PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL BCJU.Charles D. Bates, Jr., Opiaion No. V-195 Couuty Attorney LaSalle County Re: Whether or not m bomdr- Cot Lila, Texas nwin on a Wotrry Public’s offiafal ‘bond my obtain a summery releese rm liability thereon. Your requ6st to this Departaeht ior au spinion upon the above Isubjsat matter presemts the rollowily quombioas: *1, Is it possible for such bowa- Ina t,o be relieved 0r further li8billfy oa Me bond? CleaS seklng meat dtEBnnamea be reuavaa rlws t&e Retary lbnd suiri6lont to Irlieve such bondsam of further liability? After such written not&e has I been ;if;eh to the County Clerk, is say rtu- tber aat aomsoar~ 0~ the .part or smh mare- ties in order to relieve then er rarther lia- , brauty on tfn bQarn(t? “6. Arttr su,ah written aotlce has beeu #lrul tc the Csunty Clerk by rtmh boadamn, is say hrrther, aat necemary en the part, or ouah CaYpty Chik to relieve suoh bondsmen rm- rwther liability on suoh bead? “8. If such bondsmen are released fro, their baud, and uutil a new bond is executed, retold such Wotary Public be duly qualified to aot as such? “6. In the event the County Clark should d.etenine that the bend of the l@t&ry Public Is no lolager a good bond, by rea``im . Hon. Chsrles D. Bates, Jr., Page 2; V-195 of the sureties having asked pewission to withdrew their mmes from same, could a new bond be substituted by the Natary Public in lieu of the old bond, or would it be uaces- sary to make a new applioation and qualify aaew es a mtary Public? R7. Dee8 the Caunty Clerk have any disoretien fa passing upon the qualiricatiens of a Mtaxy Pab,lic applicant, other than te deteCs&ne fl) a +&eatt km applicant is at lmat 21 years er age, aad (2)) that he Is a resf- dent of the Couutg? “86 In the event a person, who is draw- ing lOC$ disability pay from the Govemaent a8 a mental ,eare, mpplisil fcvr a Ilatary Public? ap- pointiw~, ir Bt manaetery`` t&kt thv.Cawdy Clerk aeaapt such application and oertif’y his elig,ibllit.y to the Sesretayy of State? (Such person huvi newer beeu declax+d &&Skne by aourt a0iiian “3”o "91 Cam ,the appclntment of a Botary Public be pretest.ed te the SecretaTy of St*to, whereby that orricial. say reruae to isstm t410 Coaaission as a Notary Public? “10, Under the pmment l&i*, am there euy liritativss or restriotions against a per- @on b,eotin a NetaxV Public other than the agesnd res f’,deaee raqulxemente? Ii so, with w&t officer doe8 the authority rest to apply suoh limitatioas or reetrictiohs, the County Clerk or the Secretary oi State?* Article 5949 ef the Revised Civil Statutes 6c Texss as the same has been amended constitutes then whole Or the statutory law geverning Rotaries Publlo in this State. S,luce yaur questions are narerbus and aotapre- heusive in the&r sompe, we quote the Artiole. *l, Tke Secretary of State of the State of Texas shall appoint a convenient number of Notaries P,ublia for eaah eouuty of the State, Such appaintnents ay be nade at any time, and the terms of all appeiataents ntdlde shall end On Hon.'Cbarles D. Bates, Jr., Page 3, V-195 the first day or June of eaah odd aumbered yemr. A&am;n;e% Acts 1945, 49th Lega S p* 39%, oh. , * . . : . .’ . .. :,:.. ., . . ..F . I Eon. Charles D. .Dates, Jr., Page 4, V-195 "4e At the time of such qualif%~cation the County Clerk shall collect the fees allewed him by law for administering the oath and %a- proving and filing the bon% of suah INary Pub- lic, together with the fee allowed by iaw to the Secretary of State for issuing a commission to such Notary Publfa, ymasadiately after the qnaliihJ.eatioh of anTsuch, Notary Publio the, County OleFk ‘shall fOrthwith notify the Secretary of State that such person has qualified and the date Oi s~ueb qualification, end shall remit with such no,tice the fee due the Ssoretary of State, whereupon, the Secretary