DocketNumber: V-327
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Hon. John K. Winters, Executive Director State Department of Public Welfare Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-327 He: Licensing of private kindergartensutldeer Article 4442a, Ver- non's Civil Statutes. Dear Mr. wintdrs: Your letter of July 22 makes the following re- quest for 99 opinion: "We shall appreciateyour opin,lonwith reference to the application of Article 4442a, Vernents Texqa Civil Ststtites,with rerrpect to prLvat& kindergartens. "Article 44420, VernonOs Texas Civil Stat- utes, provides for the inspeotlon and llcenslxlg of day nurseries for the care and custody of children. The responsibilityfor making the in- spec~lons az@ approving the licenses was origi- nally placed upon the atab Boh~tdof Health, but this responsibilitywas lster transferred to the &ate Department of Public Welfare. "Article 2919 of VernonPs Texas Civil Stat- utes provides for the estab;lishmentof free kin- dergartens in school districts to be conducted in connection with the public schools; however, so far as we have been able to det,ermfne"te statutes make no provision for the establishment, maintenance,management, and supervisionof prf- vste kindergartens. "Up to this time the State Department of Public Welfare has not considered it within the scope of Article 44420 to inspect and License Hon. John H. Winters, Page 2, V-327. private kindergsrtess o We have unofficiailyae- fined a kindergartenas a place mafntained for the purpose of trainingohfld$en of pre-school age. Since the children B;peusually not rscpufr- ed nor allowed to remain at the kfndergaetenfor longer than four hours, and since the teacher Is usually required to have a teacheros 83ex%f- flcate, we have not class3fied such places as dag nurseries for the care ar.dcurto@ of child- ren; tberefere, it has been the fnterpretatfon of the Department that kindergartensdid not come within the scope of thh9.sartfcle requiring inspectionana license by the $tsrtc D@partment of Public Welfare. "The questioe has been raised as to the reaponslbilltyof the State Department of Pub- lic Welfare in this connectfon on the bas1.s that the kindergartenscome wuithenthe follow- ing provision of Artfcle 44429r; 0v 0 or other place for the caxe a& lustody af children us&r fifteen years of age O D O8 "In gour opinion, is the State Department of Publie Welfare required by law to make en- spectlonsand grant licenses to private kfnder- gartens in the state?" your awcfaet "unoffi.cfal" de%imitiom of & LPa- dergartem “88 l place ma&stained fox the purpose of train- is& children of pre-school age" cohk&3ek, With the concep- tion of a kindergartenaa found fn the few reported cases cen8iderlngthe matter* From Words and Phrases, Velums 2%3s we quete a cited excerpt frem the case of Los Angeles Coup- tq ~‘1. Kirk,83 P. 250
, 251, 148 CeL.. 385, whXcQ ir typt- w$ ef ad sgaolqyrous with other deiinitfwm thereio se% : “The term vkimdergad.ksnv Wa8 &svissd to apply to a q8tem elabePa8eld. f0rethe fxstFuc- tion of cbi3aTreaef very %smdos xeeza, w1hich bP guldLxg *sip l~cliaatforn ?&apig 5&e ok",=, ganized mefememt, aml the* g-a with an ethical ad educatfonaivalue, teaches, besl.dosphysical exercises,habai%sof d.Xmcip- line, self-control,hs.rmcn~ous.act,fon an'dpu?+ pose, togethex wftb dome definite le~9soisof lion.John H. Winters, Page 3, V-327. fact. It ir apparent that the work coetem- plbted barsuch a system is pmely prelimimry to, end entirely different fn character from, the oMinary work of the common school, and Is in fact designed to fit very young cbild- son, whore rinds a8d bodies are, solely be- culse of their tender 8ge, not yet capable of the instructioncontemplatedj.2an ordf- nary school, for such school worka" Asmning that the instftutfogsunder consid- eration 8re of the chuacter outlined, 8ad th8t their purpose and function is prlmzily the teachins of young chdldren for periods of a few hours daily, we will con- sider whether or not such an lnstltutfon is contemplat- ed by the provisi@m of Article 44428, vernon'a Civil Statutes, Section 1, fro*1whioh you have quoted and which reads In pert: "pvery person, asaoclatPon OF corpora- tion, whether operating for ohasfty or reve- nue* who shrll own, conduct or manage a dsy As you state, the fom&ofng statute original- 1~ Ucsd llcenslag and aupervfsoryrespolgBibflltles Wity: the strka BoaPd ar Healthv But BarvarQOia$snaat- mnta, amil~ th@ est&li&mnt of the Child Welfare Dfvf- sion ,ofthe atate Deprtment of PublSo Welfexe, those ~eBpoarlbllltlesnow lie Mth the Department of Public Welf~e 6 While or$geginslly considered aa related to IPat- ters af health other provisions of Article 4442`` deal with matters o&r than health, and contempLate an ex- emlnatlon Into the moral rad ot&m itiluences upon chfld- ren 80 c6ima for. Of couxae, R %n&ergaHien" aa prb- viously defined does have to some extent the e8re and curt&y 0f children plaoed therein for &upervision. But for that m8tt~po dsscing;rchools, schools of PUBIC, 8rt schools, wmy rnmber of l~nstftutfonsa&so hs.vesuch llmlted 0-e & auntie&yof amleerfifteen years of age. ObrlGurLy, the Laglsll&&u??e di,dnot have all of these Institutionafatrdnd. The aharacte&?of t,auiaatftutfom specifloalbg . . enumerated which are required to be licensed indicates the character of other institutionsor pLacea "for the care and custody of children” which were intended by t~he Legislature to be covered by Article 4442&. Day nurm3riss are commonly understood to be places where children, who are unable to aere for themselves fn the ntxmal fun&ions of Infancy and early oblldhoi~d,e.releft with someone who will see that thBsb'futict&onsape ptioperlypePformed, such as feeding9 bath%%+, ,I?$stp and o,t&efi ‘functionsrequibed for the ~$oper?~#``@$;alfMvis3Spmentor &Al&an of tender year*0 Such iast~tutraWL~as well 8s children's~ board%ng home8 and child pI.~%n&'. encies,Oare normally provided to fuP&ah care atidcupcody-9nor,ohil.drenunder circumstances PFirate kindergartensestablished for ‘thepurpose of pre-so~obleducation Of gOUng &ll&en, at which sufh children at~.endonly :. . Hon. John B. Winters, Psge 5, V-327. a few hours of each dT3 are not required to be licensed as places 'for the care or cus- tody of children under fifteen ears of age" within the meaning of Article 4142a, VernonUs Civil Statutes., The purpose and functions of each instf- tution must be &individuallyconsidered,re- gardlesa of Its being called a "kindergarten", in order to deter&z& whether or not a lfcense is r8qUfred. Yours very truly ATTOFUiEYGBXiERALOF TEXAS