,, ,, Aug~uv 11) ‘J%XAS PRICE DANlEL *T¶w,YNrV ..mcTzYil.,I. .’ April 22‘.J&7..;~, Honorable Ceo&‘D. $utlejj:’ ’ Life Insurance Comlssioner. .: and Chairman of the Beard of Insuranoe Commiesionere Texq _ ... . Opi&n'.Ns. V-L53 Austin :.JJ+,. * Be:. Whether new issues OS dapital : atook of certain oorporations . whtih have paid dividends on : all gw.r olde$r1sslaasOf, i. ste@ oaoli .year ror rive’ ‘years -.U;r ‘eligible.for imbatmant by- liir . *suranoi saapakio6 under :., ~aa$loa 3.0f Artiole :4?25,, V.C. W, pna related queatiena. . ., ._ Dear Sir: :;. : .. Your ~equet3t’ ,f& a&i& is as follo43: WPlease’advise ne whether under Set- tioti3. Artiole 4725~. a life i&4.rauce Corn- pmy tif invest in the newly .isaued oapital stock, IT reeenting either inoxoaaed oapltal or refundL3 or substitution of*outstanding stock, of a solvent oorporatlon, rqhlohhas not defaulted in the -payment of any of:.ita obli’gatlonsfor a period of,five years, and whioh has paid dividends on,all of its stock each year qor,five years or more, .exoept on the newly !&sued.stwk whloh ,jma not yet reached or passed its divid8ndpaylng purled, ,. “‘Pleaseadvise clewhether, Imae; ‘the f above.seotioti,a 1iPe iiastir’anoeooiapqy may, invest,in -any.of the capital stock of a sol- ’vent co&oration. whioh has,uot~, defaulted ifi the payment of any ‘of its.obligations for a period of five years and which has paid div- idends on oertaiu .alasaes .(suoh as preferred) of its stocrk-each y~ear. five years or mom .fo.v but has failed during one or more years with- in the last five years to pay dividends on certain other olaaees (such as oomuon stock). . Honorable George B. Butler - Page 2 V-153 If your answer should-be in the affirmative, we assume that the olasses of stock meeting the five year dividend payment requirement would be eligible and that olaseea of stock on which the corporation has defaulted in the payment of dividends within the five year period, would not be ellglble for llfe in- suranoe company investments. Please 00nrilln or oorrect us as to this." The rirst paragraph of Seotion.3 of Artiole 4725, V.C.S., with whleh you are o.onoerned,is as follows: "Any life insurano6 Company of the State, for the purpose of investing Its capital and surplus or eny part thereof, over and above the amount of Its reservee,*,maypurohaae and #. hold as oollateral security, or otherwlso, and sell and oonvey the capital &took, bonds, billa or exohange orother oommemlal notes~or bille and seauritles of anysdlaent'dividend paying corporation whioh has not.defaulted in the pay- ment of any of.5,ta'obligations~,for a pertod of rive (5) yeah, the o~urrentmarket value of .' whioh auoh stook, bonds, bills of exchange br other oommerofal notes~or~bl1l.sand eeouritiee shall be at all time@ during the oontinuanee or such 1oe.nat least IWty per oent (50%) more than the sum ,loanedthereon; provided that no such company shall loan or Invest in It8 o!?n stook, nor more than ten peroent (lO$) of the, amount 0r its qapital, surplus and oontlngent funds in the stook'or any.oorporation, and pro- vided further that no euoh company shall in- vest any of Its runQa in any stook 'onacoount or which the holders or ownera thereof may In any event, be, or beoome liable to any assess- ment exoept for ~taxea, nor .In the stook of``any *~j oil oompany or manuraoturlng oompany unless such oorporatlon has capltal~etook of not less than Five Million, ($5,OOO,OOO)~Dollars and un- less suoh oorporatlon has paid dividends for a period or five (5’) .yeare and has .not defaulted in the payment or any of ite-debts for a period or five (51 years." In 0 inion No, O-4295a rendered under a forms,r Attorney General, tii e phrase *divide& paying oorporationn was construed in oonneotion with investments by other than Honorable George B. Butler - Page 3 v-153 life insuxanoe ooinpanies,as that phrase is used in Ar- ticle 4706, .V&.S.. The language and objeot of Article 4706 arc similar itimost mter$al'respects to Article 4725, the main distinction insofar as pertinent to your present partioular question being that Artlole 4725, dealing with.llfe insurarme oompany investmenta, requires, in addition.'that certain coroorations shall have wid dividends for a period of five years. 1i1Cpinion'fio.O- 4295a, it was held that the prtioular type of stook in which an investment was to be made must be on a dividend paylqg basis. That oonolusion was rsached in answer to a question by your board whether'the dividend paying re- oord of the oorporatioushould be baaed upon the oommon or upon the preferred,'stook,or upon other types Of stook, or 'upona combination ~of.fesasthan all of the olasaes of atook outstanding. ;. Jollowing the priaoiples as stated in Opinion No. O-4295&, if the qew issue la ofa olans or type ~4th preferenoe on the'earnings of the corporation squal to or higher than a type or olass of stook that has the re- quired dlvidend.r86otid,and it has the othar~quallfica- tlons underthe statute, It is eligible ror investment. lVoreason appears why suoh a stock .lssue should not have the benerit or the~divldend paying reoord of the.oldez ieaues~of the same or a lower class.. Your rivet question ls~answered ti,the affirmative. As to your seooridquestion, following the rule as stated in Opinion l?o. O-4295a investment may be n&de in a class or type of stockmeeting the rive year dividend paying requirement, but investment may not be raada.'lua olass or type or stook upon whloh the corporation hae failed during one or more years ~withln the last'five year8 to pay dividenda. Under Seotion 3 of'Artiole 4725, V.C.S.., new stook issues of a type or olass with pre- ferenoe on the earnings 0r the oorporation e- qual to or higher than a type or olass of stook having the required dividend paying record; other quallrloations under the law existing, are eligible for investment by 11,feinsuranoe oompanies. Opinion~No. O-4295,. Honorable~George B. Butler - Page 4 V-153 Investment may be made under Swtion 3 of Artlole 4725, V.C.S., In a class or t of stock having the required dividend pacrng record, though investment may not be made In another olass or type of stook or the same corporation upon which suoh oorporation has failed to pay dividends during any one or more or the past rive years. Opinion No. O- 4295a. Toura very tnaly AlTORNEyGJmERAL OFT&S Ned &Daniel NNO/JhfO/~ Aaaistant