OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iromblo ta f. Cop0 Coue~ atout Irtlbntb, voxb8 Dus nr. OOpoI Your lottor or tlng the aboro quor- tion, ha boon glnn our a* A8 nvaalodb7 tbo botr of the Log1rlbtulu orlmbl jurirdlotlon or th0 county court 0 so r r olxohulYol~ d to tbo Dlrtdct Court bgbln undod uld 8ootloa 25 8b~tiOlbOf U&d bill 8ktO8 ml0 47A Of Artlolo #n 18 Of OaprtOnt jW18dlotian and the Countl Oowt ¶a the oowty vhon the birth 01 dwth oe- a umdluthorlt~ to ordo, the Cow&y Clo?k ubd the Itato Re la- trrr to i88W l oO?tliiOd 8Opr Of Ukf birth Or d.atb qt”tlf f eat. YhOFOin b OhhiLdO? bdtit 18 8bt.d t0 b8 1llOgitiutO. h8Oh? l8 WtOrkl hOZW, th0 body Of th0 Aot it8Olf 'Iwbd8l krtmorablc fOW Y. I-Or0 - FIR8 8 l#dt.ber th0 Et8k nOfi8tnr BOt @lIT 10881 lWfl8ttW dr811 iam0 & oertltlod.aa~ Of 8nt altth W dUtb OOPtiflWtO WhOtOitt8 Ohill 0t 8~ ,&Butt18 lt8t8d t0 k iljOfiti88tO UR10.8 mob oort3flo4 ~FV ia wOorod by tbo Comt7 Comrt ln the eeuwty in whteh 0814 lhlld V88 born Or died, or ap 0 Ob\lrt w ooapotmt ~rl#Q~otlor,, or by rid illogltla8to pram or the l.rrrrO~rs or lop1 repwmntat1r0 thotooi*’ Tao WorKenef el8uw to the Aot et 194B red8 in p8l.t 8a f0110=81 l‘lhe t8Ot tb8t thOt@ 18 OOlIfUOi8tI 88 t@ vhotber the County Court would bavO 8othnrlty to enter en c r do l rUthOri8hl the County Clark or state ~eK~8ttOt to i8NO sottlt1.6 oapiom Of hlrth or dO8th OOttifiato8 O? 1t?Otit18IOtO pat-80~8~8nd the tmet th8t Ui6 1110 timat pOt@ITI@WnOt mt a OWtifiut8 Of iv 8 aitth Um tOQUO8t ItOt 08tY8 6Ort1fiO8tO Ot tiOOtb a0 ehtaiaod oxoept upon ardor at the rwrt dlI'Wte8 81) WOr@WIIO~." Ru?s 61A at uld fiw1tcry Code ptwlder 8 rothnd tar dettmdninf the d8ta nf the 811 pW@- birth Ot d-Lb Of u)Y and annr IWIt ptOV1OU817 t``:atW'Odr the sttdO#IOO 8fId ptOddO8 th8t roletl+o thOroto a-11 b@ uhnittod to th8 Prob~t8 Court in the eotmty wltere the blrtb or datb OF the perman omumd- Cm the *flee M the ~Ot%fe COUtt 88ab~tdlhK th. h8tr. Uat3 8tO lbrtifiwl to the St8b Rori8tnr~ and the detemd terimtt8tlow(P am ther0W b0 ronamwmkd 8nd pOrt*Otscl. bIqU08t~OIWblyI UIkdOt tie hot aa m81B0d III 1948, the Count.y Caurt tm 811 0mJntior , dw=ein th8 Siti? 8md Otbifn&l jurlmdlstlan h88 not hoen ttwnm~uved to the nirtrlet Court, hr. 8ut?mtiLy to 1~91~0m order toqulrin~ th Rep1rtror ta flirt 8 oert¶tled oopt nf the oattltis~to OC birth or deetb, undot the 0tatOd t8@t8* the queetlen to bo cletomlnoa in the aa at kr 18 Whether th0 &WIrtt~COUtt j?kC88m bIIIItpr8nd 8thOte dall8tlp rltrnted, b8+a 8utbority sdn the Aat f3888Od in 1948 t0 tO- qtIit@ th0 sat4 R8Ki8tt8t t0 180lIO 8 @Ortiftti eOW Or th. alrth or de8tb 8etfifiO8tO~ nuder eondltloa8 tnqulrul about. A ew.ft~l aamhatlon or th. Aet Of 1946 rermlr th8 t tb~ Only rmterlal chanfl wads in the lo* in quoation 180 to lm~rt the m0nai 0 TW Y. c0pn - p8~ a mo t4 8.o rb y tb .county c o ula1 8tbo low8t in wlllab ml0 lhil(l-80 kn, Or (lid.' na vo rood the uptl.8r tbo body OC tht AOf l8d tbo emergemy l18m000 it lpmr~ tkt aI1 Of $?I08 m tb0 clw hlI~&O# M8O!I, tbtt~Obt~181tttFt ln$om~od to gl+o to ttw Powt~ Cow@ or 8ho oomt~ *bon ulo lblld wao boln or aoa 88tbWdt7 to roqulvo th aort1flo8t00 lm quortian w k i,maod. It ii OW ttIl8i4Ol'td opini6lI tht rt~P&tt8 tf tit trot that h @mO oOamtiO8 ltko CBo8, th0 t.4 i8lttUFt b80 i&l 6870 $WO b,) d+a tbt Dl8tri8t hU?t tttft8 f VO #ldd8t%8Sl ill 811 OtTi 8Ud OritiVl8108tt8r th0 AOt Ot 1946 d+Ot k tbO~.cOUIlt~ COUtt8, t8 WO'Il 88 tt 811 lth Ot COtIlltY mtttr the powor 8aU wthotlty to abtw an oralor roqulrlau She log:* ttnr to itao lortltio6 sapCoo of bo alrtk odor death oar- t.itloatameet tho lm(lltleno lnqnlred *bout- If thb Co~ml8tun Rad IntoMod tbo Aot fo apply only ta thooo oomtloo In uhi8b the ol+il and l~bim81 jurlodl~tioa h84 ttOOn sumnod aat t@ th0 ti8tl-fOt CWItr it oo11& hot0 oo Pterldo4. I80tobd, boworor, the7 ooniorrd that jwlodlotlr Upsl aOh 8nd OTOty CWnty in tht @ktOe. cOtIT% ft 18 taOtO= toto Oar opinion th8t tbo Court in C88r CowSty ltt@ i? hmty MO t*sto ~juotify, 18au8 ml erder requlrla~ th0 Ltoto 118dt- ttBr to iooU0 8nd (I8liVOr 8 6ortltlo6 430~9 eC the blrtb hdu 608th. Oortitieateo lnVOlVd .I -s :.- .., 5: -4-d-473- ./ Q...~. : 000. Ts krouo '3 ', Arrf8tBnt