DocketNumber: V-190
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
,~-328 Boni T. J. &owe, w. D. Oplnlon lo. V-190 SecriAary Texas State Board of Re.: Authority of Board Medlcai ExamInera of Mediosl Examiners 918-20 Texas Bank Bullding to llmlt number of Dallas 2, Texas examlnatlons after faflures. Dear Dr. Crowe: Your reoent request for an opinion of this De- partment la substantially aa follows.: mether the Board has authority to limit the number of times an applicant may reappear for exemlnatlon after numerous failures." Article 4501 of Vernon's Civil Statutes pro- vlde8: "All applicant8 for license to prac- tice medicine In this State not otherwise licensed under the provisions of law must successfully pass sn examination by the Board of Medlbal Examinera. The Board Is authorized to adopt and enforoe rules OP procedure not Inconsistent with the statu- tory requirements. 0 . e "If any applicant, because of failure to pass the required examination, shall be refused a license, be or she, at such time as the Board of Medical Examiners may fix, shall be permitted to take a subsequent ex- amination, upon such subjects required In the orlglual examination a8 the Board may prescribe, upon the yment of such part of Twenty-five Dollars r $25) a8 the Board may determine and state. In the event satis- factory grade8 shall be made in the subjects prescribed and taken on such re-examlnation, the Board mcrygrant to the applicant a ll- cease to practice medlclne." . . _, Hon. T. J. Crowe - Page 2 v-190 Article 4505 of Vernoa'5 Civil Statute5 vldes 85 followr: “The State Board gf M~dp8~t&aminers may refuse to admit 8e on 0 8 exa81n&- Mona, and to issue license to praotloe med- icine to 8ay person, for atiy of the follow- ing reason5: "(1) The presentation to the Board of any llcease, certificate, or diploma, which w8a Illegally or fraudulently obtcrlned,or when fraud or deception ha8 been practiced in paselng the examination. "(2) Convlctioh of a,mime of the grade of a felony, or one which Involves moral tur- pitude, or procuring OP aiding or abetting the procurlng of a criminal abortion. “(3) Habits OS tntemperanee, or drug addiction, calculated, in the oplnloa of the Board, to endanger the lives of patients. "(4) Grossly unprofesslonsl or dlshon- orable conduct, or a character which In the opinion of the Board is llkdly to deceive or defraud the publle. “(5) The violation, or attempted vlo- lation, direct or Indirect, of any of the provisions of this Act, either a8 a prlncl- pal, acceesory, or accomplfce. "(6) The use of any advertising atate- ment of a character tending to mislead or deceive the public. "(7) Advertising profe55lonal superl- orlty, or the performance of proie55lon5l 5enloe In a superior manner. “(8) The purchase, aale, bapter, or use, or any offer to purchase, sell, barter, or u8e, any realoal degree, llcen8e, certlf- lcate, diploma, or transcript oh license, certificate, or dlplosm, In or laolaeat to an appllaatlon to the Board of Media&l lcx- miners for lleease to practice medicine. Eon. T. J. Crowe - Page 3 v-190 "(9) Altering; with fraudulent latent, any medical license, @ePtlflcate, dlploms, or transcript of medical license, certlfl- cate, or diploma. "(10) The use of any'medloal llcease, certificate, diploma, or transcript of any such medical license, certificate, OF dlplo- ma, which had been fraudulently purchased, Issued, counterfeited, or materially al- tered. "(11) The l8qmrsonatlon of, or acting as proxy for, another ltiany examination re- quired by this Act for a medical license. "(12) The impersonation of a llceased practitioner, or permitting, or allowing, another to use his license, or certlf'loate to prectlce medicine in thla State, for the purpose of treating, or offering to treat, sick, Injured, or afflloted human beings. "(13) Ruploylng, directly or ladl&ot- ly, any person whose lloense to practice med- icine lx35 been suspended, or essoclatlon in the practice of medicine with any person or persons whose license to practice medicine has been suspended, or any person who has been ooavloted of the unlawful practice of medicine In Texas or elsewhere. "Aay applicant who may be refused ad- mittance to examination shall have his right to beve such issue tried in the District Court of the oountp In whloh he resides or In which any Board member resides. All or- ders of the Board rhall be prlma faole val- ia. It (Underscoring oum) An examination of the 8bove Statute5 Feflects the fact that although the Boa& Is authorized to adopt and enforce rules OS procedure, thsy mei$ not promulgate any Nle lnconai5tent with the StatutOP requirement5 for adml65lon to examination. Articlet505, supra
