~-882 TEXEATTOECNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS PRICE DANIEL AUSTIN 11. 'I-EXAS ATT0RNEY GENERAL November 3, 1947 Eon. R. Y. King Opinion No. V-421 County Attorney Donley County Re: Disposition to be made Clarendon, Texes of fees of the county attorney which eccruca during the interim be- tween the aesth of the county attorney and the appointment of his suc- ceasor. Deer Sir: We refer to your letter of Ootober 17, 1947, which reads In pert as follows: "On October 3rd. the ooupty attorney of Don&County died; on October 13th. the com- missioners ' court appointed another county attorney leaving ten dars without eny county attorney. On October 7th the sheriff ar- rested two men, one for drunkenness in a public place, and one for driving e motor vehlole while under the influence of intoxi- cating liquor; both men plea guilty and peid their fines and in both cases a fee wea col- lected for the county sttorney. In the case of drunkenness In 8 public plebe the sheriff alone signed the complelnt. In the ceae of ariving while intoxicated, the Distriot At- torney signed the lnformstion but he did not llve in the county and WRS not in the county at the time of the trial. "To whom do those attorneys fees belong? To the District Attorney? To the County Attor- ney? To the county ss general funds? Qr should they be returned to,,thedefendant as fees im- properly collected? With reference ti,your question in the case where the sheriff done signed the complaint end the coun- ty attorney took no pert therein, this Depsrtment held in Opinion No. O-4599, where the county attorney was in the tamed forces, thet: - Hon. R. Y King - Page 2 (V-421) "2. If the county sttorney has not tsken any ection in such a cese end is not present end reedy to represent the Stete at A regular term of the justice court end a defends& pleads guilty at such regular term the county attorney would not be en- titled to the fee. Nor would the county be entitled to the fee. If no fee is due the county attorney it should not be charged agsinst the defendent." Therefore, since there wss no cotity ettorney of the county on October 7, nor hed one taken any part whatsoever in the case, end under the foregoing opinion, it is the opinion of this Depe,rtmentthat the Defendant could not legelly have been charged a fee for the county attorney and the $10.00 allowed the county attorney under Article 1061, C.C.P , and the ten percent of the fine al- lowed under Article 950, C.C.P., should be returned to the defendant in said cese. In the case of driving while intoxiceted, the district attorney signed the inform&ion, which may leg- elly be done. See Cody v State, 47 S W (28) 297. Don- ley County Is Included in a district In which there is a district ettorney end Article 1061, C.C.P., is es follows: "District and county ettornegs shall be allowed the following fees in cases tried in the district or county courts, or a coun- ty court et law, to be taxed against the ae- fende.nt: "For every conviction under the lsws ageinst gaming when no eppeal is taken, or when, on appeal, the judgment is affirmed, fifteen dollars. 'For every other conviction in cases of misdemeenor, where no appeel is taken, or when on eppeal the judgment is affirmed, ten aollers." Therefore, under the above Article end the opln- ion No. O-4599. It is the opinion of this Department thst the district ettorney eerned the $10.00 fee as well as the t&n per cent commission in this cease. . - Hon. R. Y. mag - Page3 (V-421) "$t aMU be the, but V.Q.I.,provide8that the dir- Artiolr,Js861, trlct attoraoy be shall 00 ,LIsalary brrlr. Seotlon 3 OS *alO Aot~pawidar a4 r0ii0v8f “SIO. 3 ui fa, 00n~88i8n3 8~ +- ulaites whit& may be raaard e.ob oo&leotrd b s istrlot Attorneyb ~affaotrd ?q .thlr Aesd rhr%T be paid iAt thr &3untJ @oaifMf of the OO~D- tkes in whioh such,i@Os,am la?@ed .fos the 'aooouiat or the propez? fund.’ Th+Morr * la vmr of the fomgolng~, it l,r ,the ,, spinion of thla. Departmat that the. dirtrict attitfiwy ctmaot. pem~onally retain such fee ad aomissgiaa byt should cgllrot the mad aw ,pay, it into ~the oountf troar.- uryof yew? oounty. ‘, DalrY bectlon 24 of Artictd SOP our State Censtltutlon, said money shouU be .credltetl to the Road ati Brfage, Fu@l of your cbuzity. .(Attorney Qeneral OpS.a- ion lo. O-6940) Upon the death of the county sttorney and before the sppolntment of his successox?, attorneys fees, collected in the county oourt upon’ 8, plea of guilty should be, .returnod to the defendent, If the sheriff was thi’p~i?soa who signed the conplaint. bre the oounti attorney I,# Urrd atid the district attorney sl ,yed the intonation in a case in county m3z.r and the d?fsnaant, pLeaas guilty, tha atitornoJ’8 gee arid odnanls- .sion should be. ooLlqcte4 an6 pal4 into the Hon. R. Y. King Page 4 (V-421) county treesmy to the credit of the and Bridge Fund of the county. Sec. Art. 3912e; Sections 1 and 3 of Art. V.C.S. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS &X$fiUQkLe, BY Bruce Allen BA:djm Asslstent APPROVED: ATTORNEY GENERAL