DocketNumber: V-403
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
a--OVO -. c THEATTORNEYGENERAI. OF TEXAS AUWFIN 1%.TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Cctober 9, 1947 Honorable R, CO Hughes, Qplniaa Bo. v-403 Chairman, State Board of Plumbing Examiners, Rer Authority of State Austin, Texas Board of Plumbing Hamminers to em- ploy Its own legal department E Dear Mr L Rughes: Your request is for an opinion of this depart- ment on the following questionr ,. Does the State Board of plumbing Bx- amfners, under the provisiona of the Plumb- ing License Law of 1947, have the authority to employ its own legal department for coun- sel and enforcement purposes? The only provisions of Senate Bill No, 188, The Plumbing License Law of 1(94r7, of the 50th Legisla- ture, that are in anywlse,pertfnsnt to the question un- der oonsideration are the, following : Qeet``on 5, fn part: c “The Board shall adml&t$$ter the provf- sfons of thfs Act, The 0oarQ &all formal- ly elect a chairman an8 a reeretary-treasur- er from its members and may adopt such rules as it deemo necessary, for the orderly conduct of its affairs, The Board ia hereby authorf- aed and empowered to employ, promote and dfs- charge such assistants and employees as it may deem deasssary to properly carry out the intent and purpose of this Act, anQ to ffx and pay their compensation aad salaries and to provide for their &ties and the teams of their employment 0” Swtfoa 9? in part: “The Boar+d shaU bawl power to appoint p Honorable R, G, Hughes, page 2 (V-403) by an order fn writing, any corn etent person to take testimony in sue R hearing, who shall have pover to administer oaths, issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses, ard the decision of the Board shall be based upon its examinatfon of the testimony taken and the records produced OI’ It is clear that no express or Implied auth- orfty fs given in the Act to employ an attorney or at- torneys as a legal department for the purpose of giving legal counsel or advice or handling lftfgation, The Board cannot employ an attorney to do those things which under the Constitution or statutes 4t is the duty of the U;rney General, a PIstrict or County Attorney to per- 0 In Section 22 Article 4 of the Texas Constl- tutfon, we find the foliowing provision with reference to the Attorney General: unless otherwise rx~ressl~ directed by law, It fs rtated in 5 Tex. Jur, p0 378, that: “Important 88ong the Attom numerous task8 is th e4 utt o il Go ver nolnQr tha hoa48 of puLm;eyt 8 0 Thr rtatutr poti& that he at tiw rrqtwrt of thr Governor or th6 kd”of any dopartwattr of the state (ioverrment . 0 0 give thra w?ittea advice upon any question touching the public lnter- eat, or concclrning their officibl duties, n ‘I In Opinion Ao. O-6066, by a fCm%Br Attorney General, concar’nfng the le ality o? certain proposed lxpenaitures by the Stat. d oard of Public Accounting, . ,’ . Honorable R, G, Hughes, page 3 (V-403) it fs safd: “Wfth reference to your third ausstioQ, the Board is nowhere xare authorized to pmlosr counsel, Imulted authority to emalov to the heads of all State Boards UD n matters oncernins their official duties, Coonsequent- yy in answer to your third question you are reipectfully advised that a legal fe: of the type there described may not be considered an expense in connection with the maintenance of the Board within the meaning of Article 39.” (Emphasis ours) In Section 21, Article 5 of the Constitution, the following is found: “The County Attorneys shall represert the State in all casIs in the District and Inferior courts in their respective coun- ties-l but If any county shall be Included in a dfstrict in which .there shall be a district attorney, WWIrespective dutfes of dfstrict attorneys and county attorneys shall in such counties be regulated by the Laglslature,`` The Constitution empowers district and county attorneys to represent the State in all cases, civil ifid erimlnal, in the district and Inferior courts of their respect fve count fes o except In those cases where it con- fers that power on the Attorney General and where the Legislature has, under Section 22, Article 4: of the Con- stitution, created additional causes of action in favor of the State ahd entrusted their prosecution, whether in the trial or in tlie appellate courts solely to the At- torney General, Maud v. Terre11 104 Tax. 97 200 F. W o 375; Brady v. Brooks,99 Tex. 36b
,89 S.W. 1652
, In view of the above quoted provisions of Se- nate Bill 188 and of the other statements of law and the former Attorney General’s opinions, the Board does not have authorPty to employ an attorney or attorneys for iegal counsel and advice or for conducting litigation* The Board does have authority, however, under Sections Ronorable Ft. G. Hughes, page 4 (V-403) 5 and 9 of The plumbing License Law of 1947 to employ an attorney or attorneys for the same purposes for which ‘any assistant or employee can be employed. They may be used for such enforcement purposes as the making of in- vestigations and conducting of hearings and the taking of testimony therein. The Board of Plumbing Examiners does not have authority under The Plumbing License Law of 1947, S, B, 188 of the 50th Legislature to employ attorneys for legal counsel and advice or handling litigation or for the purpose of doing any other thing which under the Constitu- tion or statutes it is the duty of the Attorney General a District or County Attorney to per- form. i t may, however, employ attorneys as as- sistants or employees and may use them for the making of investigations and for the conducting of hearings and the taking of testimony therein. Yours very truly, A’l’TORNlK’ GENERAL OF TEXAS Assistant APPROVPD