DocketNumber: O-6792
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS ATTORNLI OLNLRAL Ho&mb& O&udo Irboll saoiotarf of utato Mrt 10, hxnl Attwhtloa, J. L. noaarit~, x.84 of chartor hu air: Your roquort so abovo rtatod mat- ter liar boa rocofrod 8ad iullf bl thlr do- putmnt. I la p a r t lB follour: Corpor~tioar luthorls~ )r~ t&o pro- tlrioor OS thlm Aot dull not bo lutboMs.d to bo ore&ted lo olt es or torn8 of 8mv than trootp fir. haadrod ( 4500) p o p ula tb lo otu‘ o r diug to the last p r r o o dlng ?odoral Co nr ur . Your tlrrt two qor8tioar ora: 1. %lmt pm orot of aombo?rhlp forr om bo used to WJ a rolloltor of mmbora?” Eoaoroblo Oloudo Xoboll, p-o 2 2. %uot t& lollolt~ of momb.Frrbe ont- 0d 0 1i00~00 or p0mft fra tho kouritko 8a- mlool~r of Tox8ot' Thelnwwo E0Ed up o ath eup- to th o o oq 000t1 odo pliaabllity of tbm kouritloo lut (&tlok F OOa, V.A.U.8.) to the oolo of uderrhlpo in owh on oremlaatloo as t& hoopltal ooo lratino prov1d.d for b &mot. Dill Ro. 181. h a tio3n (Pnof th e kourltloo $lflEoo “oooPlt~” as rot follorrr “Tim tom *ooourltyn or ~ooourltlool oholl lnoludo oar rhuo, ltook, troooary otook, otook oortlfloot~ under l totlw tart agroomont, ool- lateral trust oortlfloat8, oqulp8oat trust ow- tifloato, preorg~alrrtlonoortlfioato or rooolpt, luboarlptloa or roorgmlo~tloo outlfisrto, 8ot0, bowl, doboaturo, mort&o#o oootlflr~to or other lridonoo of lodobtodnooo, oa7 form of oomorolal papop, oortlfio~to in op nm4or a profit &ulrq or putiolpotloa 4groo8oat, oortlflooto or mar ours) A mmberahlp in 8 hoopltal oooparotlto oortolaly mu&Y be a l oortlflooto . , . roprooomtl&g . . . an lotoroot la say w 811 of tin . . . loooto" of rush rooporatlro, and tha solo of owh wrborrblp would bo ~lthia tha purtlor ol t& Aot anloor lxompt br the prorloloor of kotloa 3. 8ub- dlrloloo (a) of (kotloa 3 of t&u &ourltloo Aat lo as fallour; ‘Aar wowlt or wmtwrahlp loouod b l ow- rrtim ~8``18 ai lxoloolrol~ for odwot I0-1, r lmtoloat, fratoraal, okarltablo, or roforutor~ pwporor and not for pootmlor~ profit, ad a0 part of tko wt lunlago of uhioh lnuroo to tho boaeflt of mr lto&hoUor, obomholdor, w ladlrld~l mmbor, oad rharo nc4oamloolo~ or rularoratloa lo pold w alron w lr to k paid w /inn in oonamo- $roa vlth the dlopooltloa t&roof. IO a bospltal oooporotl+o ooatomplatid bv Muto Bill 80. 181 l ohslt8bk 006 rrtla? Uo $hloL not, do- it. tha faoto th8t this lll3”4~8omlutoo it ouoh. A oh8rit- 3 k loporatl.arr~o boos rarlouol~ deflaed in thou tomu: A VblumF~ l oyolatloo orga~lrodto otldo far wathl~ plymats, modl081, l urglo81 rrd hooplta P oaro for no&or0 vho ~0~0 l 8ploy8oo of l rallval oompaay aad mia- toiala6 lovorol hooplt8lo, l ~8 not oporatod ooiuoltol~ fu -- Qhoritabk purpoooo, 00 no to b olrolqptfro= 000101 MOur’ lty taxatloa, motvlthot8adIagthot r8llr87CJfQQ 8 y& so- preol8blo ~lfto to loooolotloa oroh SW, ohorlty 08000 voro t&ken ooro of, 0 ml! 8oooal8tloa hod no aot lwa.l``. bith v. Ao~ldo,43 F. 8upp
