DocketNumber: V-90
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
R-141. EA OMNEY GENERAL TIJSXAS Mar. 19, 1947 Hon. Robert H. Long Opinion No. V-90 County Attorney Comanche County Re: The right of redemption of Comanche, Texas property sold under tax foreclosure sale underArt. 7345b, V.R.C.S. Dear Mr. Long: In your letters of February 13, 1947, and March 6, 1947, you present for the opinion of this department the following guae- tioas: “Whela *aal estate has b4aa seld at judicial sale aStir a suit hr ,deWhquemt15m.W Cow&y Wee, and oae claim+ an interest in the lend seeks to re,deem it WlWn two years from the purithaaer at the sal0, w&a* amount must the redeemer pay to tbs purchaser (a) within the first year (2) within the second year? . . . the suit for delinquent taxes was brought under Art. 73451, and involved beside tha State and County, a s&e01 district.” There ptsaently axiat various stat&es deaI@~ ait& @ae right & redemption by the tax hbtor or oUta% having an interest in t&e land forecle,sed upon, which faot~ has given rise to uncer- taiamy und cenfusrion as to the appropriate etamtes under which re- dempn ah&&l be allowed. In additien to Article 7345b, V.R.C.S., w&i& a&% we are here concerned, we mention Articles 7340, 7283, ,72M Mel 7284b. W,e aeselve much of &is confnsion by the simpb state- wl)dtdr&at s&me t&e enaMrm& of Art. 734Sb.b V.R.C.S., (Acts 45th, 1937, page 1494a, Ch. 506) the psevisions of this stat- ute gwem exclueivcly as to the mei&od OS redemption and the amount required to be paid, with the pessible exception of a suit where aaly one taxing unit, and no other, has a claim for delin- quest taxee,. This enceptien, bewevar, if it axists at all, need not requ&e aa. aaewdr hea%, for you present a ca8s where foreclosure was bed WA&T A&. 73~45b. Ssa. 12 OSA&. 7345b, V.R.G.S., previdas in part: . .’ ” Hon. Robert H. Long, Page 2 Opiaioa No. v-90 whenever land is sold under judgment in II . . . such suit for taxes, the owner of such property, or anyone having an inte,rest therein, or their heirs, arnigns or legal representatives, may, within two (2) years from the date of such sala, have t&a right to redeem said property an @IS following basis, to- wit: (1) within the first year of the red,em@&n Len riod, upon the payment of the amount bid for tie propotty b the purahaasr at such sale, inch& One ($1.00 3 Dollar tax deeP recording fee and al 5’ Mxes, penalties, interest *Ed costs thereafter paid thereon, plus twenty-five per cent (25%) of the ag- gregate total; (2) within the last year of the redemp- tion period, upon the payment of the amount bid for the property by the purchaser at such sale, including a One ($1.00) Dollar tax deed recording fee and all taxes, penalties, interest and costs thereafter paid thereon, plus fifty per cent (50%) of the aggregate total.” We are supported in our conclusion by the case of El Paso v. Forti (Supreme Court), 181 S. W. (Zd) 579, from which we quwce a6 follows: “It is not necessary for us to decide in this case whether or not Article 7345b, Section 12, re- pealed and made wholly inoperative Article 7340 or any other article relating to redemption from tax ~areclosurer. It might be held in cases where only une taXIn unit is a party and no other taxing unit has a claim for delinquen: taxes that such articles are still in ef&jct, but that they do not operate in a caee brought under 7345b, but we do no? pass on that question. Article 7345b prescribes a method of r&emption in all cases brought under that arti- oIe under which, if one taxiag unit bids in the prop- erty, it takes 6ame as trustee for the o+d~er taxing units in whose favor judgment ran in the foreclo- sure suit. Until Article 7345b was enacted a suit like the instant one, in which all taxing units be- came parties, was unauthorized. Prior to its en- actment there were various statutes with reference to redemption. For example, these articles may be cite& Articles 1065, 72848 and 7340, Varnon’s Civ, St., each being applicable in t&e character of suit to which it related. Their provisions varied widely. It seems clear to us that when the Legis- lature enacted 7345b, whereby all taxing umtscauM ba jained in one sutt ad the Property bid in by one Hart. Robert H. Long, Page 3 Opinion No. V-90 such unit for the benefit of all, and prescribing the terms upon which same might be redeemed, it in- tended that those terms should govern in all cases of redemption in that character of suit regardless of wdw became the purchaser at the sale. The con- fusion which would result from a contrary holding in a case lfhe the instant one, is obvious. To deter- mine the amoolpt to be paid to the various units, if possible to do so, when under the statutes above cited different terms were prescribed would bring into play some highly involved computations. We cannotascribe to the Legislature the intent to cre- ate confusion when its evident purpose was simpli- fication and clarity.” The prerequisites to be followed in redeeming land sold under such foreclosure proceedings as comprehended in Art. 7345b are clearly stated in Sec. 12 of the Act quoted above and need not be restated. The terms of this statute prevail, regardless of wheth- er a private individual becomes the purchaser or one of the taxing units, as trustee for the benefit of all; and also regardless of wheth- er the redemption is by the owqer, his assignee, or by someone merely having an interest therein, their heirs or assigns or legal representatives. SUMMARY Sec. 12 of Art. 734513, V.R.C.~S., is exclusive as ta the method and terms of redemptron of property sold under tax foreclosure suits brought under Art. ‘7345b3, V.R.CS., and this regardless of whether a private individual becomes the purrEaser or one of the taxing units for the benefit of all. Yours very truly, ATTORN’EYGENElWLOFTEXAS LPL:AMMz sl Assistant. APPROVED MAR 18 1947 G?2L.A22 -LATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS