R-476 OF'FICE OF .THEATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN.TEXAS PRICEDANIEL *tTcmNEY GENERAL July 7, 1947 Hon. Carl Gilliland opinion Ro. v-295 County Attorney Dear Smith counts .f:Re: Validity or an eleo- Hereford, Texas - tion to~consolidate conmon school dis- tricts with a county line independent school diatriot. Dear Mr. Gilliland: In your letter or May 10, 1947; you-shave requested an opi,nion Zrom this office relative to the above subject. The fact situation; as presented in your request; is briefly as,follows. There are sought to be combined into a Rural High School District six small school districts and a County Line Independent School District. -None of the Districts has a schol- astic population of as much as 250. The combined area of the seven Districts is in excess of' 100 square miles. ,,The districts are contiguous to each other. The lar~gerportion or the County Line IndependentSchcol District~is located in the same county with the others six small Districts, and the county in which~ this ~larg- er portion is located has exercised the administrative control of all of this district for many years past. The County School Board of Trustees of the county in which the six Districts, as well as the lerg- er portion of the County Line District, are located,' called an election pursuant to Article 2922c, V.C.S., to determine whether these several Districts should be grouped to createf.a Rural High School District. The large majority of;the votes were castin ravor of the creation of the District and the County School Board accordingly entered its order. Subsequent to the el- ection, the County School Board of Trustees of the county in which the smaller part of the County Line In- dependent School District was located also entered en order acquiescing in the election and the result there- of is'the creation of a Rural Righ School District. -- Hon. Carl Gilliland - Page 2 (V-295) Under these facts, you have asked whether it was necessary for the County School Board of Trus- tees of both counties to enter their joint order call- ing the election; or whether the action of the County School Board of Trustees in ratifying and consenting to the election after it had been held was a substan- tial compliance with Article 29226. Regarding the first part or thee question presented, it has been previously held by this Depart- ment that the consent of each County Board of School Trustees was necessary to the holding of an election to group or annex a District such as the one here ih- volved in the creation of a Rural High School District (Opinion No. O-1574; dated June 11, 19401, and it is clear that at the outset it was necessary ror the Coun- ty Boards of both counties to entier their joint order calling the election. It is also settled (County School Trustees of Lubbock County vs. Harral County ,Line Independent School District, 95 5~. W. (26) 2041, that substantial compliance with Article 29226, V.C.S., is insufficieat , and that the terms or the statute must be followed as they are~written. However, it is not’ here necessary to discuss or determine whether the subsequent action of- the county including the smaller part of the County Line District was sufricient to .cure the initial failure of both County Boards in not entering their joint order for the election. On March 20, 1947, House Bill Ro. 48, Acts 50th Legislature, Regular Session 1947, became effect- ive. This Act validates prior acCions of School Boards in the creation, consolidation and administration of virtually every kind of school district. In Section 1 thereof, it is provided that Rural High school Districts theretofore established an recognized by either State or county authorities as SC$ 001 Districts are validated in all respects as though they had been duly’and legally established in the rirst instance. Asauming,~ then, that the ‘Rural High School District involved in your request was established in the manner described prior to the en- actment of House Bill Wo. 48, and that both County Boasds of School Trustees recognized it as a validly created Rural High School District, the failure or the two coun- ty Boards to enter a joint order calling the election is cured by the new legislation. Weaver v. ‘Board of Trus- tees or Wilson I. US. D., 184 5.’ W. (2d) 864; Trio 1.S.D. v. sabinal I.&D., 192 9. W. (26) 899; Worth C.S.D. v. Live Oak County Board, 199 5. W. (2d) 764. It follows r Eon. Carl Gilliland - Page 3 (V-295) that the Rural High School Distriot involved In your request may properly be held to be a validly exist- ing Rural High School District. SUMMARY Under the facts presented, assuming that the Rural High School District was established in the manner described prior to the enactment of HouseBill 48, Acts or.the 50th Legislature, 1947, onMarch 20, 1947, and that both County Boards of School Trustees recognized It as a valid- ly, created Rural High.School District, the failure of the two County Boards to enter a joint order calling ah election. fok the establishment or the high school' district is cured by the 1947 legislations cited and the ddstrict involved may proper- ly be held to be a validly existing Rural High School District. Very truly yours, ATTORRRVGRRRRALOFTEXAS ackson Littleton ATTORNEYGRRERAL