. 5l0, 514. lUhwltabkg ia ot8tuto lromptlng olmltoblo o o r - porotlo8.8 tram the pqmoat of uaomplo mto~no8tloatu lo liritod to or~mtlolu m@lattriluF"l%eluolvol~ fw aloe- Lulugtoa Coaotory Co. t. Camonvoolth, ?iiii!?%p:i??%, 699, 703. Tb torm %aorlty" 81~8~1 connotoo tho pub110 gan- woll~, or the publlo 8t 18re0, or 8t le8ot 8n lndoflalte uotlon of It, es dirt1 ulohed from 8 dofialto sootion t&roof, ud 8 ‘oharltabYo ~00’ lo oao t&t 8xioto for par- loao moortaM, as tho ubllo lt l8rgo, or mm0 paorol ?ho poor or tho moody. In ro Altom~“o ::r?b::, 87 aioo. 955. Thocofwo, it lo the oplnloa of this doportunt that the ooli of wmborohlpo in tho hoopltal oooporotivoo oontomptited by &ado bill lo. 181 lo oubjoot to the pro- rloloao of tho kourItloo hot. Ikotlorr7 l ? tho sold & c ur - ltloo Aot protIdoo, ‘In tho oroot * doolor 00 doflud horoln -11 oall w offor for ulo 88 poor~o8tlon oortlflo8to or rooolpto, w ahJ 1 la any wmnor oolloit ouboorlptlono to or la ly propoood ow- pwatioa, trust w joint ltwk 8-w po’oposod Howroblo O&W Ioboll, pogo 4 t0 b8 fmo4, the ROO?Otw~ QS 8t8tO ny ro- qrlro 1s hr deuo it moooaar tho lm- to protoat torA or p0apeot1+. 0~80?1 lo ro OP lWtifiO.t. heldoro, th doa8r 00 .f~orlmg OUOhmar1t100 for rla to da sit, 8u moMy0 Md fu&o rooolt- odfratb 08c th o r o olf, x o o pltwh mounts thUOoi 80 t& 8OO?Otuf Of 8t8tO Ur &We padu. this &t8lhV&d.~ pOmiB&tl- lmUeO a oomolooioao for tbo ulo of oolh kourlty, to bo dopooltod lm a trout rooount le oom bank c trust oapomy dolw buol~oo la tb W&to of Tows Wtll lWh tf8o 80 lUOhp r o p o o 008pUy od dl hOV0 Odd th0 BfetrlU sOpita% t0 &U- (IO-t Of thorloo lt to be@8 burluoo in ¶'oUo, 8t uhloh tlu tho bask or trust ooap4ay &il truofor lwhfmdototbr propooodowperationaad its luout1+0 0ff10~0 SW tha pIppou or po?m1tt1n& it to uadort8ko Its bmlnooo, In tho lvoat ouch P-Po~ 0 80 b?OfR dofiud Obn f.11 rlthin tvo 8ro to ooll the 8lolmm UoUlt of oopital noooooar~ Sol, tbo be#mnl~ of boolwoo la TOIU, the bei& w trust oaapary ohdl roturn to tho oubooribwo that portion of tho Stir :-thot hod boon dopooitod undo? muoh proorgoalm- tlon 8&FO&WOt. At th tlw of nklng tho 60- posits, ls borola provUod fw, the do@lu w loowr aball fvralob to ouoh beak w trust OQ- puy the uwo of the mroow p``ohol~ or sub- oerlbla# So oaoh ooorltloo, and tho owunt of moaoy paid lo br laoh. 8bfLOrObl0C18UdO foboll, pvarn5 fir mavor to our uooad ~wotlon, it lo the opln- loo of thl0 doportwat Lo t th8 wlioitor of 8ombobo must bare l lloooao or per8.U from the 8eorltloo Ooriooloaer of Tu80. Your tblrd, fourth Ua flftb queotlon0 Uo 80 fol- lovr, 3 ‘If tho sot door wt boron lffoctlro ant11 90 dap rftor adjournmat, oan the obrtor bet&y red WV sad laced oa file rltb u ad ld pendlag tL rold offoatlro darl o f tho Iti oQtt* 4. 