1 ,. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN wo l ~Oo r mM r ning 1945, roada woo* thie Act girr the Coma.lmionorr* court authority to purobse and maintain eutoaobllss ror the u8a or the county 0oimnlarloner8u "Wo will rpproolata an early reply aa iw will a0011bo omll.rdon to apyroie axpenditwa for thi8 purpoM." 3 - 8.6. 3, ii. 8. MO, Wr found at pam 678 Vol. 5, 19C5 Vernon*0 mxaa l+oaal0n Law 8enL00, 49th Logfahture, aaguler ~+3000un, provi6ea 00 r0uow0: (Worao0rl.ng 0ura) ilo@.9, Art..%, Stat8 Canatitutinn, amrq other thin&s, proviboa a0 rollm0; -* ++Ana 8hak(li8la8uroaaypaaalooallaua rot t&10 waya, riwmut or looal law. 00 l'llmltatlonof powerrdologakd to oountlea, aitloa or tom8 by any other a8otloa or OootlonO er thla Conatltuti0xl.’ IIt Vh Of th0 A& Or th0 49th k8iObtW O&a t&01 OOrUti- tutioml grorlaion, abow.., it la tha o&dnien OS t&i8 do&nmtauat that tha aoulaaloaora~ aoWt ol Han4naen Oounty ia auth0riud to p0ha00 ~4 80kp80~n ~oth00bu00~ror a0 ~00 0r th0 O~O- aianwa ia obr, eonatmwtten urrd B<uunoi .,ot public read*. we or8 not to b0 ud@rOM 00 how thO8 it tb Gorvt ~W~OaO 0t4,0h l~8``b i.3.00 th 0 0o r i00ieno ma ry ua 0 oth e a a mror p ur 3-00 othar than the raiiatru0ti~amIrintenanoa0rr0040.