of State shall oause a. commlssi0n to be issued to each such qualified Notary Pub- 110, which commission shall be effective as of the date of quallirioation, All such aonuaissi~na shall be forwarded to the Gounty Clerk for de- livery to suuh persons entitled to receive them, EDotbinS haMin shell prevent any qua~lifisd Notary rubliic, from pkrfonaing the duties 4r his 4rri0e fr0m an% afte~r his qualifictation and-be&W@ the receipt of his aommisaion. “13. My qttallfied 19&ary Publio, wlmas@ term is srpirif~& may be rb-appointed by t&r Sew r&ary of State without the necessity of the &&ty Clerk reesubmittiina, his nmmato the Saorh- *a,ry of State, providaa suoh appoia&manQ ir made ia sufficient time for srroh Notary Public to re- qm2ify on the a3pbati0n date of the term rbr :’ rhidh he Is them serving; an% previded fur- ther, that ir any such Notary has remove& hi8 reai%ence to a aountg othtr WWI the aa@ f?er which he was appainted, his office shall be aatanatioally va0ate%, and if ha desire8 to act as Retary Publio in suoh other aounty his ~txnmismiotl shall be surrendered to the &ore- tary of State and his n6ma shall be subm$t;teU. by the Clerk of such other county as heregn- abmve provide% o Jo _ “9, Any person app9inted a $Wary Pub- ’ lid, bsfer& #5%& upem his afFief*l aw48, shall exee,@te a bon?I in the sum of OEa+Fhouead ()l,OOO,OO] Dollara with two or mere sabtW indlvPduals, 0r one solvent surety eomp&&ya&h; orizcd to do busfness in this states as aarety, fFsn. Olmrrlar D, Batea, Jr., Page 5, V-L95 such bond ba? I pSW6& by the Omtnty Clerk of to Me aouaty, my& ee to the Owemar, end con-‘`` dltfomd # t# f8Lthful pcrfonkanae of the drttsr 0r bi*.- 1 *M ikIN1 also take and *ubeYi#~ui b w Stil m&h ol offica which shall be ODilW%Od06 aeld Wad with the aellti- tltwte ar t,hr 0ma 81 lministering the mm. W&d @D&t?e&W W 4Opfa8l$ed In the offlae of tha OCuSty Clad Mld shell not be void on the tlret Yecwery, and luy be sued on in the nme a!’ fha party lajured ima time to time until the whale Bammt tbexeot has been ~raaorered. Ailg aimit person shall be daemed to be qualified r&an hr hes token the ofricm oath of orflee, rap-’ lt&Wd thl bond and paia the fees herein pro- vidd for, all within the ten (10) days allewad thw6tar. “8. XT any Qbuntp Clerk fails or refm W fr$msrd the maurn ol pewons requestfug ap- pairtaeabn, QOticss af qaalificotion, or to re- atit my Irob due to the Waretam of State, or ,. 1. to a o tir nlppll~rrt et h is a y appetatneot with - $13 tirty ($0 3 days rrter receipt ar mm by the *: .i ,::. ., . , .’ C6tbty C!lcr* t&m 5)ooratam nf State shall wr- . I~ tb imeh f&am or nTuar1 to the 37m4e Comp- T lsr, U, W&y t26 Auditor ud daarlssisnaru oo+IL ai su6k 4enmty, after w&&oh na ol*ir rf SrwP dteik shell be . Or nW66H iI6 rWW 6-4 w p&l pa051 the &4crete ar BWte elm11 sertlty k ctueh aiticia 2 8 that all raquflUsrrta h-or hare bum COI- gIllad with. “9. AAl &ttnZ6 pmrtaintagCa the ap- iatmat udl eae&Pt&gatha Of Notarias Wb- Fto )*blita u6OQml la the officss of tL, C6wrt.y CItea ata in tit6 affioe of the Sacrstary 0r Stnta *rter any such No,tary mb- 110 ima qualiPW& ati sM11 be apen to in- rpeatian ef am$ lDt4lwstsd person at suoh reasonable times *aa In such mannkr a9 till nst lnterrere wi$h the lfiairs or orfiaa or tha custodian of such reoerds; but asfther a County Clerk nor the Secretary af State shall be required to furnish Lists ai the hams ai persena appoirtsd berare their qu8liri0atfaa gor lists of unreasraable nusnbera at quali- ried I?