'Cm th8 8OllOltOtl~ Of ruaber8 begin aov, prtor to t& lffootlro doto of the 8ot, 8ad tho ipods oompoundodto bo rotorned if tho ohortor is rojooted?” 5. 'Cm the Fopoud umboro wv oator loto the purelmw of 8 propomd site?" The lff&otlto dots of Seaato Bill lo. 181 being Septwbsr 4, l9955,thou qwurtlono ue woof aad ve deem it uwocroou~ to onwor uu. Your sixth qw0t10o 101 6. %hOt Vi11 the filiQ# f80 b0 fW O.&J lwh ohortor or on omendmont tborototl Arti. Is14 prwld.8 1~ port as follourr ‘The Uar8tory of 8trt8 lo 8uthorlood sad roqulro& to chuga for the uva of the bt8to tha follovirrqothor fooor .. . . . p1am.r mo SW any other purpooo or powfl~ 8 fllily Ionoroblo Clado Ioboll, po@ (I it81 ltwk Of 0.00) Dolluo of Its 8utborirod lrgltti #took Cr ir8otloa81 gut thoroof oftor t& flrot.’ (mphaofo ouro) In aanor to yr quootloa lo. 6.~0~ WI dtlwd tht 8 filing foe of w lmr th8a fifty do mo lo roquirod fllfn# of mu& ObutCm, CUmdkOto, Cr l uppl~mCato XZOi!? Cf tho hooplt81 ooopOr8tlrbo provided for ill8eaoto Bill lo: 181. Your wrmth qwot loa lr I 7. %8r 8 group of oltlsbn8 llrln# 1aCldo tbo OOP&kO~.tC~li8itS Of t two-Vith .``pU+tfOo. 1B .tOoO~ of r,gW.’ Ol'&.nlSOsad Oprrot. VUOh 0 oorporrtlorhlf tha hoopItol lo 1008tOd outside tha oorpor*to llrlto of rwh rlt7 w tovntg ?h~ obrlour lnteat of ¬o bill lo. 181 18 to permit t& ovnlng aad oporotloa of hoCpIt8l oooperotlvoo la omllor ooaaunltloo vhuo ouoh rorvlroo are not nov ovoll- lblo. The vordlrrg of 8ootlon 2, hovovor, lo obomaro. It p?orldoC that rwh Oorper8tloar %h811 mt b0 8uthWi8.d to br or tad la lltloo w torar of 8oro,than tuoatpilro hundred t'g00) popamloa.~ ThiB lOll#IlO600.0 -811 O&J tbt owh oorpor&tloao till wt lotablloh W ulnt81 hooplt8l ooopor8tlvoo & oltloo or tom8 of 8oro th8a B5W popPkt1oo. There lo aothiry in tho Aot uhlrh vould prohibit perrollsrho 00 r*dd*ato of lorgor torn0 from orgotblrlug, w king nmborr of, 8 OOOpOr8tlve to bo lot8blloh8d 8ad ulat&laod o&old8 of lwh tow, 00 10~ Co lwh lOOporOtlvo hoopltol is 1oC.t.d lo t& mdi&tO 1Wtiitf VtMro th0 mm- bore romlde. Your rl#ith qwotlw 18r ‘8houl4 tha requiremoats with rorpeot to Ogti.tiOa oppou on the SOOTOf the oh4rter J 8a 8ffidCVit 8ttOChOd thor*tot’ or g8’ ktlClC Uti pWidO0 88 fOllM@l mrloroblo C1odo Iobotl, p8p 7 ‘A ohrtor must k poopmod wttlu fwtha 1 .The M m o fth e lo r p u8tlo 8~ “2. The purpooo for rhlrh lt ir femodl ‘1. Tha plooo or plamr vluro its buolnooo lo to bo truuut8dJ ‘4. fho tom SW rPlloh it lb to l xiot; l 5. Tl& oabor of dlroataro w truCtCC8, and tha n&me8oml r~oldo~oo of thaw rho are &p- po1at000 for the flrot feuJ; l 6. The omowt of Its Upit. stock, lf w, 8W tha aumbor of -es late rhloh it IO divided.