DocketNumber: O-6779
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. H. Trimble First Aa+wtant 8upeAntendent State Departaent of Bctucation Austin, Texae Dear Sir: @pealon Ro. O-6779 Rea Paroa4lal Schoole - Your requeet and cererully your reque8t a8 follower tic8 of all enrolled in for you to derine for aean~ of the word 'pm-o- ha ten6 lnclualve enough to include ho018 eml private echoole, or is r the word 'parochial* limited e only tboee church schools lled bT a church pariaht "If'your enewer is t&t it lncludee only those thurch schools which are controlled Ron. 1. W. Trirrble- Pegs 2 within a church perish, end does not include privets and church rchoole thet are not con- trolled wlthln a parish, ha8 the Legl8lrture acted vlthin it8 Conrtltutlonal authority in dlrcrl.mlrmtlngagainat thlr particular group of ohlldmnt" We quote fma Section 1 of Article III, Ssnrte Bill 167, 49th tigi81etuw of Tex88, a8 ioflov81 "The ba8ie for calculation 8hall be the net rroholartlcenume~tlon of whltc or aolond rauej a8 the case m8y b8, lnaludlng th8 tr8ll8f8r8tit0 t&8 di8tldUt, pl'GVi@d 8uOh tXuief8r8 an from di@iriOt8 eligible to receive lld under Article I 0r thlr Aat for th8 au-t year, and exoluddingthe tran8- Tel’8 Out Of th8 dl8tl’iOt: Uld th8l’8 8hal1 b@ d8- duot6d all 8chole8tlcr who have aompleted th8 uourse of 8tua~'i.ntlnir home eettool,88 -Ch88ifi8d by the COWltJ board Of trU8tO88, there vho8e Vader are tWqht within the di8- trlot fmm whloh they er8 trumfernd, unle8m 8UOtI8Ohole8tiCi8mintti Ul eVel'8$8dally attendance 0r alxts-five (651 uer cent in the di8tFiUt to whlah iher ~r&ti'&trferWl, 8nd 46 cOrpl8 &l&8, p. 1383, define8 ths t.lm *p W’O~h iM ll”l8 tO11OW88 *Perochlal - Rel&Fng to.or to a peri8h.' Web8t8lF'eRev Inter5atfonel RdititXI, define8 the t4Jm8 “parOChitiw and a8 f011ow81 “Pwuohlal - 1. or oc p~t~miig t0~ 8 pari8h; a8 peroohiel clergy OF bouIthrle8; oontrolled, 8UppWted by or within the jurlf~¶l~- tiOn Of 8 pari8h, OF perish 13hU+i$ l8 pWOobidl Han. T. H. Trimble - Page 3 8ChOO10, charities. 2. confined or EW8triCted to l pariah; 88, of QmOChiaiolinterest$ hsnCe l-ted l.urange or 8cope5 arrow, local; es a pwoohlal mind or point of V18W. ‘P&rochial School - a SOhO USUti17 for eleaentivy lnrtruoticu, rintained bP a pnrishor e rellglous body.' The ceae of 5tate ex rel John8on~,et al v. Boyd, et al, 28 A. E. (2) 257, holda that the question aa to whetlter $ achool 18 public or parochial 18 determined bP the control thereof. We quotesfrom 8aid ce8e ae, follov81 "although it ve8 alieged in the aomplalnt that thaae 8chool8 were directed T and controlled through the cleticel govern- ment of the ahuroh exmcdaed bP aud throu@ the Blahop, thrre wea no mch flndlng by the Oourt. mther these llChO018,durlq th period in queatlon, vore paroohlal or pub110 8ChOO18 is d8t8l'Sll& bP th42r COntl'Ol.' biOS'd8 illCOlUBkOll U80 When U8&3 by tb kgi8lOtUP3 in 8 8tatUte nre t0 be UndOr8tOOd 08 intended t0 eXQn88 the sense in vhfch th8y ere ordlnarllP:us8d~ T. & P. Ry. Co. v. Rallroe6 co3mA1slon of Texm, 150 8. Y. 878. It ir our opinion that tlm tern "parochial* a8 used in the ebova quoted rtrtute 8houl.dbe givsn it8 U8Wl and or&nary rerning a8 rhown by the definiti'$Isabove quoted In this opinion. It 18 our further opinion that the tera "'is a 1isLitedterm 8nd is not inqluslve enough to include lll church llchoOl8and all pri*te schools. As t0 whether auy QartiCUhr 8ChOOl 18 Ori$e BUti``3Wm~hi8~ school vi11 of course be determined by all the recta with reference thereto. It is also our oplnlon that the portion or the above quoted act, which you hrve L&&red ebout, is 'Hon. T. W. Trlmbl8 - P-e k oleerlr con8tltutlonal. 808 biIUme9. Ibrn, 40 5. bf. (2) 31. Very truly yours ATTORIIEYOBRBRALOF TRXAS BY Wm. J. Penning A8ei8tUht UJF:BT