GROVER SELLERS AUSTIN 11.TmxarJ Hon. Joe Beeder, Jr. County Attorney Knox county Benjamin, Texas OpinionNo. O-6953 Dear Sir: Re: Should a correctedoensusroll be used by the Departmentof Educationin computingState aid due .&independent schooldistrict? We have for attentionand reply your letter of November23, 1945, which reads as follews: "In April, 1945, Munday IndependentSchool Districtrendereda roll of the childrenof scholastioage to tie Xnox Counw Superintendentts office. The oensus taker erroneouslydated two birth dates a year later than she should have. As a result the County Superintendent struckthe two children'snames concernedoff the Munday roll of enumeratedsoholastios.As a result,the Munday schoolfell two short of the enumeratedscholasticsthat the school authoritiesbelievedthey should have on the~roll. likenthe first per oap- ita paymentwas made to Munday IndependentSchool Districtit was two short of the expectedamount. *On investigationthe facts mere discoveredand the names of the tvm chil- dren that had been eliminated'bythe Knox County Superintendent were subunit- ted to the State EnumerationOffioe alongwith birth oertifioatesof the two children. eased upon the above facts,the followingquestionsare sulxnitted, "1. Hill the correctedroll at the State Superintendent'sOffioebe reoog- nieed for purposeof aaloulatingstate aid to the Munday,Independent School Distriotl *2. What is the meaning of the phrase 'MO ohange in oensus*as set forth in the presentrural aid bill Art. I, See, 61 "3. Does the term loensus*in Art. I, Sec. 6 meen Federalcensus or enum- erated sohelastios?' In anawering“yourfirst question/we assume that "the names of the two childrenthat had been eliminated~bythe ~QIOXCounty Superintendent were suhnittedto the State EnumerationOffice alongwith the birth oertif- ioates of the two children,"after Novemberl,1945; the dead line for Hon. Joe Reeder,Jr., page 2 (O-6963) census changesas providedin Article I, Section6 of Senate Bill 167, 49th Legislature,which reads as follows: "Sec. 6. Ro adjustmentof transfersor census ohangesmade after November 1st of the currentschoolyear shallbe reoognitedin making grants of any type of aid under the provisionsof this Aot.” (Underscoring ours) This is a sectionwhich has not appearedin formerActs providingfor rural aid and, consequently, wehave found no court decisionslnhichhave pas- sed upon the validityor constitutionality of the provision. The wording of the sectionwe think is clear and the intentionof the Legislaturemust have been to prevent any changesin census reoords in so far as such would affect the amountof rural aid to which any sohooldistrictwould be entitledafter November1st of the currentschoo1year. The first questionwc must decide is whetheror not such a orovisionwould 'becontrarvto ArticleVII. Section 5 of our Constitution whioh provides,in part, as fbllowsr "And the availableschoolfund herein providedshall be distributedto the severalcountiesaccordingto their soholastiopopulationand appliedin such marmer as may be providedby law." (Underscoring ours) DI the ease of ldueeae, et al, v8. Marrs, 40 S.H. (2)'31,our Supreme County,Judge Curetonwriting,renderedan opinionon the oonstitutionelity of the Rural Aid AppropriationAct, effectivefor the bienniumbeginning September1, 1929. We think it well to quote pertinentparagraphsfrom this opinions "The limitationin Seotion5, Artiole 7, declaringthat the availableschool fund 'mustbe appropriatedtc countiesaccordingto scholasticpopulation, has alwaysappliedand now appliesonly to the available sohool~fund,' which is clearlvdefinedin that section. Constitutional statutes,are properlyto be interpretedin the light of the conditionsex- isting at the time of their adoption,the generalspiritof the times, and the prevailingsentimentsof the people." "tinderthe constitution, our publia schoolsare essentiallystate schools, and authorityto oontroltheir operation, exceptas otherwiseprovided,is includedamong the powers conferredupon the Legislature.