DocketNumber: V-389
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
P401 ,%-HE Aaao September 25, 1947 Bon. Fred V. Meredith, Opinion Ho, v-389 County ittiormy, Kauf5an-county, m: Applicability of 8. I?. KauWan, Tamas 120, SOth Leg,, to the crlu of lPUrae,r without i%Rlioe. Dear Mr. mreaith: Your i%quest for an opinion upon the above eubjeot metter is in pert es follows: * whether H.B. 120, 50th Leg- Islet& 9“the Adult ,Probatioo Law woula be construed to inolude dr to erciuae the oliense of Piluraer uithout Malice, or in ,other worbe whether the Court would have the power under the new act to probate the eentenoe of one oonrfctea, 03 Muraer uith- out IIalloe. Spscirlcally, n, hare a oouple of cam9 of the sort graving out of automobile collisions, death as a result, the defendant boiug an intoxicated driver ,at time of the collision,a That part of 3etction1, or Et.3.120, of the SCth Legislature pertinent to your inquiry is as follore: We courts of th8 State of Texas having origlaal juri8alation or orlnainal actions, when it shall eppear to the satie- faction of the court that the ends of jus- tice and the beet interest8 of the publio an well as the deiendMt will be subsexvad thereby ehall heve the power, rtter oomic- tion or a pl8a of guilty for any orime or offense exOept.muraer, rape, end orrenses against morals, deoenc and chestits, a ., to suspend the imposit Pon or the exektlon Article 1256 or the Pen01 Cods defines the offtanae 0r aurbr as iollown: . . Hon. Fred V. Meredith - Page 2 (V-389) “Whoever shall voluntarily kill any person within this State shall be guilty or muraer.N In the oese of Woseley v. State, 196 8.91. (ad) 828, it ,is nald: ~Now.every unlawful killing-that is, in- tended killing-is murder, with punlebment auth-. ofized to be rlxed, therefor,from two yeara’ oon- finenent in the penitentiary to aeath, at the aiscretion of the jury. There are now no de- grees of the Orif&@ of murder. ~Indeed, one oon- vioted of murder whioh the jury found was oom- mitted without melioe MY, upon’s re-trial., be convicted of, iqurder with ‘tilloe and a puhiehment iixed lo o o r dingJoubert ly. v. State, 136 Tex. Cr, B. 219, 124 ~2.W. 2d 36&. Under our present mrder statute, the que~stion of murder with end without malice relates only to the punishment authorized to be 1nflioted.v Your question, thererore, ie answered to the. effect that a murder without malioe la, nevertheless emur- derv within the meaning of H. B. 100. 120, and as euoh 4s hot within the provisions,, for probation. Murder without malice is within the exoep- tlona to H.B. Wo, 120 of the 50th Legislature and thus exoluaed ?rOB the probation Dxovialona therein contained. Moseley-v, State,-196 S.W. 26
822. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GEIUBRAL OF,TEEAS ,‘By a4+z+ “~‘, ATTORNEY GBBERAL Ooie Speer 0S:mw:wb Asai &ant