R-219 TEEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS PRICE DANIEL *TTORNEY GENERAL April 4, 1947 Hon. D. c. Greer opinion No. v-114 State Highway Engineer Texas Highway Department Re: Authority of the Highway Austin 26, Texas Department to pay medical aid and compensation to a Texas State Guard Officer, where no record of a med- ical examination is found in the files of the Adju- tant General. Dear Sir: Your request is based upon the following facts and related questions: We have a report of injury to a Texas State Guard orrioer, reported to have oaourred on Novem- ber 26, 1946. RAlthough the man olaims to have been examined after S. B. 135, 48th Legislature beoame eff’eOtive, no reoord or same can be found in the files of the Adjutant General. Aooording to Attorney General Opinion No. O-5355, dated July 1, 1943, we have no authority to Cover the injured. “In the oase of this particular guardsman it so happens that he did take an examination for oom- mission in. the Texas National Guard in August, 1946, and the record is on rile with the Adjutant General. “Do we have authority to pay medical aid and compensation to this injured man? Can we give any recognition to this examination which was given ror another organization?* The anewer to your first question is controlled by the provisions of Article 5891b of Vernon’s Civfl Stat- utes, which provides for compensation benerits ror mem-. bers of the Texas State Defense Guard and for the admln- istration of the act by the State Highway Department 0 Han, D. Ca Greer, Page 2 S V-114 From Seotion 2 of said Artfole, we quote: eWmaber* shall mean every person in the Texas Defense Gnard O Provided that no person shall be olassffied as a pmembers under this Aot mr be ell- gible to any compensation benefits under the tern and provisions of this Aot until he shall hats sub- mitted hfmselr first to a physical examination by a regularly licensed physician or surgeon, designated or aooeptsd by the Texas Defense Guard to make saeh an examination, and until as a result of such exam- ination, all physioal dereots existant at the time of the examination have been noted and recorded. Af- ter his separation, either by disohargee resignatfcn, or otherwise from the Texas Derense Guard, no person shall be olassified as a member under this Act or be entitled to any compensation benerits thereunder.” The injured offioer olafms to have submitted to the required examination, but no such reoerd is on rile with the Adjutant General. This gives rise to a strong presumption agafnat the otiloerPs olaim, but It does net bar recovery, fr s in’ fach, ths officer did sub- mit to the required examination0 I)efore aufhorizin@ the officer@8 elaim, the Offfoer should furnish go@ with adequate proof of the required phyrfoal examination ta- gether with the results thereof noted and noorded at the time of the er8minatlonQ Palling in this, the slaim should be denied,, beoause the oiflaer has net qa8lifie(, as a *member” as that term fe dailned fn the quoted stat- ute. The fact that the olafaunt took an examlnrtian ror a commission in the Texas Matfonal Guard in Augtmt, 1946, can be gfven no weight. Thare is no provision in the entire Act which expressly or im liedly permits an examination for s oommiseion in the i -exas IVational Guard ~to be a substitute ‘fore or in lieu of, the examination epeoifioally provide& for in Saotion 3, aubsrotlon 2,eu- pra, The Texas Defense Guard is entirely different and separate from the Texas Hatfonal Guard. This Is speolf- ioally provided for in Artiole SSQla, Sea. l(b), as fOl- lows : “Suoh foroes shall be a p8rt of the latlve militfa and a oomponent of the military forces of Texas and shall be addftfomal to and .distlnct from the Matlonal Guard and shall be knewa a8 the Texaa State Guard: * * ** Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 3, V-1.14 From the foregoing, it follows that the Texas State Guard Offloer is not elf,@ble for medical aid and compensation under the Texas State Guard Compensation Aat, unless adequate proof of the required physical exrmina- tion is made by the injured offioer to the Highway Depart- ment e 1, An injured State Guard Officer, who has no record of a physical examination on file with. the Adjutant General., is not entitled to medioal aid and compensation under Article 5391b V. C. 3, unless such offfoer furnishes adequate proof of the required physical examination, together with the results thereof noted and recorded at the time of the examination. 2. A physical examination for a commission in the Texas National Guards recorded in the files of the Adjutant General, does not qualfry an in- lured Texas State Guard Officer as a “member” en- titled to medical aid and compensation under Arti- ” ``~ cle 5891b, V. C. 9. Yours very truly ATTORNFJY GEhTERAL OF TEXAS Assistant APPROVED APR, 4, I.947 2i.u c2zhL.d ATTOIA’EYGENERAL CEC:rt: jrb