DocketNumber: V-554
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THEA'ITORNEYGENERA ~8 OFTEXAS AUSTIN.TEXAS FAOAN DICXSON IRIT- April 26, 1948 Hon. Ralph R. Rash Opinion No. Y-554 County Attorney Hopkins County Re: Court CO8ta for hear- sulphur springs, Texas ing t0 8UspeIid dIdVer’8 lic6nse under Sec. 22, Art. 6687b,Y. c. s. \ Dear Mr. Rash: Your request for an opinion of this department is substantially as fOllOV8: “I have.been asked for an opinion . comeMIng the payment of court Eoits in heatiiks held linder the provl- sibns of Sec. 22 of Art:668’p. The Justice of the Peace Is still on the fee system in oti county, and the quea- tion is: Is the matter of costs gov- erned by Articles 2430 and 2432 and other general statutes? “The practice of the Department of Public Safety is to file these ,hearlngs, ins the same ‘Inner as a civil’~ suit. . . Suppose the defendant prevails, either at the hearing in the justice court or, in the appeal to County Court, To whom’ can the justice look for his costs? In ordinary criminal cases the justice of the p&ace lOOk to the county for hi8 costs. ,But in these hearinga under Sec. 22 there can be no payment of coats by the county, for they are in the nature (theoretically, at least) of civil casei. The Department representative takes the position that there is no provision for the payment of costa, regardless of the outcome. 1, cannot believe that the De- partment Is entitled to cbme into court as’& civil litigant without Incurring the 88188 liabilities as tOnCOSt that 0 other litigants incur. . . 450 Eon. Ralph R. Rash, page 2 (V-554) Section 22, Article 668’7b, V. C. S., is as f 0110ws: “Sec. 22. Authority of Department to suspend or revoke a license? “(a) lJhen under Section 10 of this Act the Director believes the licensee to be incapable of safely operating a motor vehlole, the Director may notify said ll- censee of such fact and 8UmmOn8 him to ap- pear for hearing as provided hereinafter. Such hearing ahall be had not le88 than ten (10) day8 after notification to the li- censee or operator under any of the provl- ~1013sof this Section, and upon charges in writing a copy of which shall be given to aid operator or licensee not less than ten 10 9 1 days before said hearing. For the pur- pose of hearing such cases jurisdiction is vested in the mayor of the city, or judge of the police court, or a jU8tiCe of the peace in the county or subdivision thereof where thenoperator orlicensee``resides. Such court mayadminister oaths and may iSSUe subpoenaa for the attendance of Wit- nesses and the production of relative books and papers. It shall be the duty of the court to set the matter for hearing upon ten (10) days written notice to the Depart- ment . Upon such hearing, in the’event of an affirmative finding by the court, the officer ,vho presides at such hearing shall report the same’to the Department which shall have authority to suspend said li- cense for a period-not greater than one (1) year, provided, however, that in the event of 8UCh affirmative findlngthe li- censee may appeal to the county court of the county wherein the hewing was held, said appeal to be tried de novo. Rotice by registered mail to address shown on the license of licensee shall constitute ser- vice .Por the purpose of thla Section. “(b) The authority to suspend the 11; cense’of any operator, commercial operator, or chauffeur as authorized In this Seotion 45% Eon. Ralph R. Rash, page 3 (v-554) i8 granted the bpaIbWnt upon determining after 'proper hearing ashereinbefore set. 'ant that the licensee: "1. ~&s committed anOffen8e for .. which automatic suspension of liCen8e ,, is made upon conviction; "2. &is been responsible as 8, driver for any accident resulting in the death or personal injury of another or sef;Ioua',property damage; ,' 3. Is an habitually reckless!or negligent driver of a motor vehicle) 4. Is an habitual violator of thi traffic law; "5. I8 Incapable to drive a motor vehicJe; 6. &8 permitted an anlaWfUl or f&$jlent U8e of 8uCh license: ~' 7. Has committed an offense in ahother State; which if coiimitted in this State ,vould be grOWId for suspen- 8iOn or revocation; ' "8. lk8 failed or refused to 8Ub- ~,mit a report of any accident in which he : was involved as provided in Section 39 of this Act." A careful examination of the provlaions of the General Appropriation Act, as It relates to the Depart- ment of Public Safety, does not reveal any anthorisa- tiOn.for the payment, Of Cost,8 a8 8et forth in yOUr Opin- ioh request. Norhave we found any law which would auth ox%se the payment of court costs by the Department of Public Safety. While It map be true, as you have Indi- cated; that the Department should~come Into uourt as any other civil litigant, nevertheless, the duty of supply- ing such authority for the payment of Court costs ia vested wholly In the k+gi8latIVe. Section 6 of Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas provides that no money shall be drawn from the %?easurs but in DursUance of specific a pro rlations made b -law. Plbkle v. Finley,91 Tex. 43
, 4$ s.W. 480 (18987. It is a well established law that where the Legislature imposes an additional duty upon an officer without providing additional compensation therefor, he must perform such duty without further compensation. , _. 452 Hon. Ralph R. Rash/page 4 (V-554)): ~' B&ford v. Robinson,.112 Tex. 84, 244 s.w.807; kc108 v. Rarris County, Tex.:Com. App.298 S.W. 417
. There- fore, it is the opinion of this department that the De- partment of Public Safety is not authorized to pay court costs or to make,a deposit for costs in a hearing initiated pursuant to Section 22,; Article 6687b, V. C. S. SUMMARY The Department of Public Safety la not authorized to pay court costs or to make a deposit for costs in a hearing for the'pIirpO88~Of~suap8nding a drive*‘8 license pursuant to Section 22, Article 6687b, v. c. s. Yours very truly, AT’J?ORIiEX OF TRXAS GEKEFtAL APPROVED: