RNEY GENERAL .?i?E,XAS, PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Ap~ii 28, 1948 Eon, Doman Nickels Opfn%cm Ho0 Q-558 County Attorney Wharton County Rss The maximim compensa- Wharton, Texe.2 tfon of u radio tech- nlciam employed by th8 sheriff O Yam mqueclt fep an opinion on the above eub- ject matter is as follows~ “OWhat la tha i~ximum &alaPy which may be paid to a radio techulclan and en- gineer employed bj the Sheriff of Mhapton CountJa~” Subdivision (b$ of Article 3899, Q. Co 5.9 Ppo- The Colpfsaioneps Court of ” 0 0 Q the county ef the aherfffns residence may, upon the written and SWOP~ application of the shapfff stating the neaesaitg them- fop, puPchase equipment fop a Bmeau of Cpltinal Identification, .guch aa cameras, fingepppint cmds, inks, -chemicals, RI- cpo8copes9 radio and j&&o~_ato~ 8q,uu~-~ _rent, filing carda), fflfng cabheta9 teap gas and other equipment, in keeping with the system in use with the Department of PubliC Safety of this State, OP the Uhited States Department of Justice an&fop, ,Bmeaa of C~lliual Identfflcation,” (Emphasis OIIPS) It wa8 held in Attome b)enbPaPns Opinion no, O-6918 that although a photoatatie ``.bifnor could be PUP- chased fop the county clerkDs offfce, the Codeafone~a~ CeuPt did not have anthoPftJ to employ an OpaPatoP fop such machine but that'lt would be the duty of the cowtj clerk, his deputy, assistant OP clerk to operate the same. =-. _ xon. Dormaa Bickels, page 2 (v-558) We heve orrefull~ exiimlmoil the vaM.eus stata* tory provisions’~of this 5trte with refe~raos te the em- ,l*jrantlr persolulsl of the sherlff's'orsioe ubd ial1 to find a- statute dsali``# exprrsslj~wlth thr emplby- meat of paQl.0techa~cilns: Th8P8?6PO~ th8 principleof law rnnouncedIn Opinion No. U-6918 is appllaallete your in UIPJ. Whdn the Legislature pPOvided in sub&vi- slon (b B of Article 3899 for the purchase of Padlo equip- ’ meat, it int%?iQed it@ the sheriff, hia deputy, clerk, or assistant to assume the duties of Padlo technician and/op operator. Therefore, the compensation of thedeputy, assistant OP clerk assignedthe duties of padlo techni- cian is covered by the provisions gevrrnlng the oompen* sation of otheP deputies; assistants ud clerks of tke county officers of &a&on Countg.z &ace Wharton County has a populatioa of 36,- 158 inhabitante according to the 1946 Fe&era1 COPIW, aad an rseessa4 valuation 61 $56,326,3% aocording to’ the irst rp~qved tu rcbllr, the ceqeneatltin of the de- utlea, rsristaata and olepks of the county ofilcers of L rten County is geverned by the followi~ statutory provisionsr Article 3902, Section 2 Iwads aa followsa "'RIOCommlssltmers Court is hemby ruthwised, whoa ia their judgreatthe SSumi'al oosd%tienlf the ommty U the Ree4.rOS tho 4oputsos,~urlstaRt% aRQ a&arksOS ray U&riot, ciunty OP ppecinct effloer ju.rtSSy the laarease, to enter an’ ec4er increasingthe cempensation of such deputy, lesistart.or clerk in an addition- al ahunt not to exceed twenty-five (26) of the snr rllovodandsr the law f’e~ the fiscal year of 1944, provide4the total Hon, Do~man IQakePa, page 3 QV-5581 compenaatlon authorized under the law for the fiaral year of 44 did not exceed Thfpty-afx Hundred 36oO;OO) Dollarcr," Thmefom, If the ohfef deput,y is assigned the duties of radio teohniolan his maxlmum aompenaatlon is $2500.130 !$2,000 plus $5OOj, If some otI$~od;$O& :.lrk op assistant is assigned t.he abltba 0 his maxc%mum compensatron is $212500 $$1700 plus @l&5)- SUM!4i@Y Bare a county has pWch@eed radio eqtipment for the shapfff’s office under the p~ovfs%ong of subdivision (b) of Arti- de 3899, v. 0. s., the sheriff, his ae- puty, OPeEk, or assistant must assume the duties of radio technician and/or opsra- t.#OP, ATTOFS’EY GENERAL0.F TEXAS APPROVRD:.