R-346 YWEA``OKNEW GENERAL h OF TEXAS PRICE DANIEL .ATTOEl*EYGENERAL April 28, 1947 lion, E, V. Spence, Chlrman State Board of Water Engineers Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-169 Re: Issuknce of revenue bond6 by a Water control and improve- ment district and pledge of income of irrigation system in payment theraof, Dear Sir: Reference Is iaade to your letter of April 9, 1947, In which you state that a certain water control and improvsaent district was creafed in 1941 under the authorS- ty of &ticlee 7880-l to 7880487, VemQnJl airi StatUter, and that the order creating the d$ntrlct inaluded the broad powers mentioned~ in Art&lee; ff88O-3 ‘and 788C-3a. These two statutes include ar~ong others the powers to establish and operate an irrigation’system and to eetablleh and OPCrate a water and sewer system. You state that $,n 1946 the district issued bonds under the authority of method 2 of Articte 7@8C-%a, which bonds are secured by a pledw;f the Bet revmue of the water and qewer ,syetti. The proceedings authorizing these bonds were approved by the Board of Water Rngineers and the Attorney General and reg;lstered,by the Comptroller of Public Acoounts. ,, We quote.the followIn@ from your Setter: : I, e y t The proceedings’ authorixlnS the issu- ance of saidibonde provided therein that *while any of the bonds are outstand the district shall not issue any addItiona 9 ends payable fraar the reveques of the System,unless the 1160 of suoh addit?iQnr;C ,IPoBgsQn the fetenuee Ot the system Is made junior and subordinate In all rew spects to the U.en of the bonds authorized in this ret901utl,onr ’ ., Boor. E, V. Spence - Page 2 - v-169 “The district has requested this Board to advise lt whether or not additional -bonds can be issued by the dlatrict for the purpose of making improvements to the Irrigation system within the dlstrlct, whiah the district proposes to take over and operate, and making extensions and Improvements to the water end sewer system now under construction within the district, and to pledge the net revenues derived from the operation of the irri- gation system to the payment of such ,additlonal bonds. “Inasmuch as Article ‘@80-139 provides that this Board must approve the issuance of bonds by any water control and improve- ment district before the same can be issued, we reapeatfnlly request you to advise us whether or not the term *net revenues* as used in Article 7880~gOa lssuffioiently broad to include revenues derlved from the, operation of an irrigation system, and whether or not such revenues may be pledged to the payment of revenue bonds lssued for the purposes above stated,” We have not deemed it necessary to re-examine the’above-mentioned bond record, for we are of the opinion that the statute itself (Article 7880-goa] gives us the answer to your question, This statute was added to the water control and improvement dlstrlct statutea by Senate Bill Ho. 29, enacted by the Forty-third LeglsPature at its Third Called Session (Acts 1934, 43rd Leg,, ch, 32, PO 56). Article 7880-90a (Sec. I, S, EL No, 29) pro- videa in part as follower “This section shall apply only to such water control and improvement diutrlcts &B have adopted (or hereafter my adopt) a. plan for iaprovemimtr designed to fkrnlsh a .water eyetern, or a eeuer rystem, or a water end sewer system (either by conatructlon, or pur- chase, or purchase md construction) for service In arears, \uiban or ltiduetrfai in nature, but not incorporated wn4er the lam Hun, E, V. Spence - Page 3 - V-169 of Texas relatinx to the oreatlon of oitlea, and uhloh, dirtriots have, or rpeoii~o as0468r mente or benefits or taxation unon the basis of dollar8 p4r acre, brace III 1% vided in Seotlon 96 (next foregO$ii&), eleotlrely may proolde for the p8 of the rare In one 0r the tell-em- inf$ mannem, tow1‘9 : 1 - A# provided for by Section 90, next forb$olT; 2-by entering into eontraote or he Dledee -a8 P 3- by seauring the bonds-~ln both man: ners 1 and 2; and: The expression ‘net revenue’, as used herein, shall be understood to exclude any money derived from taxation, but to include all in- come or Increment which mav xrow out The use of the broad terms “net revenues from operations, ” “all other income or revenues,” and “net revenues of the district,” at first glance weuld indicate that any revenue6 of the district could be pledged toe the payment OS its bonds. However, we do not believe that this construction was the one intended by the Legislature. Moreover, it is our opinion that Article 7880-900 does not authorize the Issuance of revenue bonds for any purpose other than for a water and/or 8ewer system and th6t it Wea not authoriee the pled% or any revenue6 of the district other than those derived 3 ram its water and/or aerer aps- tea. Hon. E, V1 Spance - Page 4 - V-169 You ~111 notiae that part of the statute whlih provides that “net revenue” shall include “all inoome or Increment which may grow out of the owner- ship and operation of the Improvements or facilftfes produced by the use of the money for whloh such bonds 8re givmJ less ruah proportion of the dfetrlat~s revenue income ae pay be zreqxkred to provide fsr the administration, efftcient operation and adequate nWn- tenanaa of the dfsttifctla servfee faoflitleo,” St %a our opinion that this language alearly refers bask to the earlier Ianguage in the &zatute which reads “water ,ryatem, or a sewer system, or a water and sewer eF?item for service in areas, upban OP fnduatriag, 5.m Z;akGe, i . G” Sn the first place, the only purposes ,speel- fled in the statute are water and/or sewer purpoae& Xn the second place, the emergency clause of Senate BflS. Ilo, 29 alew%y shows that the Legf@faW%? h&d in rfrd omly water mad/or 8ewer purpssas, for said clause pso- vldes in part aa ioUowsn “The uthortnerss of this eeusftm of the Legfslaturep and, the fact that various uater control and 3,mprovemeet dfstr$cts cm- necessity to become I.ncoWpsroted as eft$es, coupPed with the fact that certaim @)f these distr%cta, while stherw%se approved, a$e - beinu denied Poane bu the Federal Bmphasfe added It le clear Srom the underscored %angm$e that %a Legis- intended that the statute authoWze the PI&&e of only the water and/or rwter revenues0 In the third lace it would not seem reasonable te rant a district of ? he type mentioned 18 Artlole &-9Oa the power to pledge any and alIZ of ffr revenue8 no matter the souroe and mat gruat the t#ams OP a rlmllar~ right to other dlrtrlotr, In the aase of Keel v, Pulte (Corn, App,), 10 S.W, (24) 694, the court stated as follower . - Hon. E. V. Spence - Page 5.. - V-169 “The power to lesue negotiable paper for public improvements, or for money borrowed for the purpose of acquiring such lmprovementrr lr a power which Is regarded as belng beyond the scope of power of the governing body of a city or a county unless it be specially granted* This extraordinary power, when granted, oan be exerclacd only in the mode and for the purpose@ specified In the grant. . . .’ Even though the bonds in question would be revenue bonds, we think that the principle announoed above 1s applicable, In view of the foregoing, you are advfsed that your question Is answered ln the negative. We wish to add that the aonolusions announced herein are consistent with those long followed by the Attor- ney Qeneral in the csxamlnatlon of bond records. Moreover, If bonds of the type inquired about were submitted for our examination, for the reasons stated such bond0 would be dle- approved, A water control distrlot has‘& author%- ty under Article 7880~90a to lssue.revenue bonds for the purpose of lmprovlng Its lrri- gatlon system and of making improvements and extensions to lta water and aewep system whlah bonda wotid be secured by a pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of lte irrigation system. Very truly yours ATTORNEY QENEFUL OF TEXAS A-4-a w w George W. Spark8 Assistant ,AP~P QWS:s:bt ATTOBHEfQ- OF TEXAS