DocketNumber: V-493
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
AunTIN 11. TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL February 2, 1948 Pan. Barion M. Brown, M. D., Chairman State Board of Medical Examiners 918 Texas Bank Building Dallas 2, Texas Opinion No. V-493 Re: Legality of the Secretary- Tr9asurer of the State Board of Medical Bxamlners receiving compensation both as member of the Board and as Secretary- Treasurer. Dear Sir: )Is refer to your letter of recent date request- ing an oplnio~& from this office on the above subject, which reads as follows: "In compliance with our conversation of this date, we are submitting a formal request for your opinion on several gro- blen8 now confronting the Texas Stat.6 Board of Medical Examiners. Before submitting the specific questions upon which we.deslre hour opinion, It might be ire11 for us to briefly give you a little historT of our situntlon. 'Dr. Crowe, Secretary of the State Board of Medical Examiners for many yeare, has recently passed away, and the Board basselected Dr. H. F. ~Connrlly acting Se- cretary until such time as a permane+.. secretary my be selected. .As you proba- blj already know, Dr. Connally has been ti member of the State Board of Medical Examin- ers far many years and has served as Chair- man of the Reciprocity Colaittee. "For Dr. Co~allj's services as a me=- ber of the State Board of bfedlcal Examiners and Chairman of the Reciprocltr Committee; he has participated equally with the other Bon. Marten M. Brown, M. D., page 2 (V-493) members of the Board in the funds derived from the examination and reciprocity fees after all of said expenses have been paid. “The Secretary of the State Board of Medical Exarinera is paid a salary out of the doctors’ annual registration fees which are deposited to a proper account in the State Treasury, and at no time is the sal- sry of sala secretary, or any portion there- of, paid out of the balance of examination fees or reciprocity fees. “After making the foregoing statement, we wculd like to propound the following question: “Can Dr. Connally draw a salary as acting Secretary of the State Board of Medical Examiners and at the same time participate with the other mem- bers of the Board in the funds derived from examination fees and reciprocity fees for services rendered in conduct- ing examinationsas a member of the Board? “In addition to this question, the Board would like to know whether they have authority to move the State offices from their present location in the City of Dal- las to some other city or town within the State of Texas.” We quote the following statutory provisions: “Article 4495. The Texas State Board of Medical Examiners shall consist of twelve men, learned in medicine, legal and active practitioners in the State of Texas, who shall have resided and practiced medicine in this State, under a diploma from a legal and reputable college of medicine of the school to which said practitioner shall be- long, for more than three years prlo; to their appointment on said Board. . . “Article 4496. Bach member o? said board shall qualify br taking the official Eon. Marion M. Brown, A. B., page 3 (V-493) oath in the county of his residence. At the first meeting of said board after each biennial appointment, the board shall elect a president, vice-president and secretarj- treasurer. . .v "Article 4498a. . . . The Secretary- Treasurer shall receive a salary to be flx- ed by the Legislature In its General Appro- priation Bill for the performance of such duties under. this Act, . . .' "Article 4502. The fund realized from the aforesaid fees shall be applied first to the payment of necessary expenses of the board of examiners: any remaining funds shall be applied by the order of the board to compensating members of the board in proportion to their labors.' It will be noted from the foregoing statutory provisions that the State Board of Medical Butminers con- sists of twelve men (Art. 4495) and the Secretary-Treas- urer is elected from its members (Art. 4496). See At- torney General's Opinion Bo. o-6340. Annual registra- tion fees collected by the State Board of Medical Examin- ers are required to be deposited in the State Treasury (Sec. 3 of Art. 4498a). Fees collected on reciprocal arrangements and examination fees (Art. 4502) are not deposited in the State Treasury. See Attorney General's Opinion No. O-3711. Each member of the State Board of Medical Examiners is entitled to participate in the fee.3 collected on reciprocal arrangements and examination fees as oompensation for services rendered as member of the Board. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Board receives a salary set in the General Appropriation Bill out of the medical registration fund. In addition to the duties performed by mem- bers of the Board, the Legislature has placed certain other duties on the member elected Secretary-Treasurer and for such services haa provided that he "shall re- ceive a salary to be fixed by the Le islature in its General Appropriation Bill." (Art. &498a). In other words, the Legislature has provided that the Secretarg- Treasurer shall perform certain duties in addition to those duties imposed upon him a~3member of the Board, and for performing those additional duties has allow- ed the Secretary-Treasurer additional compensation. HOG. Marion M. Brown, M. D., page 4 (V-493) An officer is not entitled to additional com- ea.” City of Texarkaa v. ?loyd, 59 S. W. (2d) 449; 43 Corpus Jur. p. 691. BP. Connally daOB net hold two af- fices or positions within the meaning of Sectlana 33 or 40 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution. He hol&a one position (Board Member) with additlanal duties to that same office (Secretary-Treasurer . Jones v. Alox- sneer,122 Tex. 328
, 59 9. W. (2d) 10A0. Since Dr. Connally is Acting Secretary-Treas- urer of the Board, and in view of the statutory proii- slon allowing the Secretary-Treasurer additional aom- pensation for services rendered as Secretary-Treasurer, it Is our opinion that Dr. Connally la entitled, for the period which he serves as Secretary-Treasurer, to the srlary provided in the General Appropriation Bill, p. 886, Acts 50th Legislature, 1947 in addition to the ’~oompeasation allewe un8er Article 4502, V. C. S., as mmber of the Hate Board o? Medical Examiners. In answer to your second question, we know of no provision fixing tho location of the offices of the State Board of Medical Examiners. b,the absence of statutory provisions fixing the location of the offices of the Board, it is our opinion that the State Board of Medical Examiners may move their offices to any city or town in Texas, SWMMARY (1) The Secretirj-Treasurer of the Eoard of Medical Examiners, being a mem- ber of the Board, is entitled not only to participate in the compensation pro- vided Board members under Article 4502, v. c. a., but also to receive the salary of the Seoretiry-Treasurer authorized by Article 4498a, Vi C, 'S., as fixed by the Legislature in the General Appropria- tion Bill. Hon. Marion M. Brown, M. D., page 5 (V-493) (2) The State Board of Medical Ex- amlaers has the move its of- fices from their present location to any other city or town in Texas. Yours verr truly, ATTORNEY WllWfAL OF TEXAS Jlkmw Assistant