, does not contain any proviso that an applicant shall be re- fused a subsequent examlnatfon because of previous fail- ures, but on the contrary, we find an express authority In Artlble4501, supra
, allowing an applicant the right Hon. T. J. Crove - Psge 4 v-190 to a subsequeat eiamln8&loa In the event of failure. It IS'belleved that this provision should be llber- ally coastrued to afford anapplicant the privilege of subsequent examinations upon the payment of the statutory fee. Ia the case of Maryland Casualty Co. v. Smith, 40 S:W. (26) 913, Judge Vaughan, speaking for the Court, statea: 11 . . . but 50 muah cannot be 58fa psr- haps In reference to the application of the virtues that lie wfthln that beneficent rule in re the Interpretation and appllca- tloa of the provisions of said statute. We are of the opinion that the term 'liberal construction9 means to give the language of a statutory provision, freely and con- 5ciou5ly, Its commonly, generally accepted meanitg, to the end that the moat compre- hensive application thereof may be accord- ed, without doing vlolenee to any of Its term5." In the absence of a llmltation upon the num- ber of times 8n applicant may take such examinations, and the further fact that the Board la not authorized to adopt rules Inconsistent with the statutory requlre- meats, the Board may not limit the number of examlna- .tions. We have been unable to find any Texas cases re- lating to the subject. In 8'WaShi ton case (Medcraf vs. Dept. of Licenses,221 P. 61
.3 Y the Court stated in'effect that IS the Leglrlature hai intended to al- low a person to make another application after two ftiillures, it could 8nd doubtless would have said 50. But In that case 8 definite time limit was prescribed. In applying the rule of the Meacraf case to the Texas statutes, It Is believed that It may be distinguished oa the ground that the Legislature of Texas has seen Sit to enumerate those reasons t0 exclude 8 perSOn from examlnatlons (Art. 4505). Numerous failures Is aot listed as a reason to limit the number of examlna- tlons to an applicant. Therefore, as the law IS now written, It Is the oplnfon of this Department that the Board of Medical Examiners may not limit the number of times an applicant may resppear for examination after numerous failures. Slnoe enactment of the provlalons under dls- cusslon In 1907, the State Board of Medical Examiners Hon. T. J. Crove - Page 5 v-190 has tollowea the practice of allowing rubsequentexam- iwtiOn5 after f8ih1~58, and it 15 the OpiUiOa Of this Department that such a oonatrmctlonplaoed upoa the statutes 15 reasonableana sound. Slnoe th8 statute 15 Indefinite85 to the number of examinationsand there Is no Texas authority to the contrary, the clepartment- al constructiona5 to re~examinatlonsshould be fol- loved. This rule vas aniiounceala the case OS Texas BD loyers Insurance Assoalatloa v. Bolmee (Sup. ct.) 19% 9. W. 26 390, vhereln Jtutlce Sharp, speaklllg~for the COwt, stated 85 fOllOW5: "If a statute Is amblguotu and suscep- tible of more than one coastructloa,there are certain well settled ruler which govern Its ooa5tructlon: "First, the practical laterpr8~tatlonO? the Act by the agenoy charged with the duty of admlnlsterlngIt 15 entitled to the hlgh- eat respect from the Courts. Aad thl8 18 e5peclally 50 when that Interpretationha8 been long coatlnued and unlfoI%I." Pursuant tb the provision8 of Articles 4501 and 4505, Vernon'5 Civil Statutes, the State Board of Hedlcal Examiners awaynot lw- it the number of tlme8 an applicant for Ii- oenae may reappear Sor examlnatlonafter au- merous failures. Yours very truly APPROVED: ATTORRRY GBRBRAL OF TBlAS ATTORM%YGBRBRAL BW:djm:jt