DocketNumber: V-422
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
R-817 November 3, 1947 Hon. George B, Butler, Chairman Board or Insurance Commissioners Austin, Texas Opinion No.,v-422. Re: The liability of Yexloan Insurance Companies to Pay a gross premiums tax' on polloiss lssurd In Texas. Dear Sir: Your latter of October 1, 1947, reads as fol- lows: WPlease advise me whether lnsuranar compa%les domlclled In the Rapubllo of Mexloo, doing buslnasa In the State or lkxas under the authority of Senate Bill 357, Aots 4.Sth~Laglslatura, Vernon's Art- icle 5012a, are liable ror the tax lm- pwsd by Article 7064, Revlaed Clrll stat- utrs aa amended. '"I? your answer is In the afilrma- tlve, I assume that each aompang shall pay the tax upon its gross prbmlum ln- come from pollcles lrausd In Texas less the deduotlone permitted by Artiale 7064. Plsase oonrirm or corr6Ct me as to thla." Artlolr 5012a, V. C. 5, maker aomprrhanslvs prwlslons ror Maxlcan Insurancra Eompanlas to writ6 ln- suranoe poll&s ln Texas aovaring parson8 ,a,nd their property but only while suoh parsons or property ,aro physloaUy within the boundaries or the Republlo or Mex- loo. It authorizes suah oompanirs to write pollolra of lnrruranos affording "any and all kinds of! automobile corerags, aooldent lnsuranae and/or other oaaualty cover- age*. Sao Section 1 at Artlols 5012a. Thla artlolr also oontamplattrr the payment of taxae by such lnsuranor com- panfas; provides that the deposit which Is required of Hon. George B. Butler, Page 2, V-422. such companies shall be liable for taxes due the Stats or Texas; and provides In Seatlon 1 (a) as follows: Wach oarrler siall pay the 8tatr of Texas annually a premium or oooupl- tlon tax upon Its gross premium lnaome from pollcl~es issued In Texas acoording to the reports made to the Board eaoh yaar, and shall pay suoh other tees ohargea and taxee upon the same baa i s as like Insurers llosnsed to do the same klnds or basins88 in the State or Texas ,are required by law to pay; and shall make the same reports a8 such other ll- oensed ca,rrlers, but in such adaptsd forms as may be prescribed by suoh Board for such purposes.W We aonstrUe Section 1 (e) to reqnira the payment by such companies of a premium or oooupatlon tax upon its gross premium income from ~oliciss lr- upon the same basis as like Insurers the sama kinds of business in the Btate of Texas are required by law to pay. The “same kinds of businessn means, to our minds, *automobile ooreragr , accident insurance and/or othrr casualty ooverags*. Those classes of business are taxed Under Article 7064, V. C. S., and Article .&769a, V. C. So The %aels~ upon whioh nllke Insurer8w pay a tax 1s 3.5 per cent o? the groe8 premiums which, however, is subjeot to aertain reductions depending upon the lnvrstment of assets in Texas seaurltles. It would appear that Artlole 7064., V, C. S., would apply to all of the lines of insurance authorized by ArtitiLa 5012a, lxaept personal aocldsnt insurande, which by the ‘terms or the last paragra h of Artlolo 7064 Is lxoludid from that article an i will be f'onnd to be taxed under Artlols f+769p., It has barn oontrndsd that Artioh 7064 does not apply to the MIxloan Companlel rrgulated by Article 5012a, ainor Article 7061, prwldrs for the payment or a tex upon *the grors amOUIlt Of prrm- i~ms received upon property located in this State or on risks looated in this State;” HowePar, suah a construotlon would have the eiieot of nUlIlfYl%Ii! t&r provisions or Section (01 of Artiole 5012a where- ln It requires the payment Of a tax upon “8rOs8 Praa- luar income from pollales issued in Texas” end arrsumes Hon. George B. Butler; Page 3, V-422. that the "basis" of the tax necessarily includes the limitations of Artlole 7064 that the tax be paid only on premiums -collected on policies Issued on property and risks looated in this state. By enaoting Article 5012a, the Legislature obviously Intended to~levg a tax, and In order to give its provisions meaning,~and to carry out the leglslatlvs Intent, we attribute to the word "basis" the meaning of,%ate*~together with the formula, for reductions in that rate depending upon the insursd~a'lnvestment in Texas mcui’itles.~ The con- struction oontended for to the aontrary, would hare the effect of exempting such oompanirs from taxatlon,oon- trary to the al,ear intention of the Legislature when the&e acts are oonstrued together. A.slm.llar contention might be made.that prem- . lums from pers,onal accident lnsuranoe written in Texas upon persons residing or domiciled in othe~r, states are not aontemplated by Article 50i2a slnae Article 4769a levies 'a tax only upon premiums aolleoted "iran ,persons residing or domiciled in this State.* But ,here;agaln, In giving efrect to the obvious intentof Article 5012a, it, Is ou? opinion that Article 5012a prescribes that premiums on policlea writt,en In Texa,a.rhaLl be taxad, and that Article &'769a,d~etermines the rate and iormula for ieduation of that rate v&m the prescribed portion or the assets of the Insurer are investsd In Texas ae- auritlss. SuMNbtiY Mexican Insurance Companies operating undar Artiole 5012a, V. C, S., and writing pollalea In Taras ~affording automoblle cover- 'age, accident lnsuranoe and/or oasualty oover- age, to be in force only. while such ~pe~rsons ,'or propaTty are ,physloally within t.he Repub; lit dr Mexloo, are required to pay atax upon the ,gross premiums from all such the rate presorlbbd by ,Article 7CPaiea, 4, V.G.S.,at exce t as to person31 accident lnsuranae, Ohio % rate is prescribed by Article 4769a, v. C.,,S. Vary truly four8 :. Wa:jap:jmo