DocketNumber: V-305
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
R-519 EATTORNEY GENERAL a3,FTEXAS AU~TXN ~I.-s PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL July 16, 1947 Eon. Ford, Administrator Bert Opinion No, V-305 Taxaa Liquor Control Board P. 0, bx 56 Re: Signa nnd slo- Austin 1, Texae gane appearing on trucks an- aged in the da- f ivory or alco- holic bavermgae. Dear Mr. Ford : roll haor Mquaated an 0 anion er to nhethrr or not mrtain printad matter appear Pn& on trucka angagrd In tha dalivary Or bser and liquor era violative oi Artl- 016 667-24a ) ot Varnoqbs Panal Oodm.9 Iour lrttrr 18 a8 rollon : ‘*Next to tha last aenta,nca. in Beetion 3, 4 (h) , Article II, pega 51 of the prlntrd dot reads aa followa: ‘The sale end delivery Of beer from e truck of a llcrnsad Manufect- urer or Distributor to e licanaed ra- tail dealer et the letter’s placa of bueinesr shall not esnstituto suoh truck to be a rsparate place of buai- 10188.’ *The rirst sentence or Sootion 24-A. 1, Artiola II, page 67 or the printed Aot reada a8 r0ii0w8: ~Darlnltlons. Outdoor Advertis- ing.? Tha trrm “outdoor advertising” a8 used herein shall maen any sign bearing an[ words, marks, desorip- tion or et or dsvioe end naad to ad- vcrtise the alcoholic bevsregr busi- ness of sny person engaged In the manufacture, sale or distribution of eleoholic beverages, or in the adver- tisement or any beverage aontaining Ben, Bert Ford, Pae,r 2, V-305. .' ,: hlobhol in exoam 0r one-halr or .' ~. one (1 Or 1%) per ornt by vomm, whra suoh sign ir displayed any- whers outside th8 wall or rku1or- ure or 8ny build@ or struotara whrra tharr exists a 1iCah80 OF parrnit to sol1 lloeho1lc~bov8r- a(88a' *Wumarous Who18salera, ala88 B 'Whola- 8a1ars, Kanufaoturars, Barr Distributors and othar8, who mike deliaarias by truck8 hava vmrioue end In 8oma instances numar- ou8 words printsd armthr bodl.8 of ~aald troakr p ,a1 quote balow srvrral Illustrations a8 to whet ia printad on thr bodirs Or tha nrioua truokLl* 1, *Orand Prlzr Distrlbut- ln$ Colupeny,~ which ,iS lvldantly e trade nam8, In addition to #a above word6 is th-8 vrrbiagcl Vbapd Prize k8ra 8 29 *Capitol Bern Bmprny,~ whioh is evldsntly a trade name fr other pl~o~s on the truok is thr varbia a 'Th8 Beer That Mede Milwaukaa 8UILOU~.~ Thor. is also thr Schlitz trade-mark, which is a ~&J.obrp 3* @C!apitol Baar &apany,p which ie rvldaatly e trade mar, In.othar plecrs on thr truck the following verbiage is to br found, sLono Btar &ar, s "Double Agrd, Double Mellowp with P largr '88~ oal, @ labal OR tha hick or tha truck silailar to thr lab.1 usad on the bottled beer, with a bet- tJ.a pictured on eithar aid80 40 ~Qeorga mzzstti Dis- tributiog Com&any,s whioh is l vi: rantly 6 trada aam In othar plaor8 on the truok is the vsrb- ia l VSouthrrn Salact Barr,O IF'I rst Trial, Muahlsbaoh PllsuIr Bear,' Hon. Bert Ford, Page 3; V-305. 59 ‘Browning Distributing Company,’ which is evidently a trade name, followed by ‘Austin, Texas, Phone No. 8- 264 1 other verbiag,e is f&dw~ise?aand the Eagle trade,dplark with a big ‘Al on it, 6, ‘0. Ranseler Distribut- ing Cqnpimy, ’ @ioh. is evidently a trade name, On other parts of the t.ruok is the verbiage *Rot- tie of Pearl : Please ’ tPure Bun- light, 1 fAnoihe* ,Loai of Pearl, t 7. ,. ‘George Yezzetti D$atrl- buting Company, ’ which is evidsnt- lg~ a trade name, On other parts of the truck is the verbiage ‘Red Top Ale. 1 8 'John ?ones company i f which lie a trade name. On othe,r parts of the truok is the verb- iage ‘Three Feathers Whiskey,, 1 9. fRoma wine Company, * which ie a trade, name. On othrr parts or the truok is the verb- iage ‘Rome Wines, t Vl&se giie mq “your valued opinion aa to whether or not the verbiage quoted above in each instances or any part or the samh vio- lates the provisions or said Section 24-A 1 above mantioned,~ By Section 5 oi