R-477 HE NE GENE EXA!F3 AUSTIN 11. TEKas PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL May 20, 1847 Hon. J. F. Ward, Chaixman, Opinion No. V-211 Contingent Expense Committee, House of Representatives,, Re: The legality of Austin, Texas payment, during .’ the interim, for newspaper sub- scriptions ior members of the House. of Repre- sentatives from the House Con- tingent Expense Aooount . Dear Sir: Tour request for an opinion upon the above aubjeot matter is as follows: “Please give the Contingent Expense Committee of the House of Representatives an opinion as to whether or not it is per- mlssible for .the Contingeht lkpenee Ao-. oount to stand the expense of a member*s ‘newspaper subscription Wring the interim. Several House members have mde such a re- quest and as I can find no p’reaeaent ooa- cerning suoh a request, I would appreciate I .,‘,anopinion from your offioe as final auth- .,,.:;;‘,.-,ority .* I ...,..‘),”,,’ You are respeotfully s.dviseQ’ that it is not ~-S&h1 ‘to pay from the Contingent Expense AGoount of the Lkgislatuke the expense of a-member,*a newspaper sub- s&ption during the’~interim. .,...,,~’ :’ Such expense,oould not be oonstrued to be for $$u’tjilc’purpose with respect to any duty imposed by law upon: #e” member. I~ There are, of course, certain interim eapensee of members permissible to be paid, where they are aoting ,in ‘andnterlm committee capacity for some lawful leglsla- tive purpose, but the case put by you does not fall wlth- in that class,of claims. Hon. J. F. Ward, page 2 (V-211) A member's expense for newspaper sub- scription dud43 the Legislative interim IBay not be paid from the Contingent Expense Ao- count of the Legislature. Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGENERAL OF?EXAS 0S:wb APPROVED MAY20 1947