’ of Terns of 1925. In answer to qkestion (a) it is sufficient to' say that a gmln elevator comes within theVprovislonsof the foregoing statutes. IS it 1s not a warehoizseunder the oommdnly accepted use of the term, It is ctirtainlya 'place of storage ‘. It Is, therefore, the duty of any nierson - partnership or corporationdoing busltiessin this &a`` operating or controllinga grain.elevator" In the Amril- lo Independent School District to give the Tax Assessor of said dlstrlot the informationrequired by the foregoing statutes. Thr,name and address of the owner and the num- ber of bushels of wheat stored by such ovner as of January 1, of each year would seem to be a suiflcient oomplia'nce with the,statutes. In the 'caseof Interstate Forvarding Conpang v. Vlnyard, 49 g.U. (2d) 403, the Supreme Court said: "It is reasonable to believe that the Legislature Intended to r~equireof the ware- houseman.nothing more than that he furnish .J ': the assessor such informationconcerning the general nature of property on storage, and .-the names and addresses of the various owners, as.the warehouseman necessarilyacquires In handllng the property in the ordluary course of business. . . .“ We next ansver question (d) for the reason thst our answer to this questlon will render an extended discus- sion of questions (b) and (c) unnecessary. The Legislature has never, by two-thirds vote of all members of both houses, Imposed a tax on farm products Fn the hands of the producer. This provislon of the Consti- tution is still in full force and effeot. You are, therefore, respectfullyadvised that, wheat, owned by the,producer, stored in an elevator in the ' Amarillo Independent School District or elsewhere in this State Is still "In the hands of the producer”, vithin the meanlug of the above quot8d section of the Constitutionand not subject to taxation. ~Briefly reSerrFrg to questions (b) and (c), we think It safe to essuae from the questions that the farmer ‘3 . Hon. L. A. Woods - Page 4, (V-511) referred to is the produoer and the3 he is still the ovner' of the vheat. The fact that hitis %tored In an elevstor by him until sold is immsterlal. Under such conditlons'it~ vould still be exempt from taxation under Seotlon 19 of Artlole~VIII of the Constitutionof Texas. OS course, after it passes from the producing farmers ownership,It is no longer in his hands as the producer, and Is, therefore,taxe- ble, as any other personal property to the then owner under existing laws a.pplloable to persona1 property. The residence of the farmer or the ~locatlonof the elevator in which the vheat la stored are llkevlse vould still be exempt from taxationas a farm product in the hsnds of pro- ducer until sold. . ..,' SUMMARY A gra,ln elevator is a ?plaoe ~ofstorage",and Comes undey Artlole 7243 V.C.S. and Article 1060a. V.C.S. Wheat stored In a grain elevator by a Ssr- mer is not taxable If he is the producer of the- wheat, so long as he is its ovner. Hovever, irhea the wheat is no longer owned by the farmer, as the producer, it.ia subject as any other per- sons1 property of the then ovner.' Seotlon 19, Ar- .tlcle VIII, Constitutionof Texas. -_ Yours very truly ATTORIiEYGENEXAL OF TEXAS LPL/lh APPROVED: