R-590 TEEATTORNEY GENERAL QFtiXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Suly 7, 1947 Hon. WilUam N, lienrlQ,y CriminalDirtrlQt Attorney Dexar Bon&y Whetkrr er Bat a San Antonlo 5r Texas bag limit PjnCol- lardd Reaoary or JrrQbiu lx%rtr in certafa eoun- tier UIdar Eauor Ml1 NC, 758, dots ,efthe 50th Legis- Dear Mr. Henslay: Your request fcr en opinion on the abwr oap- tioned subject reads as follows: "I am hereby requestirgan epinian aa to the interpretrticnof Douse Dill No. 758 found in L947 Volnea~s Texas Dossion Law Serv4e0, April %8, - Hay U, 1947, is- SUB. "It seeme RS thQu@ Article 879G-3 of the Penal Code provided for a bag limit of two Collared Peacaries during the open 8eas8n af any on8 year, House ~111 No. 758, whioh 8 ecifieallyrepeals House Bill No; 123 anB pertains to the same subjeot matter, is not very clear as to whether or not at present there is a bag limit on Javelinas. Please ad- vise this orriae as etwn ae pOs8ible as to your intsrpxetot&orof House Dill 758 in regard to the bag limit." House Bill No. 884, Acts of the 46th Legisla- ture, 1939, Chapter 78, page 831, as amended by House Bill No, 1199, Acts of thQ 46tk Le ia1attW, 193% Chap- ter 9 page 832, proritJrr rar a 8fetrM%da eloaedmaam on Cih llarod hooary or Javelina,with the QxcrptiQn of a period from November 16 to January 1 Qf Qaah year, pro- vidin,$that no prrscns shall take in any one aeaQQn mQre Han, William N, H~msley, Page 2, V-,298 i than two Collared Peccary or Javelfna House Bill No. 758, Acts of the 50th Legisla- ture, 1947, Chapter 160 J page 264, reads as follows: “Section 1: Section la of Acts 1939 i Fortysixth Legislature j Special Laws, page 831, as amended by Acts, 1941, Forty,-seventh Legislature, page 445, Chapter 281, Section li and Acts, 19L-5,Regular Session, Forty-ninth Leg- islature :, Chapter 110,page 158, is hereby amended to read as follows: ‘12Section la Provided; however, that it shall be lawful to take, cap- ture !! shoot, or kill Collared Peccary OP Javelina in the Counties of Crockett, Dimmit ---~i--s _ FrJr, Kinney, La Saa, Maverick, Medlna, McMuller~, __-- Stir?T?%lde i -Val Verde , Webb :i ZapataL~ and Zavala ~ Texas, at any E, and an open season for Col- lared Peccary or Javelina in such Coun- ties is hereby declared, Provided fur- ther, that ft shall be unlawful in such Countf,es t,o have or take any Collared Peccary or Javelina, or any part of same s in possessfon for the purpose of barter or sale r or to sell or to offer for sale any Collared Peccary or Javelina, or any part of same, and any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be guil- ty of a misdemeanor and upon convictfon shall be fined in a sum of not less than Ten Dollars ($10 ) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50); and each Collared Peccary or Javelfna i OP any part thereof !, taken or possessed or offered for Sale or POS- sessed for the purpose of sale or sold, in violation of this Act shall consti- tute a separate offense; i (Emphasis added) I "set, 2,; All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby re- pealed, and House Bill No: 123, Acts Of the Fiftieth Legislature U heretofore en- acted is hereby specifically repealed, Hon. William N, Hensley, Pags 3, ‘V-29d. “Sec. 3. The fact that Javelina popu- lations in Crookett, Friar Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Medlna s &Mullen, ‘Uvalde, Val Verde, and Zavala Counties are threatening domeetio orops creates an emergency and an imperative public neoessity that the Con- stitutional Rule requring that bills be read on three several days in each House be and the same is hereby suspended, and this Act shall beaome In full force and af- fect from and after its psssape, and it’ is BO enacted,” House Dill, 75r.i~ is the last of several amend,- ments s the first of whi,ch wss passed In 19/+1,provid- ing a section la to the original 1739 ACtS, exempting certain counties from the terms of the 1939 Acts and providing for an open season in suoh counties. Each amendatory act is identical except that fn each amend- ment additional counti,es were included in Section la, and that House Bill No0 758 declares an emer$sacg. From 39 Texas Jurisprudence, we quote: “Primarily the intention and meaning of the Lagislatura must be ascertained from the language of the statute read as a whole B that is, from the entire context of the law, If the statut,ory language clearly and distinctly reveals the Sagis- lative intent, there fs no occasion to look elsewhere,” (nurnarous cases cited) D It was obvi,ously the intent of the Legfsla- ture to declare an open season on Co’ilared Peccary or Javelina, without a bag limit, In the oounties enumer- ated in Section la i,n ,view of the fact that Javelina population fn said counties was threatening domestic crops O It is, therefore, the opinion of this depart- ment that at present there i,s no bag limit on Collared Peccary or Javel,ina in the Counties of Crockett, Dimnit, Frio,~Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Meaina, McMullen, Starr, Uvalde, Val Verde o ;iebb, Zapat,a, and Zavala. By virtue of the 1939 Acts there I.s, however, a closed sea- son and a bag limit in all other counties, Han, Wfllfam N, Hensleg, Pago 4s V-298, No bag lfmft at preaeat exists on CollarrdPaeoarg or Javelina in the Coun- ties carCrookstt,Dimmit, Frlo, Kfnnsg, La Salle, llararfok,Medina, McMullen, Starr, Uvalde, Val Verdes Webb, Zapata, and Zavala. The13 is, howavers a closed season and a bag limit fn all other ooun- tICIS, Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By =b Artie Stephens Assistant ATTORNEY GENXRAL,