ih,~; QFFICE OF R-SE4 TEE AIYTOIRNEY GENERAL A~STIN,TE~S Honorable aso. w. co*, Y. Ti., State Eealth Otffoer Taxer, Stats Doard of EIomlth ~wwll, %x(14 f"sair sir: OpiniolrNO. Y-155 Ii.: kliglbllltyof a mh2vhI edpplaa 0lllU f0r bQuoflt8 Under Artleh WOO, V.U.S. seof~on 2 or th6 law ;a au r0ii0w 0r age, whore pr~yulaalr-300tions 3r zmcnae0t.r an lapairstlby xaa@oo~\ of a leiat, bona, Or me010 thrm or dauormft~, to ths extant that the 0hlla 10 or say b6 exptmtsd to be totslly or partla1l.l iwep40lt~t6Q for aduoation or raurativ* OQQU tioa. To b8 o.U&ble for raabilltati0a acm 3"de War thlm Aat, t!?c? obild’r dlaabllity z&r&etbe auah that it i8 rsssoaablato arpwt that SUO~ ohild QBA be iOpm?Cd thmU@ hfmpl- talioatloa, aedioal OF surgiaal oare, artfflalel epjMaauos, or thrtqb a ooatblmtlon of these aenio44 .* Cbere tSpr statute 10 axprasset fA plain and ua- ~aablguops lna(``aqs, and it.8moenlae is clear and ob~loun, thma 16 IUITOOSITOT OOAStW0tiOA. Caddy ~8. Flmt Rational Bank of I306UmOnt, 2:83 :J. ~. 472; Zparks 08. State, 174 3. ty.SS; PIem*- ?ard 08 Of1 nssoeletion TB. Warner milling Co., 187 C&.516. The Iangts(r,c of 3cotion 2 is in plain, o.@er sad afmmblgobu term8 and do08 not croopt SCIZT:U~*ohlltrm* rra0 it8 prori8i0~ by PS8610R Of vrhiCh thfiTQ is ~3 XNXI rOC OOIBStrttati0ZL TbWfON, It lo the ophion or tua 0rri0e that married orippled poxmom trndr~ 21 ~62~3-60r~ep arc eugible r0r hrmmi 0r said ileotfon 2 ir thny Ora! at~eTwlao oLl.dbls. .izmMAal[ tai6mled aIlpp1si3 perso?Ja u&lor 21 ymI3-m OS gge am ollglbla for trm benofltr or Artlole If oth'wlse sllF;lble.Art. 44190, Youra tory tm17 AZQWT WUi!RAL OF TJZA3 \= (%c.aCb) @idT. -ftilliM~ Asslatant