* brtiole 1309 ooat8lnr theoa pwirlorror “If Uu &orotmf of bt8ta lo rot o8tlofl~d, ho UT, lt tho lxpotm of the Inowporotoro, ro- qulre other utlrfbctorX widenem bolero ha till ba r+qulrod to roodto, file and rword owh ohut- or.’ You wo adtiud, thoroforo, that tboro rued ba no- thing 00 th# fooo of t& o&&or of rwb 8 oorpor8tlea rog8rd- ln$ the popul8tlo.nat the rlty or twm la or mom rhloh Ouch OOOpo?8tlvO $8 to bo l8t8bllOhd~ IOVOVO?, tk kOrotUy Of Stat0 UX PMulm ltldom00 that thm ``iOlO~0 Of tb~ AOt &U- thoris- the oro&tloa of luob owporotlwo ham boeo mot. It 18 the opfnfoa es this deportrat that v&n the f8oe of the ohartu foilo to ohov tb popul*tion of Lhr oltr Cr toYa la vhloh t& evr.tlve hooplt.1 lo to bo bC.tC& toa Will be juotlflob lo requlrlxu orldoaoo ootlrfootw~ to 700 of rwh f8Ot. Xow olnth qwrtloa 1st %OJ the Cb8FtO? Of OUCh 8 OCFpC.F&tiO~ pro& SW tiho lorwwo of o8plt8l OtOOk?' ktkk l>@ 80 rUadCd w tb0 ~O+iOiollO Of 8CkrutC Bill No. 181 door sot prohibit tb lo OM U. Ofl.plt.1 ltbok bl 8 OO~.tiolr Uo0t.d fW t& pUl’pCbCCf CVW 8ad OpU.tiU Eonorobl~ Clouds foboll, flgv 8 8 m-pOiit 000~?8tit. bOCpit.1. fP thC 8bCCWCOf 8 ~0. hlbltloo, vv kaou of 00 romon vh, lwh ow~.tlon lonaot grovldo So? the I8oMWo of C.pit8i ltuk. Your tenth ~wotloa lor 10. ‘If the oorpor8tloa lo orgonlnd ritb Out 68pftti @took, ohodd the o&?to? Mko 8 O- .----VIDim a0 t0 t& lOUrOO Of th 0 of the corporatlolr8rd 88 to 1to proport, rad oquipntt” In vim of Article l.304 sad Artlclo 1302 80 maded by &wto Bill Ho. 181, if 8 OWJBW.tiOfl fw tho pwpou of ovelag md Cpciotln# 8 ooopor8tlro horn it8l IO orgonlrod vlth- out c8pltrl stool, thC ChC.FtOFwod a~? 88k~ 8o~ prorlrloa regordlag t& oo~oo of tho vor&lng oopltal rnd its right to own property 8nd 8quipmeat. Your llovonth gwotloo 181 ll. vi11 rwh 8 corpor8tIou h8vo to po, 8 frowhlaa tax o&adif it does hov vlll rwh tu be co8putodt” Subwotlon (8) of Artlolr 7084 pwldoor %Oopt 80 horola prorldod, over, dO8oOtlO lrd fopa&@ owporotion &rotoforr w horoUter ahrrtorod ‘or 8uthUlZCd to do buoInoo8 lo Touo, or doing buoIaooo la hx80, -1, 00 or bofuo U8, 18t Of 080h ,vu, po, 10 8dv8Wv t0 th@ 8COrCtU~ of bt8to 8 irOWUU tu fW t&,oU fo~ovl~, besod upon tiht pro tioa of tho outotmdIng OOpitOl @took, BUPPp”Uo Sod uadlvlded p?Ofit@, plus the mount of outot8adlng bonds, not.8 sad d.bWLt~O@, (OUtBtrodf~ baado, Eotoo sad deboe- twos oh811 laoludo 811 mitton ltldOwOB of Iadobt- odnooo vhloh be8r l rturltf d8tr of OIY (1) m8r or more fror d&to of 18ow, on4 8ll lpeh lnotru- vats vhlrh bou 8 uturlty doto of lo88 tE,;w (1) w fra d&to Of 180~ but vhlrh r lado~da,oo rhloh ho rCmOln8d porlod of oao (1) yeu w awe tlon, but vhloh h8vo beon r o uved o rlxtonde4, w Poow8ble C1oudo Iaboll, Poe 9 roflmaaod by tl¶o 108aoa00 of other lr ldo no oofo the lsdrbtod&88, vhothw to the oam OF other pot100 8~3 it lo frtlber povidod timt this tom ohall mot lecludc lnotrmonto vhloh hvo provlouo- 1, boom 8&OOifird 00 OUFphlO) 80 th0 ~000 ?O- COlpt8 f?