@taifes ?w;lic o As amended Acts 1959, mm0 amrm b. Batee, fs., Page 6, f-195 .l. The statute nowhere pnscribse a&y method by whloh a surety execwtiag B Elotary P6%blic)‘a bond may be swamrll~r FelUMed of FostheP Liabilitys If %+a#bond were :, .n o#IpIo* len oh&&atI.mi of mzvt~8hfp effecting only fn- dSx4dWis, the maCte#? @f s,mh a Ml;ease ooald to doubt ba efbatrd through t&e mutual agreement et all parties ae~e~@~z~dthere&n. If& suoh is not the casai here, seeing that the bond is a sta*u%e bwd papsble to tha Oorer- mu, 9wdsion~a ror We Wr ,thf& performance of the du- tiib# Of the Botarf’s offfee, The GOvernOF, ia his capac- 1%~ 6@ payee, is of course the fiduciary ~of the State, ,.a&3 Here ie no provision of law authorlzihg .hin in such mpmefty iw ~J1.emee suah surety, Moreover, silo0 t&e ob- l$gW&lan of the surety i6 10 essence one to the Btate, tw ]t@i$8h%k~ itmif WOtid a~ppeM e.0 hr?S RO t~t&Titr ‘to sW&aau &Y tie awfd~e S method of releasing aus* ebl4~ gaawks 4-a. Lt. XX& 6,ee. 56). BS tllir aa It may, ita m&k84 ie yw,aPB;baff by’ lm for such a releulle. wS%a'*he cam@yatask la mae c,B6iemmeIII8~ ry, the age%t 8udeT the #talllutes for the end therelam purpose of expedktingappai-*mqa*sor &taries Publio by the si3mretaFy or state, nevertheless ,hs ia gfren no au- th@rity, whatever in Tsspeot to the mntter of releasiq me bcwsman whose suzxmfyahip has been duly consummated ia ae~o~ordance al th tile law, It is a familiar principle or &au br oM t& no&d ef o,itation of authorities, that pub- lia 6a3 farars have oaLr tlaose powers confer&ed upea them by 1-0 la IWTIF~# cpl bfbieial Bonds (an older text9 1666) p. 535, sea. 776, it is said: *In the abremm Of a statutery pro- ‘~ vision to that ePi%Wis a surety cannot pn- ‘w ,fhis release by @rfag notioe to the “@b&k@%l rP the bond9 of his desire and ia- tention to terminate his liability,* In that modern compendfur Amcrioaa Jurisprud- 01104, .Vol, 5Qs pO &Fib, SaOO 37, it is said: ln ths aMmBoeor centmqt or +#hoorflarqyi 8 surety l&Q 3.4 . . . Hoh. Charles D. Bates, Jr., Page 8, V-195 9q ‘Betaries Public are pubIic offioers of the 8tete, aad aa s,uoh, the matter of fitnsaa, for suoh offioe is e&m ef publia eonoarn from ahlah it follows t&t say &~ezlaa;ll itierbated my I%k,e ~H?~OQJ~ to the Sca- reta* of State age&nit the appointment. 100 Your question is very broad indeed, and our amwer is necessarily general. There 1s~ an Implied limitation embodied in the first sentence of Article 5949 which authorizes the Secretary of State to appoint ti caWsnSe,nt~ number” of Notaries Publio for each aounty im the $tet;s* lieurarily, it is implicit in’ this lan- guage that the @Wbdl$tWy af State may det,ermina what is a *&RMBanient numbaP of Notaries Public for any partic- ular county. If wouLd not be his, duty to appoint more tban such determined conveniant number. In the next place, if the applicant should be known to the Secretary of State to be ment,ally inaapable of perfonaing the duties of the office, or if he s,hould~ be known to the Secretary of State as one having bsa:n convicted ef a e&a&e which under the Law would han.e mad.0 it the duty of the trial oourt to him f&m any public offioa, held by him at the time, we think it certahnLy Uo~ulBbe the moral, if not the legal duty of the Seeret,ary of State to refuse to make the appointman%,. We think it is a wholesome impli- catien oh la,w that the pswer fn one to appoint a person to pub&$c offiae implies that he shoold not appoint any person who ia legally inelilri$ble or, what is perhaps the smut3 t&h& r6Ictua1ag p&la or inaofapetant to die- ,oharga the duties of the offlee. rfhe~se i,s no tiuthority for a bandsman of a Netary Public to obtain a s&m&erg release irom furthex liabilkty en au& bend. A oelypty ale& haa mmdiaoretien in raeelwinS and for- warding applica,tion fb’r notam appointment $b the S:ec,retary ef S&t&,,: b;ut he may and should advise the Seoret8ry ef any disquallfioatib of the appl,ioant which would render aenfse as a public efficer unlawful or impossible. The Seerebary of Sta*s could refuse appointment an- der ceFtiain conditions o ArtU5949,aa amended,V.C,S. Yours very tru1y, ATTOm OEIWtAL ‘F 9’lRAS *’ %pe& I (BS:WB:jrb Assistant