R-512 OFl?ICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTSTIN. TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL June 4, 1947 Honorable Tom Mart in, Chairmen, Came and Fisheries Committee, House of Representat lve s, Austin, Texas . Opinion No. v-237 Re : Constitutionality of H. B. 309 amend- ing Article 48Oa, Penal Code 1925. Deer Sir: You request the opinion of this department upon the constitutionality of House Bill Ho. 309 of the 50th Legislature, a copy of which Bill accompanies your request. The Title to th’e Bill Is es follows: “An Act amending Article 480e, Penal Code, 1925, to make it the duty of the Came, Fish and Oyster Commission to enforce the provisions thereof; providing for remission of fines and penalt les collected thereunder end deposit there- of; repealing conflicting laws end declaring en emergency. There is no Article 48Ce Penal Code 1925. Arti- cle 480e of the Penal Code as codified in Vernon’s Texas Statutes is the Article to be amended. This is made clear in Section 1 of the body of the Act which ldentif ies the Article with House Bill 29, Second Called Session, 4lst Legislature, ch. 3, p. 4. The Title should be emended so es to emend Hmse Bill 29, Chapter 3, Second Celled Session hlst Legislature rather then ‘Article 480e Penal Code 1925.” Section 1 of the body of the Bill should be e- mended to correspond with the Title es to the statute being emended. ‘ . fP ’ ,(-.\ ._, Hoaoreble Tom Martin - phge 2 With the changes above suggested, the Bill, if enacted Into law, would be valid es egalnst any constltu- tlonal objection. SUMMARY House Bill No. 309 of the 50th Lsgisle- ture is defective in that the Title purports to emend "Article 48Oe, Penal Code 1925," end there is no such Article in the Penal Code of 1925. The Title should be re-written to emend House Bill 29, Chapter 3, Second Celled Ses- sion &lst Iegisleture, end Section 1 of the body of the Bill changed accordingly. With the changes suggested the Bill would be free from constitutional vice. Yours very truly ATTORNEY(SNERAL OF TEXkS By &Jr Ocie Speer Ad%9 03:WB Assistant