~8 it0 bUOlao88 doa0 Lo Teuo b08~0 t0 th0 tot.1 qO80 rOOOipt8 Cf r*tlolrfro8 its omtl?a bwirU88, rhi.h t ooaputod oa tho booio of Om Dollor per Om Thouoond Dal- luo (&,OO@ Oz fF8OtfOMl port tho?ooti prorldod, that ouch tox -1 not bo lorr thoa hront, Dollus (420) la the oooo of mu oor ratioa, lmludin# thooo VlkhOut OCplt81 otook, 81~3 t iit ro provldod fwtho? thot tho tu ohall in ec O&W bo lcmputed on 8 ma &ma tbn tha l08880.d ~olw, for 8t.t. 8d ttiO?rs tu purpomoo, of the proport, ovuod by the oorporo- tlolrla thl8 btote. Where 0 fwolgb owporotlo~ -opplyln& for 8 permit hornthwotoforr dam 116 bu8laooo in Teur, owh tox oholl wt bo papblo until the and of one (1) ~eor fmm the &to of ouoh permit, lt vhloh tlmo the tu obU1 bo oompoted ocoordly to flrrt you90 bu8feo88~ &ad, 8t tb aam8 tiu, ruoh oorpor8tlon ah811 8100 pay its tu in ldvonoo, boood upon the flrrt yoor~o buolecoo, for the pwlod frm the end of tha first you to and 1n01ud;ng no, lot fouwlng. In 011 other OOOCtB,the tU -11 by CapUtCd f?a th. d&t. oorGolnod in tb roportr roquirrd b7 &tiCloO 7987 sad 7089. OOpit.1 8tWk 88 lgpllod to OOrpor.- tlonr vlthout 00pit.1 ltook rbu -U tb. Wt l080t 8. ’ owporotloar vhloh uo vxompt fro8 t&o pIpent Tb of 8 fronohloo tu ore la a w& to in d Article 7094, vhloh pro- tldo8 88 fOlbW81 "The f?&ooh18. tu irrgO8.d by thla 0hpt.r till wt &ml, to &Ik, lnouronoo 008pony, wot,, gwroaty or fldollty oapoay w My tronoportotloa ocmpoey, or on, rlcoplng, pobco cor sad dining oo? oapoay vhloh la 801 raulrod to p&f 8n onnlwl tu w8oar0d by th03.sgo88 rooolpto, or to oorpor*- tlorro horiw no o8pltol ltwk sad org8nl8sd SW tba UO1U81+. PWPOU Of ~OmOti~ th0 publi8 intOr8Ot Eooor~blo Claude Irboll, p#o 10 of any oity 0 tom, or to oorporAtloor o~ralred for th8 urpo8@ of roll(lioulrorrhlp, or for pro- t%dlpu p L oem of burial sot for pirat. proflt, or oorporetloar orgmalmd for th8 purpow of hold- lag qrloultuml f8lrr mhd lnoourr~lag lplrultur- ti pto8Uit8, O? fOF 8tPl8t`` td lt;Oti puIpO8.8, W fW DWOlY Dub110 Ohri f . -818 OUr8) A8 la dlo 4 t.d ia OW l(L81O)r8 t0 IOUr fir8t tV0 QW8- tloor, t& lorpomtloa prorlded for in Ram% I)111lo. 181 U8 lOt O?milOd f0 urotf ubllr OhUit and thoroforo th8 ~8 wt Ulthla th0 lurpt I! 00 pPWld8d ‘Ia0, la Art1010 WY 1 . ft :8 th0 ODioiOa Of th18 d8WtB8Ot tht 8UOh OOr- +atloa, vh8tlur it 188~m-l Orpitti-8tOOk W Oat, lU8t l fl’aWh18. t8X 0ollgUt.d l8 pcorlded for la A&lob 708P . v8rr truly fOUr8 NJltdb APPRll+’ OPINION COYYIlTK= f