* "Section1 of Artiole 7 of the Constitutionreads: ‘A generaldiffusionof knowledgebeing essentialto the peserrrationof the libertiesand rights of the people,it shallbethe duty of the Legislatureof the State to es- tablishand make suitableprovisionsfor the supportand maintenanceof an effioientsystemof public free schools." "The purposeofthissectionas writtenwas not only to recognizethe inher- ent powers in the Legislatureto establishan educationalsystemfor the State, but also to~makeit the,mandatoryduty of the Legislatureto make suitableprovisionfor the supportand maintenanoeof an efficientsystem of publkc free sahools,'necessarilyconferredthe power to make the msn- date effective. . . . Since the Legislaturehas the mandatoryduty to Hon. Joe Reeder, Jr., page 3 (C-6953) make suitableprovisionfor the su~uertand rrmintenanoe of A``- an ~At'ficient ``~ ``~-- q+bik 9f public free sohools,and--has the power to pss any law relative thereto,not prohibitedby the Censtittition, it necessarilyfollowsthat it has a choice in the selectionof methodsby which the cbjeot cf%,e organiclaw may be effeotuated,.Thb Legislaturealone is to judgewhat means are necessaryand apprcpriatefor a nuruosewkioh the Constitution makes legitimate.-The legisl;tive~determination of the methods,restric- tions,and regulationis final,eroeptmhen so arb1trsr-y as te be viola- tive of the constitutionalrights of,a,citizen." "The word 'suitable'used in oonriectionwith the word 'provision'in this sectionof~theConstitutionis an elaabicterm. deuendineupon the necer- sitiesof changingtimes or oonditions,and.olearl$leaves-%Jthe Legisla- ture the right to determinewhat is .suitableand its determinationwill not be reviewedbythe courts if the act has a real relation to the subject and object of the Constitution.” (lkrdersooring ours) "Equalproteqtionof laws is securedif the statutesdo not subjectthe individualte ubitruy exerciseof the peters of government. It is well settledthat legialationis not open to objectionif all whe are brought under its influenceare treatedalike in the same ciroumstanoes.w(&de+ scoringours) Seo$icn~S'~%&ole I,:'&,'&167, had as its purposethat of assisting i-k departmen%in the detail administrationofthe entireact. As stated above, it is a new prevision,plaoed intothe bill after experienoingthe diffioultyof administering similaracts minus such a prevision. We do not think it arbitraryor unreasonablee It appliesalike* all schoolsand districtswhich seek aid under the provisionsof the Rural&id lU.11. Articles2816, 2817 and 28178RevisedCivil Statutes,previdefor the methods to l-efollswedin the takingand repsrtingof soholastiooen- *us. Article 26178 requiresthe oensus taken to~submithis report to the CountySuperintendent en or beforeMay 1st of eaoh yeare '&ticle 2819 requiresthe County Superintendent to make consolidatedrolls and csoruti- nice carefullythe work of the census trustees,and rhall have p~$s summonwitnesses,take affidavitsand correotany errors he rnw flmd in azq oensus trustee'sroll8 9 . ." and tiis suue articlealso requires Zhe CountySuperintendent to suWlt his consolidatedrolls t-sthe State Superintendent en or before 'Julylst of eaoh year. There is, thesefore, a period of sir monthr, i.e.,May 1st to Novemberlst, duringwhiahtime errors in the werk ef the census takersmay lx corrected. We find no legal objeotionto $eation6 of Artiole I, S.B. 167, as passed bythe 49th Legislature,and must thereferssneweryour first questionnegatively. Your seoondquestionis,%mt is the mesning of the phrase 'no change in census*as set forth in the presentrural aid bill, Art. I, Sea. 67” The dxaotwording of the sectionis as follows8"No adjustment of transferscr census changesmade after November1st of tha current schoolyear shall be recognieedin making grants of any hype of aid Hon. Joe Reeder, Jr., pace 4 (O-6953j under the prmisions of thisApt." Wa believe itwastia intentionof the Legislaturein plaoingthis prmision in the Bill to effeota "dead line" after which no changes,or correotionswhioh would alter the amount of Rural&id to which a given disMat may be entitledto receive, could be recognized. In answer to your third qusstlon,you are advised that it is the consideredopinionof this deparkmntthat the word "oensus"as used in Seotion6 of Article I, S. B. 167, refersto ScholasticCensus and not tile FederalCensus. busting the above satisfaotor$ly'ansrers your Inquiry,we rmain Very trulyyours ATTORNEYGQEBAL OF TEXAS w /s/~E. 8. DeGeurin E. M. DeGeurin EMDeGlbtl9gW Assistmt APPROVEDDEC 7, 1945 /d GROVER SEUERS ATTORNEYGENEPALOFTEXAS AF.PROVED Opinion Committee Ebrm Chairmm