Artlols 667-21,a~ 0, P, C,, the Legislature has stated: ‘, “Deolaration of Wlicg, It is hereby emallrr surraor than therein authorized on- couragar $h4 exorsaive and lndisorlrinate . .. Hon. B8rt Ford, Page bp V-305. nsr or outdoor advertising, and should br prohibitrd by la%* (lkpha~i8 supplird), The fourth paragraph Of SaotiOn Ic Of the Arti- ale provides z *It &ml1 bs unlawiul ror aay mzwog to r?aot, maintain or display any outdoor rd or slectrio sign in ::l kx3Ft6, tQ the wro- r4ions or thir Act ; and any billboard or : rleotrio sikd diswiared oontrarr thereto la hrrrby dklarrd IiJrgal equipment and snbjsot to sr,izure and, rorrelture aa pro- ridrd ror suoh action in respect to il- lloit beverages and other illrgal aquip- wnti und8r ths provisions or this Aot,s (Wphasis supplird). _. Bmotion 2 of thr same Artlolr provldcm: mAl1 outdoor adrortialng as heroin drilnrd is heroby prohibit8d within the Statr or Texas exorpt as hrrein 8rpr8srl~ ~ev1d.d~ .* " 0 '. 0"' bation 1 or the sane Artiolr providrr: nD8rinition3. Outdoor Advertisina. !&a t8rm ~outdoor~advertislng~ a3 ~3rd~- of aikohoiio beverages, or in ths adtrr- tisrunt or,ang brv8ragr contain1 alco- , hol‘ln excwm or one-halr or one of l$) advertising appraring in a nrWkapap8r,~maga- xinr, or sthrr litrrarg publie@tion pub- liSh8d prriodioa11~. A~J rudh sign 8r8Ot8d Hon. Bert Ford, Page 5, V-305. inside a building and within rive (5) feet of any exterior wall or suoh build- ing facing a street or highway and so plaoed that it may be observed by a prr- son of ordinary vision rrom outside the building, shall be deemed outdoor adver- tising. For the purposes of this Sec- tion the,word 'sign' shall not inoluds any identji'ying label afrixed to any oontainer as authorized by law, (Em- phasis supplied)~, Article 667-24.a obviously prohibit3 general- ly the use of any sign advertising alooholic beveragsn axoept a3 otherwise provided or allowed by that Artiol8. W8 construe the words "outside the walls or enclosure of any building or structure" to mean anywhere except in- side 3uch building or structure, All. of the illustra- tions described by you appaar to be within the tarma Qi &&ion 1 of the Artiol.8 derining "outdoor advertising" as meaning "any sign bearing any word3,market descrip- tion or other davioe and ua8d to advertise the alcohollo beverage business or any parson engaged in the manufaat- ure, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beveragss . . I whrn suab sign i3 display8d.anywh8rQ outside the walls or enclosure of any building or stru8turr where there 8XistS a license or permit to 3811 slooholic beverages", The described use is therefore prohibited unless other- wise provided or allowed by the Artiole. The only permissible use of signs and adver- tissments on d8livery trucke would be under theprovis- ions of Subseotlon (e) of Seotion 2 of the Artiole whioh provides: "The Board shall have th8 power and authority and it is' hereby mad8 its duty to adopt rulrs and regulation3 authoriz- ing suoh use of business cards, menu cards, stationery, and service equipment or de- livrry equipment bearing advartisemenroi alaoholio baverades as the Board mav find not to be in conflict with the purposes or this A&" (Emphasis supplied), You are thereford advised thrat unless su6h ad- vertising on trucks is authorized by rules and regula- tions adopted by the Board pursuant tQ Subseation @) of Hon. Bert Ford, Ps&r 6, V-305, Saotlon 2 of thi Artlolr, the display a? sach mtrrial on suoh trucks is prohibitad. The display or a 83&n ad+ritl8lla: the alooholic barwag buslnrss or a par- sga~mngagad ‘in the erauraca2ar0, sala, or ds8tribution or el00holi0 hr0nl;rn 08 d.Ilrrry truokr ir prohibit4 by Artlelr 667-w” v. PP CO wlr88 luthorimd by l’tl188 aad ra@datiena adopt& by the Liqb aer Contra1 Board an(LorBubmrtioa Ja) or amfen 2 or that ikrtitm. A??RO?.SD: ‘,,.